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1、陕旅版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit5 第1课时教学设计教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag。2. 能在实际生活中灵活运用以上词汇。教学准备教师准备:(1) Lets learn部分的教学卡片、雨衣图片及一些表示天气的图片。(2) Lets learn部分的音频。(3) 一个书包,书包里装有Lets learn部分所学词汇对应的实物。(4) Ask and answer部分的词汇卡片。教学方法建议I. 课程导入(Leading In)1. 课前热身 Par

2、t A Warming-up: Look and chooseT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. How is the weather today?S: Its sunny / cloudy / rainy.T: Great. Now please open your books and look at the exercise on Page 37.教师让学生观察每幅图片,通过问答引导学生说出图中所示的天气,并要求学生给图片选出相匹配的单词。以下问答仅供参考:T: Look at the first picture careful

3、ly. What can you see?Ss: Clouds and rain.T: Whats the weather like, then?Ss: Its rainy.参考答案:c, b, a, e, d .2. 新课导入 教师引导学生就天气话题继续讨论:T: What kind of weather do you like?Ss: I like.T: I like sunny days. On sunny days, the weather is fine. The sun is bright. But its very hot. Now, look! Im wearing my T-

4、shirt. Do you feel hot, S1?S1:II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)1. 新课展示Part A Lets learn1. 学习单词sunglasses(1) 教师戴上自己的太阳镜,与学生进行对话:T: Its a sunny day. I am wearing my sunglasses. Look! They are dark. I think I am very cool. But do I need to wear them in the classroom?Ss: No.T: I have had eyesight. I shou

5、ld wear glasses. I have a pair of glasses. What color are they?Ss: They are blue/ red.(2) 小调查:Who is wearing glasses?教师请学生就班里戴眼镜的同学进行调查,并请学生用长句子回答。表达意思最丰富的同学,有机会戴教师的太阳镜。T: Who is wearing glasses?S1: is wearing glasses.S2: is wearing a pair of green glasses.S3: is wearing a pair of cool red glasses.T

6、: Yes. They wear glasses. But they are not sunglasses. Sunglasses are usually dark.(3) 教师板书、学生分组读单词,教师注意纠正学生的错误读音。2. 学习词组rain boots教师出示雨天的图片,与学生进行对话:T: We can wear our sunglasses on a sunny day. Look. It is raining. What can we take with us?S: We can take our umbrellas.T: And we can wear our raincoa

7、ts.(教师出示雨衣图片) Sometimes, it rains cats and dogs(教师出示倾盆大雨图), and my shoes are wet. So I can wear my rain boots.(教师出示雨靴图片)教师板书、学生分组读词组,并注意boots中字母组合oo的读音。教学小贴士boots中字母组合oo读长音u:。在单词boots, school中都有字母组合oo,并且都读长音u:。3. 学习词汇school bag, wallet, scarf, gloves, warm jacket 教师出示所准备的书包,与学生进行对话:T: Look at this b

8、ag. Its my school bag. I have something in my school bag. Can you guess whats in it? (教师请一名学生摸包里的物品)What do I have?S1: You have a “钱包” and “手套” 。T: Well. I have a wallet and a pair of gloves. Where are they?Ss: They are in your school bag.教师请学生打开钱包,说出钱包中的物品。T: Open the wallet and tell me what you ca

9、n see in it?Ss: I can see some money.T: Yes. Winter is coming. We should wear our warm clothes. I will buy some new clothes for me with the money. Do you know what I will buy?T/Ss: A scarf, gloves and a warm jacket. (教师引导学生说出)教师逐一出示围巾、手套和棉夹克的图卡和词卡,板书并引导学生拼读生词。2. 巩固活动教师播放此部分的录音,让学生听录音跟读词汇,教师可在每个词汇后稍作

10、停顿,要求全班同学或随机抽取某个同学拼读出相应的词汇。III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1. Part B Ask and answer1. 教师出示此部分的衣物词汇卡片,学生认读单词。2. 教师出示不同天气的图标,让学生说出相应的单词,然后按天气状况让学生将衣物单词进行分类。3. 学生根据表格内容两人一组进行问答练习。如:S1: What do you wear on a snowy day?S2: I wear a scarf, a warm jacket and a pair of gloves on a snowy day.2. 记词大比拼 1. 快速记词:教师可先根据本单元这些词汇的特点,给学生介绍一些记词的技巧,如:在生词中找出已学过的单词,运用已知学习新知。在单词scarf, wallet, gloves, jacket中有学过的单词car, wall, love Jack,学生可以根据这些已知部分进行联想记忆,快速记住新单词。2. 教师请学生在规定时间内,记忆本课时所学的词汇。3. 教师将学生分组进行听写练习。


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