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1、Man and Technology,The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom . Education makes machines which act like men and produces men who act like machines.,The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people. It is diffic

2、ult to say what is impossible, for the dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today, and the realities of tomorrow.,人工智能“送你一只可爱机器狗”的温馨,在AIBO的体内,有一 片极小的晶片,就是它赋予机器狗以人的智慧。使它会像真狗一样做出各种有趣的动作,如摆尾、打滚它也能懂得分辨对它的称呼和责备。在芯片里面,设定了它成长的过程。机器狗也会自己学习,你要是和它相处久了,它会记得你的声音、你的动作,还有你的容貌,知道你是“谁”。特别是,如果主人精于计算机编程,还可以为它设计一些新的动作



5、产业全年产值都达60亿元。,科技促进经济的发展,Technology and Happiness,Par1 科技发展对人类生活的积极影响 Par2 1)理论上,更富裕的美国人应该更幸福。 2)据调查,事实上大多数发达国家和美国一样,生活的富 裕并没有使他们更幸福。 Par3 1)自工业革命以来,幸福与科技之间的关系一直受到社会批评家和哲学家们的关注,却很少受到经济学家和社会学家的关注。 2)经济学家伊斯特林在经济繁荣和幸福的关系方面的认识:金钱和幸福之间并没有必然的联系。,Par4 1)金钱不一定使人幸福几乎是一种普遍现象。 2)研究幸福的学者,根据一项关于彩票中奖者心理的研究,得出最重要的观

6、点之一:人们对好消息很快便习以为常。 Par5 1)人们对待科技的态度就像人们对待好消息的态度一样:无论科技使我们的生活变得多么舒适,我们都会觉得这是理所当然的。 2)在技术世界中,人们很快就会将一度视为非常神奇的东西变得习以为常,却忘了新技术问世之前的艰苦情形。 Par6 1)技术进步的快速吸收并不意味着技术没有发挥作用,技术对人类生活产生复杂的影响。 2)作者举了一些例子来说明技术进步给生活带来的负面影响,并没有使人们明显感到幸福。 3)可现代的技术评论文章多把焦点集中在技术对人际关系的影响上,而不是把焦点集中在具体的、有害的技术上。,Par7 1)在联了网的数据库世界里,隐私变得越来越脆

7、弱。 2)互联网的负面影响进一步使人们远离了“真实世界”。 Par8 我们真正有把握说清楚的事情之一是:人们的朋友越多,关系越密切,就越幸福。 Par9 由于技术变化异常神速,人们从开始购买产品时就会存在失落感(几个月后别人买到的产品要比你的好),Par10 1)技术降低人们幸福感的几个方面。 2)技术对人们幸福感最重要的影响是在医疗保健方面,医疗技术带给人们身体上和精神上的好处是很有价值的。 Par11 1)从更深的层次上说,我们在健康和长寿方面所取得的进步却强调了在国家和全球层面讨论幸福问题的一个自相矛盾的说法。,Words in Action,1)Patients who had bee

8、n given the new drug were asked to monitor their progress and report to the doctor down to the smallest detail. monitor (vt.) 监视;监听 ( to monitor即动词不定式作宾语) 这些服用新药的病人都被要求观察他们的治疗过程,把详细的内容写下来报告给医生 2)Private space travel is a relatively new phenomenon. Its difficult at the moment to assess its effects. p

9、henomenon (n.) 现象 (phenomenon 为名词,于此作表语) 私人空间旅游是一个相对新的现象,但是现在很难评价它的影响。 3)All off us need to build up relationships with others unless we choose to live in complete isolation from the outside world. isolation (n.) 隔绝;孤立 (toisolation于此作宾语,isolation于此作宾语补足语) 我们每个人都要与他人建立关系,除非选择与世界隔绝。 4)Since sending he

10、r child to the kindergarten, she has been delighted to see a gradual change in the boys character; he seems less self-centered now. gradual (adj.) 逐渐的 (tochange作宾语,gradual作定语) 自从她把她的孩送去幼儿园,她欣喜地发现她儿子的性格在逐渐的变化,他现在很少以自我为中心。 5)As an active environmentalist, Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken

11、opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumpling at sea. opponent (n.) 反对者 (asopponent 作宾语补足语) Davis作为一个积极的环境保护主义者,他反对向大海倾倒任何形式的原子能废物,并以这样的反对者的身份而赢得声誉。,6)Quills were the chief writing tool from the 6th century until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19th century. advent (n.) 出现;来临 (fromcentury作时间状语)

12、 自6世纪以来羽毛笔一直是书写的主要工具,直到19 世纪中叶钢笔的出现。 7)Do you think it will ever be possible to alter human genetic code in order to produce the “perfect” human being? genetic (adj.) 遗传学的 (to humancode作宾语从句的宾语,genetic于其中作定语) 你认为将来有可能改变人类的基因序列去生产“完美的”人类? 8)I dont think shes consciously rude to you she has just lost

13、her new car and feels bad about it. consciously (adv.) 意识到的 (be+adv+adj ,consciously作状语) 我认为他没有意识到他对你很粗鲁,他仅仅是因为他失去的他的新车儿感到心情不好。 9)His political views are rather extreme ;I hate to discuss anything with him. extreme (adj.) 过激的 (extreme于此作表语) 他的政治观点十分极端,我讨厌与他谈论任何事情。 10)The cheap perfume you see on spe

14、cial offer in petrol station often smells nasty after a couple of hours. nasty (adj.) 丑恶的;令人不愉快的 (smell是系动词,nasty是形容词,作表语) 廉价的香水味就像你在加油站待了两小时候后发出的恶臭味。,11)The consumer boom of the 1980s led to an explosion of shopping center development in big cities around the country. boom (n.) 繁荣(时期) (boom作主语) 20世

15、纪80年代的消费热潮引起大城市周围购物中心的疯狂发展。 12)You shouldnt use “ faithfully” its too formal for this kind of personal letter. formal (adj.) 规范的 (formal作表语) 你不应该使用“此致”,因为它对于这种个人信件来说太正式了。 13)Temperatures will soar into 38 over the weekend due to the heat wave, say the weather forecaster. soar (vi.) 骤升 (soar作谓语) 根据天气

16、预报报告,由于热浪影响这周气温将飙升到38。 14)According to a survey among 1000 residents, garbage collection service in the city is far from satisfactory. survey (n.) 调查 ( according residents在此作状语,表示范围) 根据在1000个居民中的调查,城市垃圾收集服务是远远不能令人满意的。 15)The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel pr

17、ices have fallen quite considerably. similarly (adv.) 同样地 ( similarly在此作程度状语) 近几年食物和衣服的成本在降低,同样燃料价格也相应的下降了。,16)The technicians are working hard to modify the design of the new car to make it more competitive in the overseas market. modify (vt.) 更改,修改 (tocar作方式状语,tomarket作目的状语) 技术人员正在努力的修改新车的设计,使其在海外

18、市场更具有竞争力。 17)In my childhood memories, we were living a rough but happy life, with no luxuries to speak of. rough (adj.) 粗制的,简陋的 ( rough作定语) 在我童年的记忆里,我们过着粗陋但快乐的生活,没有奢侈品可言。,1)The two runners reached the finish line almost at the same time, who came in first indistinguishable to the naked eye.两位选手几乎是同

19、时到达终点的,谁排在第一肉眼是无法辨认的。 2)As a result of the recent financial collapse, many people are stuck with worth-less investment.由于近期的金融崩溃,大多数人深陷于无价值的投资而无法自拔。 3)The survey suggests that many college students dont known for certain what kind of job is suitable for them.调查表明许多大学生不知道他们真正适合一个什么样的工作。 4)You can ask

20、 him again if you like, but it would make no difference he will still say no to you.如果你愿意你可以再问他一次,但都一样,他还将会对你说不。 5)The doctor explained that on average people who dont smoke are healthier than those who do.医生解释说通常不吸烟的人要比吸烟的人健康的多。,6)Im familiar with the operating system installed on the computer, but

21、 when it come to repairing the machine I dont know a thing.我熟悉计算机上的操作系统,但谈到修理机器,我毫无所知。 7)Whether or not we go to Europe for our holiday depends on whether we can save enough money to cover the cost.关于我们去不去欧洲旅行取决于我们是否能存够足够的钱来支付费用。 8)The new staff insisted that opportunities for promotion should be bu

22、ilt into the work contract.新进人员坚持将晋升机会写入劳动合同。 9)As they are discussing influential modern artists , three names immediately come to mind.当他们谈论到现代有影响的艺术家时,有三个名字立刻出现在我脑海里。 10)After the first course of treatment, the doctors were relieved to see the new medication at work.在完成第一个阶段的治疗后,医生们欣喜的发现新的药物在起作用。

23、,Tranlation,1.He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to be quite ignorant. 2. The latest survey shows / showed that the majority of the citizens support / supported the governments plan to build a new library. 3. The two countries could reach agreement success

24、fully on scientific and technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work 4. I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just wont come to mind for the moment.,5. He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours e

25、very day on average 6. Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or not. 7. The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use 8. The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use,9. Helen majors in economics at the university and at the same time she studies philosophy as her second major 10. What is most important is that you must find out and solve the problems by yourselves. It makes no difference whether I go there or not.,


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