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1、Unit 3 Travel journal,主干回顾夯基础,【基础单词】 1_ n日记;杂志;定期刊期 2_v流动;流出n.流动;流量 3_n时间表;进度表v.为某事安排时间 4_adj.喜爱的,慈爱的,宠爱的 5_ n缺点,journal,flow,schedule,fond,shortcoming,6 _ n旅行;旅程 7 _ n海拔高度;高度 8 _ n谷;流域 9 _ v缓慢而行;踱步 10 _ n态度;看法 11 _v沸腾;水开 12 _ n保险 13 _ adj.可信赖的 14 _n风景;视野;观点;见解v.观看;注视;考虑,journey,altitude,valley,pace

2、,attitude,boil,insurance,reliable,view,【单词拓展】 1_n运送;运输 _adj.可运输的vt.运输;运送 _ n输送;交通工具;运输费 2_ v更喜欢 _ n偏爱,喜爱 3_ n不利条件;不便之处 _ (反义词)利益,优势,方便 4 _v说服;劝说 _ n说服;说服力 _ adj.有说服力的;能言善道的 5 _vi.毕业n.大学毕业生 _n 毕业,毕业典礼,transport,transportable,transportation,preference,prefer,disadvantage,advantage,persuade,persuasion,

3、graduate,persuasive,graduation,6_adv.最后;终于 _ adj.最后的 7 _adj.顽固的;固执的 _ adv.倔强地;顽固地 8 _ v组织;成立 _n组织;协会 9 _ v决定,下决心 _ n决心,判断力 _ adj.已下定决心的 10 _ v使弯曲;弯腰n.弯;拐角 _ 过去式 _ 过去分词 11 _ n& v预测;预报 _ 过去式 _ 过去分词,finally,final,stubborn,stubbornly,organize,organization,determine,determination,determined,bend,bent,ben

4、t,forecast,forecast,forecast,【语境填词】 用适当的词填空。 The _1_ often says _2_ on _3_.Since his _4_,he has turned many _5_ into _6_ for his being _7_ and even _8_.Its _9_ that he will make a carefully _10_ to a _11_ in a _12_.All his _13_ have been _14_ there ahead of _15_.,答案:1.journalist 2.altitude relies 3.

5、attitude 4.graduation 5disadvantages 6.advantages 7.determined 8.stubborn 9forecast 10.organized journey 11.temple 12.valley 13.parcels 14.transported 15.schedule,1_从那以后 2_喜爱;喜欢 3_关心;忧虑;惦念 4_改变主意 5_下决心;决定,ever since,be fond of,care about,change ones mind,make up ones mind,6_投降;屈服;让步 7_照常 8_在午夜 9_在海拔

6、高度 10_.决心干某事 11_.说服某人做/不做某事 12_使某人对感兴趣 13_醒着,give in,as usual,at midnight,at an altitude of,be determined to do sth,persuade sb.into/out of doing sth,get sb.interested in,stay awake,1Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she _the trip properly. 虽然她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽

7、善尽美。,insisted that she organize,2When I told her the air would be _and it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting experience. 当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历。 3_,nothing can change it. 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。 4A determined person always tries to finish the job, _. 有决心的人总是努力完成工作,而不管它有

8、多难。,hard to breathe,Once she has made up her mind,no matter how hard it is,在下列文段空缺处填入一个适当的词使句子连贯。 My name is Wang Kun.Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great_1_trip.Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.Af

9、ter graduating from college,I asked my sister,“Where are we going?” It was my sister who first had the idea to_2_along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it_3_.Now she is_4_our schedule for the trip.,I am fond of my sister but she has one serious_5_.She can be really stubborn.Alth

10、ough she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she_6_that she organize the trip properly.Now I know that the proper way is always her way.I kept_7_her,“When are we_8_and when are we coming back?” I asked her whether she had looked at a_9_yet.Of course she hadnt;my sister doesnt care about det

11、ails.,So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province.She gave me a_10_(worried,satisfied,determined,surprised)lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind.When I told her that our journey would begin at an_11_of more than 5,000 meters,she seemed to be excited about it.Whe

12、n I told her the_12_would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting experience.I know my sister well.Once she has made up her mind,nothing can_13_it.Finally,I had to give in.,Several months before our trip,Wang Wei and I went to the_14_.We found a large_15_with

13、 good maps that showed details of world geography.From the atlas we knew about the Mekong River. 答案:1.bike 2.cycle 3.ends 4.planning 5.shortcoming 6.insisted 7.asking 8.leaving 9.map 10.determined 11.altitude 12.air 13.change 14.library 15.atlas,核心探究 破疑难,prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物),(4)prefer that更

14、喜欢that从句中常用(should)动词原形 (5)in preference to优先于 have a preference for偏爱,喜爱 give preference to给以优惠;优待,(教材原句)Which kind of transport do you prefer to use:bus or train? 你更愿意用哪种交通工具:汽车还是火车? I prefer walking to cycling. 我愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车。 Im quite satisfied,and I prefer to rent such an apartment rather than b

15、uy one. 我非常满足,与其买房子我更愿意去租一套这样的房子。,【点津】 prefer本身表示“更喜欢”,不能与比较级连用。,学以致用 1用所给动词的适当形式填空 I prefer _(swim)to skating. She preferred that nobody _(come)to see her. I prefer _(stay) home rather than _(go)out on such a rainy day. My parents preferred me _(go) to college. 答案:swimming (should)come to stay;go t

16、o go,persuade vt.说服;劝说,(1)persuade sb.to do sth.persuade/talk sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事 persuade sb.not to do sth.persuade/talk sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不做某事 (2)persuade sb.of sth.使某人相信某事 persuade sb.that.使某人相信 (3)try to persuade sb.to do sth.advise sb.to do sth.尽力劝说某人做某事(但未必说服),(教材原句)Two years ago s

17、he bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. 两年前,她买了一辆昂贵的山地车,然后说服我也买了一辆。 (牛津P1482)It will be difficult to persuade them that there is no other choice. 很难让他们相信别无选择。 I tried to persuade him to give up drinking,but he wouldnt listen to me. 我试图说服他戒酒,但他不听。,【辨析】persuade/advis

18、e/convince,学以致用 2完成句子 不要被说服买你并不需要的东西。 Dont let yourself _ things you dont really want. 我们可能会发现要说服人们少开车多走路并不容易。 We may find it is not easy to _ less and walk more.,我们最终使本相信这个决定是明智的。 We finally _ Ben _ the wisdom of this decision. 答案:be persuaded into buying persuade people to drive persuaded;of,deter

19、mine vt.&vi.决定;确定;(使)下定决心,(1)determine on/upon决定 determine to do sth.决定做某事(表示动作) determine sb.to do sth.使某人决定做某事 determine从句 决定 (2)determined adj.坚决的;有决心的 be determined to do sth.决心做某事(表示状态) (3)determination n决心,(教材原句)She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind. 她给了

20、我一个坚定的眼神这种眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。 Jason was determined not to go against their fathers wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. 詹森决定不违背父亲的遗愿,但是马克比他弟弟胆子大。 Facial expressions carry meaning that is determined by situations and relationships. 面部表情所传达的意义取决于所面临的环境和关系。,【点津】 determine to do sth.在词义上等于b

21、e determined to do sth.但前者强调动作,后者强调状态,类似的短语还有:prepare for/be prepared for,worry about/be worried about。这类结构常考查分词作状语的用法。如: Determined never to come back,he rushed out without looking back. 决心再也不回来,他没回头看一眼就冲了出去。,学以致用 3完成句子 她的鼓励使我决心把这项工作继续下去。 Her encouragement _ with the work. 我已决定毕业后到农村去。 I have _ the

22、 countryside after graduation. 明天她必须决定是否出国。 Tomorrow she shall _ go abroad or not. 答案:determined me to carry on determined on/upon going to determine whether to,view n风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑,(1)have a good/wonderful/bad view(of.)对能够很好/不好地观看 come into view看得见;进入视野 be in view看得见;在视野中;考虑中;计划 in ones vi

23、ew(in ones opinion)在某人看来 on a long view/short view从长远/短时期看,on view陈列着;在展出 out of view不在视野之中,看不见 in view of考虑到;鉴于;由于 (2)view.as.把看作,(教材原句)To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us,we were surprised by the view. 上山很艰难,但是当我们环顾四周时,我们对周围的景色感到惊讶。 (牛津P2243)How do you view your positio

24、n within the company? 你如何看待自己在公司中的位置? In view of his youth,the police have decided not to press charges. 鉴于他年纪很轻,警方已决定不予起诉。,【辨析】view/scene/scenery/sight,学以致用 4用view,sight,scene或scenery的适当形式填空 You will get a fine _ of the town from the top of the hill. Thick snow had turned the _ outside into a pictu

25、re postcard. When we came to the lake,we stopped to admire the _. The flowers are a lovely _ in spring. 答案:view scene scenery sight,care about关心;忧虑;惦念;在乎,(1)care for照管,关心,喜爱,想要 care to do sth.愿意做某事,想要做某事 (2)take care注意,当心 take care of照顾;负责 with care当心;仔细地,(教材原句)Of course she hadnt;my sister doesnt c

26、are for details. 当然她并没有看过;我姐姐是不关心细节的。 But this doesnt mean that Americans dont care about Confucius. 但是这并不意味着美国人不关心孔子。 I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her. 我选择从大学退学来照料她。,【辨析】care about/care for,学以致用 1完成句子 我敢确定,我的代理人不关心我的工作,也不关心我。 I was certain that my agent didnt _ my work,and

27、 he didnt _ me. 我们外出时,谁来负责照看这狗呢? Who will _ the dog while were away? 注意别对顾客不礼貌。 _ not to be impolite to the customers. 答案:care about;care about take care of Take care,change ones mind改变主意,make up ones mind(to do)下定决心(去做) read ones mind 看出某人的心思 be out of ones mind神志不清;发疯 bear/keep.in mind记住 have.on o

28、nes mind把挂在心上 absence of mind心不在焉,mind (ones) doing介意干 mind sth.当心;注意 Do you mind if(用现在时)?你不介意吧? Would you mind if(用过去时)?如果你介意吗? never mind别介意,没关系,不要紧,(教材原句)She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind. 她给了我一个坚决的表情那种表明她不会改变主意的表情。 But when I went to the cell phone st

29、ore,I almost changed my mind. 但当我去了手机店时,我几乎改变了我的想法。 We have made up our minds to keep out of their quarrel. 我们已经下定决心不理会他们之间的争吵了。,【点津】 (1)Never mind用来回答sorry。不用来回答Do you mind.?之类的问句。 (2)make up ones mind要根据具体人称来确定mind的单复数形式。 (3)在回答以Would/Do you mind开头的问句时,如果同意对方做某事,答语是:No,not at all./Certainly not./O

30、f course not./No,go ahead.等。如果不同意对方做某事,答语则是:Sorry,but I do./Youd better not./Id rather you didnt.等。,学以致用 2完成句子 你已经拿定主意做什么了吗? Have you _ what to do yet? 你必须记住,他们的风俗习惯跟我们的大不一样。 You must _ that their customs are very different from ours. 他一旦下定了决心,从不改变主意。 Once he makes a decision,he will never _. 答案:mad

31、e up your mind bear in mind change his mind,give in屈服;投降;让步;上交,give away分发;赠送;泄露 give back归还 give off发出(光、热、声音、气味等) give out分发;用完;耗尽 give up放弃;停止 give way to给让路;对让步,(教材原句)Finally,I had to give in. 最后,我只能让步了。 It seems that the world always gives back to you when you need it. 这个世界似乎总是在你需要它的时候回报于你。 My

32、father could hardly contain his pride in me,and my mother eventually gave in before my success. 父亲为我感到十分骄傲,母亲在我的成功面前也最终做出了让步。,学以致用 3用适当的介、副词填空 I know smoking is bad for health,but I simply cant give it _. Finally he had to give _ to his wife. After two days our food gave _,and we had to return. He h

33、as decided to give _ most of his money to charity. The storm gave way _ bright sunshine. 答案:up in out away to,Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly. 尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅行安排得尽善尽美。 insist意为“坚持要求;坚决主张”,后接宾语从句。宾语从句中常用虚拟语气,即谓语

34、结构为should动词原形,should可以省略。,(1)当insist其后接宾语从句,其内容为“一种说法、看法或事实”时,从句则不采用虚拟语气,而是要用陈述语气。 (2)insist on doing sth.坚持做某事,The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa. 那官员坚持说米歇尔没有按正确的程序申请签证。 But for the teacher who kept insisting on my “going for it”,I wouldnt

35、have decided to give it a try. 要不是老师坚持让我做(打篮球),我不会决定去尝试一下。 She insists on all her employees coming to the Christmas lunch she gives every year. 她坚持要求所有员工都参加她每年一次的圣诞午餐。,学以致用 1完成句子 医生要求她好好休息。 The doctor _ a thorough rest. 老板坚持说那个人偷了钱并坚决要求他立刻离开公司。 The boss insisted that the man _ the money and insisted

36、 that he_ the company at once. 答案:insisted that she(should)take had stolen;(should)leave,When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting experience. 当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸会困难而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历。 the air would be hard to breathe是“主语beadj.不定式”结构

37、,其中the air是breathe的逻辑宾语,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。,英语中不定式的主动形式表示被动意义有如下几种情形: (1)主语beadj.不定式 常用于本句型的形容词包括:easy,hard,difficult,interesting,heavy,pleasant,comfortable,safe,dangerous,impossible,strange等。 (2)不定式和所修饰的词之间为被动关系,但不定式的逻辑主语在该句中出现时,要用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。,(3)在短语be to blame,be to let中,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。 (4)不定式在too.

38、to和enough.to结构里,可用主动形式表示被动意义,作结果状语。 (5)在“There be主语不定式”结构里,作后置定语的不定式用主动式或被动式均可。但在口语中往往用主动式。,(6)have(give,show,get)sth.to do 本句型中的不定式与前边的名词有动宾关系,又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系。 (7)It(This,That)bea/anadj.n.to do 在这种句型中,不定式与前面的名词有动宾关系,动词不定式可改为动词不定式复合结构。,The ice is too thin to skate on. 冰太薄,不能在上面滑。 This dictionary i

39、s cheap enough to buy. 这部词典很便宜,能买得起。 We still have many difficulties to overcome. 我们还有很多困难要克服。 That is an interesting question to answer. 那是一个回答起来很有趣的问题。,学以致用 2完成句子 在夏季我喜欢早点起来。能呼吸到早上的新鲜空气真好。 I like getting up early in summer.The morning air is so _. 这个问题很难回答,因此他们中大部分保持沉默。 The question _ so most of them kept silent.,这扶手椅看上去很硬,但坐上去很舒服。 The armchair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very _. 答案:good to breathe was hard to answer comfortable to sit in,点击按扭进入WORD文档作业,谢谢观看!,


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