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1、2006年12月浙江省大学英语三级试卷 词汇 & 语法,Part II Vocabulary,21. B 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. A,Part Structure,41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. A 51. B 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. B 56. C 57. B 58. D 59. D 60.

2、C,21. B 句意:科学家们有望能找到一种解决人口过剩问题的方法。 be expected to do有望做 reply: 回答;答复 (to sb/sth); What did he do in reply to your challenge? 你提出与他较量, 他作何反应? solution: 解决方法 to sth (the problem) problems that defy solution 无法解决的问题 response: 答复;响应 (to sb/sth) The tax cuts produced a favorable response from the public.

3、 税额削减受到了公众的欢迎。 answer: 答案 (to sb/sth) The answer he gave was quite surprising. 他的回答出人意外。,22. D 句意:我们被告知正在讨论的合同从今年的6月15日开始起生效,有效期为一年。 useful: 有用的; 有益的; Videos are useful things to have in the classroom. 教室里有录像设备是很有助益的。 efficient:(指人)有能力的;(尤指工具, 机器, 系统等)有效力的 an efficient secretary 能干的秘书 an efficient n

4、ew filing system 有效的新归档系统 practical: 切合实际的; 实用的 Your invention is ingenious, but not very practical. 你所发明的东西巧是巧, 但不太实用。 effective: 有效的 The law is no longer effective. 该法令已失效。,23. B 句意:说到招工面试,第一印象很重要。 when it comes to说到 reflections: 反映;反射;映像 Your clothes are a reflection of your personality. 一个人的衣着可反

5、映出其个性。 impression: 印象 (on sb)对某人的印象 Her gentleness has given me a deep impression. 她的亲切给我留下了很深的印象。 reaction: 获得;达到 (to sb/sth) 对做出的反应,回应 What was his reaction to the news? 他对这消息的反应如何? comment: 评论 make comments (on sb/sth) 对做出评论 Have you any comment(s) to make on the recent developments? 你对最近的事态发展有什麽

6、评论吗?,24. A 句意:既然琳达有音乐天赋,那我们就邀请她参加比赛吧。 gift: 礼物;天赋;才能 the gift of making friends easily 善於交友的才能 (for sth/doing sth) 在某方面有天赋 be gifted at/in sth. 在某方面有天赋 hobby: (业余)爱好 My hobby is stamp-collecting/collecting stamps. 我爱好集邮。 present: 礼物 wedding, Christmas, birthday, etc presents 结婚圣诞生日等礼物 desire: 渴望; 慾望

7、; 渴求; 热望 (for sth/to do sth) had little desire for wealth. 他们对财富无大慾望。,25. C 句意:我们认为在失业率和犯罪率高发的地区,高犯罪率是由高失业率引起的。 later: 更迟的;后来的 See you later. (adv.) later period 后期的 (adj.) last: 最后的;最近的 December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最後一个月份。 last Tuesday 刚过去的(最近的)星期二 latter: the latter 已提及的两者中之)後者,与

8、 “former”构成一对反义词,常搭配使用。 Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive. 这两个人中,前者已死,而后者仍还活着。 late: 晚的; 迟的:Its never too late to stop smoking. 戒烟何时都不算晚. 已故的:her late husband 她已故丈夫 the latest news 最新消息,26. D 句意:研究是指为了特定的目的而进行的能动的、正式组织的对特定信息的探求。 especial: 较special正式,侧重有特殊意义或重要性 a mat

9、ter of especial interest 特别有趣的事 particular: 个别的;非一般的,侧重不同于普遍性的个性或特殊性 in this particular case 在此个别情况中 for no particular reason 无特殊原因 special: 指不同于一般,与众不同,侧重事物的专门性。 She has her own special way of doing things. 她做事自有一套办法。 specific: 着重指某种事物或某类事物具有特殊或特定的属性,也可指专门提出作 特别考虑的事物。 The money is to be used for on

10、e specific purpose: the building of the new theatre. 这笔钱有专门用途: 就是建造新剧院.,27. D 句意:在全球经济条件下,国与国之间的分界线变得越来越没有意义了。 margin: 书写品或印刷品纸页上的)空白边缘, 页边空白 notes written in the margin 写在页边上的注解 edge: (扁的固体 物体表面或一范围的)外围界线;边缘, (刀片 刀 剑或其他工具或武器的)锋利部分; 刀口 Dont put that glass on the edge of the table; it might fall off.

11、 不要把那杯子放在桌边, 可能掉下来. a knife with a sharp edge 锋利的刀 division:主要指分开,分割,(机构、公司等的)部门,或者(军队里的)师 the division of wealth 财产的分配 the sales division of our company 本公司的销售部 boundary: 界限; 分界线 The fence marks the boundary between my land and hers. 这道栅栏是我的地和她的地的分界线。,28. B 句意:应着重强调团队合作的必要性。 attention: 注意;注意力 draw

12、ones attention to 令某人注意 pay attention to sth. 注意 catch sbs attention 吸引某人的注意 emphasis: 强调;重点 put/lay/place emphasis on 强调;注重 Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills. 我们的英语课程非常重视会话技能。 notice: 通知;公告 put up a notice 张贴布告 The bar is closed until further notice. 酒吧现已歇业, 开业时间另行通知

13、。 importance: 重要性 of great importance = very important They attached very great importance to the project. 他们对这项目极为重视。,29. C 句意:茱莉亚想租一间房子,要求舒适、设备完善,最重要的是附近要比较安静。 all in all: 总的说来;总而言之 All in all, it was a great success. 总之,是很成功的。 at all: 用于否定句 根本 Its not at all that bad. 这根本没有那么坏。 above all: 首先;最重要的

14、 What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies. 小孩子该做的最重要的事是学好功课。 after all: 毕竟;终究;归根结底 came to the party after all 终究还是去了那个聚会 After all, what does it matter? 归根结底, 那有什麽关系呢?,30. C 句意:这位可怜的老太太昨天过马路的时候被车压过去了。 run into: run into sb 偶然遇见某人 I ran into an old school friend at the superma

15、rket this morning. 今天早上我在超级市场碰见了一个老同学. run into sth 遇到(坏天气);遭遇(困难 问题等 ) project is running into financial difficulties. 这一项目遇到了财务困难。 run out: 用尽, 耗尽, The petrol is running out. 汽油快用光了。 We are running out of petrol. 我们的汽油快用光了。 run sb over: 指车辆或驾驶人)撞倒某人并轧过其身体 Two children were run over by a lorry and

16、killed. 有两个孩子被一辆卡车轧死了。 run through sth: 快速地穿过或传遍;遍布於某事物; 贯穿着某事物;匆匆讨论 检查或阅读 An angry murmur ran through the crowd. 群众纷纷气愤地抱怨着。 A deep melancholy runs through her poetry. 她的诗中贯穿着悲伤的情调。 He ran through the names on the list. 他把名单匆匆地看了一遍。,31. A 句意:中国总共拥有13亿人口,是世界上人口最稠密的国家之一。 populated: 人口稠密的 The wastelan

17、d of the north is scarcely populated. 北方的大荒原地广人稀。 polluted: 被污染的 It is true that Japan is a beautiful country, but its big cities are lately polluted. 日本的确是个美丽的国家,但最近日本的大都市已被污染。 crowded: 拥挤的 Soon we came to a crowded street, a very wide street crowded with allsorts of vehicles. 我们很快就来到一条很宽、很吵杂,各种车辆来

18、往行驶的大马路上。 concentrated: 全神贯注的 These noisy conditions arent really conducive to concentrated work. 这嘈杂的环境实在不利于专心工作。,32. B 句意:这不是件好事,相反,是个极大的错误。 on the whole: 总的来说;大体上 On the whole, Im in favor of the proposal. 总的说来,我赞成这个提议。 on the contrary: 正相反 He is not poor, on the contrary, he is a millionaire. 他不

19、穷,相反,他是个百万富翁。 on the average: 平均, 一般说来 On the average, there are 300 tourists a week. 每星期平均有300游客。 on the other hand: 另一方面 on the one hand. on the other hand . 一方面另一方面 On the one hand this job doesnt pay very much, but on the other hand I cant get another one. 一方面这份工作报酬不高,可另一方面我又找不到其他工作。,33. A 句意:他已

20、25岁了还在依赖父母,真是可耻。 depend on: depend on sb./sth. 依赖;依靠 The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 这个国家的经济在很大程度上依靠其旅游业。 depend on sth 视某事物而定; 取决於某事物 It all depends. 看情况而定。 grow on: 对 . 有越来越大的影响, 越来越被 . 喜爱 a habit that grows on you if you are not careful 若不在意就变成根深蒂固的习惯 a book, piece of music etc.

21、 that grows on you 渐渐把人迷住的书乐曲等 focus on: 以为焦点;集中于 He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。 feed on: 用 . 喂养;以为生 Bats fly at night and feed on insects. 蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。,34. B 句意:请你今天务必把这封信寄出去,好吗? see sb. off: 为某人送行;强迫某人离开某处(如赶走) We all went to the airport to see her off. 我

22、们都去飞机场为她送行了。 The farmer saw the boys off with a heavy stick. 农场主拿着大棍子把那些男孩子赶跑了。 see to it that. 一定注意到.; 务必. See to it that youre ready on time! 到时候你千万要准备好! look after: 照料;照顾 There is nobody to look after the baby. 没人照顾婴儿。 look into: 调查;观察 A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已成立

23、工作组调查该问题。,35. D 句意:尽管经济困难,她仍坚持探寻癌症的病因。 carry sth. away: 带走;冲走 The flow carries the dust away. 河水冲走了尘土。 carry sb. away: 使某人失去自制力或非常兴奋 He tends to get carried away when watching wrestling on TV. 他一看电视中的摔跤就很兴奋。 put forward: 提出 He put forward a new theory. 他提出了一种新理论。 consist in: 存在于 The beauty of the pl

24、an consists in its simplicity. 该计划的妙处在于简洁明了。 persist in: 坚持, 坚决做 . persist in sth / doing sth He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle. 他执意要骑那辆破自行车。,36. B 句意:汤姆停下来在原地待了一会儿,以确保自己没被跟踪。 insure: 保险; 投保 sb/sth (against sth) insure ones house against fire 为自己的房子保火险。 assure: 向(某人)保证;使确信 sb of sth /

25、sb. that They were assured that everything possible was being done. 已经向他们保证, 凡是可能做的都做到了。 They tried to assure him of their willingness to work. 他们尽力使他相信他们乐意工作。 confirm: 确认 The announcement confirmed my suspicions. 这项通告证明了我的猜疑属实。 confine: 限制 sb/sth (in/to sth) 将某人/某事物限制在一定范围以内 I wish the speaker woul

26、d confine himself to the subject. 我希望演讲者不要离题。,37. C 句意:许多在中国的外国人喜欢看中央9台的新闻。 program: (广播或电视)节目(如戏剧 讨论或纪实) There is an interesting programme on television tonight. 今晚有个好看的电视节目。 performance: (在剧院等的)演出, 表演 give a performance of Hamlet 演出哈姆雷特 channel: 频道;某电视台 Whats your favorite channel? play: 戏剧;剧本 She

27、 has just written a new play. 她刚写完一部新剧。,38. A 句意:我试着尽量挤过去,但是人太多,把路堵住了。 block: 阻挡; 阻碍 block ones way 堵住某人的去路 The road was blocked by a huge rock. 道路被一块大石头堵住了。 delay: 耽搁; 延误 I was delayed by the traffic. 因交通阻塞, 我迟到了。 hold: 拿住, 抓住;持有 hold on (to sb/sth) 抓住或握住某人/某物 He held on (to the rock) to stop himse

28、lf slipping. 他紧紧抓住(岩石)以免自己往下滑. stop: 使中止或停止 sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某人做某事; 阻碍某事物发生 You cant stop our going/us (from) going if we want to. 假若我们要去, 你是阻止不了的。,39. C 句意:为了促销新产品,他们把该产品半价出售了一个月。 raise: 举起;饲养,养育 raise ones hand 举手 Its difficult raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。 improve: 改进,

29、改善 His work is improving slowly. 他的工作在慢慢改进。 promote: sb (to sth) 提升 晋升或擢升某人 She worked hard and was soon promoted. 她工作很努力, 很快便获得提升。 promote sth. 宣传(某物)以促进销售 a publicity campaign to promote her new book 为推销她的新书而开展的宣传活动 increase: 增加;增长 The rate of inflation has increased by 2%. 通货膨胀率已增长了2%。,40. A 句意:由

30、于古庙具有历史价值,当地政府决定把它保存下来。 value: 价值 have a high energy, nutritional value 有很高的能量营养价值 benefit : 利益;好处 The new regulations will be of great benefit to us all. 新规章对我们大家都会大有好处。 A change in the law would be to everyones benefit. 法律中的一项修改将符合所有人的利益。 wealth: 财产;财富 Wealth had not brought them happiness. 他们的财富并

31、没给他们带来幸福。 property: 所有物; 财产; 资产 The jewels were her personal property. 这些首饰是她的私人财产。,41. A 句意:废墟的外面就是一座被高大树木环绕的宏伟建筑。 考查点:完全倒装 将整个谓语提到主语之前的叫完全倒装;只将be 、情态动词或者助动词放在主语之前的叫做部分倒装。 (1) There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。如: There stood a dog before him. 他面前有条狗。

32、There exist different opinions on this question. 关于这问题,存在不同的观点。 Exercise 01: 1) _ a beautiful palace _ the foot of the hill. A. There stand; at B. There stands; under C. Stands there; under D. There stands; at,D,(2) “Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be, go, lie, run) + 主语” 结构。如: Here comes the old la

33、dy! 走过来一个老妇人。 Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 我们一直期待的时刻到来了。 There comes the bus. 公交车过来了。 Now comes your turn. 轮到你了。,【注意】: 如果主语是人称代词,就不用倒装。如: Here you are. 给你。 There she comes. 她来了。,(3) 表示方向的副词out, in, up, down等置于句首,要用全部倒装。如果主语是人称代词,就不用倒装。如:,In came Mr. White. Up went the arrow int

34、o the air. Away went the boy.,Exercise 02: There _. And here _. A. goes the phone; she comes B. is the phone going; is she C. does the phone go; does she come D. the phone goes; come she,A,(4) 当表示地点的介词词组(如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house, in the middle of the room等)在句首时。,At the foo

35、t of the hill lies a beautiful lake. The soldiers ran to the building, on the top of which flew a flag. East of the lake lie two towns. Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.,Exercise 03: Near the church _ cottage. A. was such an old B. had a so old C. was such old a D. is so an old,A,(5) “分词(代

36、词) + be + 主语“结构。如:,Walking at the head of the line was our teacher. Such was the story he told me.,Exercise 04: 4) _, a man of achievements, deep thoughts, but with simple habits. A. Einstein was such B. Such was Einstein C. Einstein was so D. So was Einstein 5) _ are the days when teachers were loo

37、ked down upon. A. Gone B. Go C. To go D. Going,B A,42. B 句意:琳达昨晚没去看电影,因为她得为期末考试做准备,一直复习到晚上10点钟。 should have done: 本该做但是却没有做的事情 Tom, you are too lazy. The work should have been finished yesterday. 汤姆,你太懒惰了,这项工作本来应该昨天就做完的。 have to do sth. 客观因素的不得不做某事 I have to do my homework. 可能是时间不多了,马上要交作业了,所以不得不做。

38、must have done: 对过去发生事情的肯定猜测,“肯定已经做了某事”,该结构只用于肯定句。 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面还是湿的。 would have to do: 过去将来时,43. D 句意:布朗刚把信收拾好,就听到电话铃响起来。 考查点: 在时间状语从句中,状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,从句的主语可以省略。 首先,句子中用的是putting away,是主动态,可以判断是人的行为,主语应该为人,排除A和C。然后,该句中的主语应该是特指的,所以选D,而不是B。,44.

39、C 句意:据报道,劳里曾九次获得美国花样滑冰冠军。 考查点: be reported to be 据报道 (固定搭配),45. D 句意:证据显示单身父亲比单身母亲更可能会出去工作。 考查点:suggest的用法 (1)当suggest做“建议”意思讲时,后面所接的从句要用虚拟语气形式。 We suggested the work (should) be done at once. (2)当做“暗示,表明”意思讲时,后面的从句是正常语气,根据具体情况确定动词的时态。 Her red face suggested she was very shy.,46. C 句意:这名男子由于砍树时恰好被撞见

40、而被罚款。 catch sb. doing sth. 撞见,当场发现(某人正在做坏事或违法的事) sb. be caught doing sth. (被动) The policeman caught two men fighting in the street 警察碰见两个人在街上打架。 The man was caught stealing the apples 那人偷苹果时,被当场发现。,47. A 句意:人们想出了什么办法来筹钱帮助那些上不起学的穷孩子们? 考查点:what is the way to do sth. 做某事的办法或方法 题目中隐含了一个定语从句。people have

41、thought of是the way的修饰语,the way是people have thought of的先行词,省略了关系代词that。 raise money to do sth. 筹钱做某事,48. D 句意:买东西的时候,人们有时会忍不住买一些他们实际不需要的东西。 考查点:cant help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事,49. C 句意:尽管警察做了现场调查,但是交通事故是怎么发生的仍然得不到解答。 句子主干是:The question hasnt been answered yet. of之后到hasnt之前,由关系代词引导的从句作介词of的宾语,两者一同构成ques

42、tion的修饰成分。 whether 是否 how 如何 whenever无论何时,随时,50. A 句意:正如我们从两个图标的对比中看到的那样,10月份汽车销售量猛增了3.2%。 考查点:as引导的非限制性定语从句 (1)as引导非限制性定语从句时,可以代主句的全部或部分内容。常表说话人关于说话的依据、态度、评论、看法等。有“正如、像”等意思。 (2)定语从句可以置主句句首、句中或句末。 Mike,as we expected,attended the meeting 像我们所期望的那样,迈克参加了会议。 He wasnt unconscious,as could be judged from his eyes 他并未失去知觉,这从他的眼神可以判断出来。 As can be seen, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth. 很容易看出大洋占了地球的70%还多。 (3)as在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语通常要有be或别的系动词 Exercise 06: _is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month AIt BAs CThat DWhat,B,


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