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1、三年级Unit2教材教法考试 单位: 姓名:一、 画一画。(简笔画) grandpa grandma father mother watch TV ice-cream 二、 连一连。1. whos this boy? Hes my father.2. whos that woman? Hes Mike.3. whos this man. Shes Sarah.4. whos that girl. Shes my aunt.三、想一想,写一写。你预测到第二单元的难点是什么?应该如何解决?四年级Unit2教材教法考试 单位: 姓名:一、 画一画。(简笔画) eat dinner go to sch

2、ool go home P.E. class English class music class 二、 填空。1. Its 10 a.m., Its time _ C_ class.2. _ _ is it? Its five _.3. Its 6 P.m. , Its time _ eat dinner.三、 想一想,写一写。A Read and Write里有10个单词,两个句子。你打算怎样教学,写写教学过程。五年级Unit2教材教法考试 单位: 姓名:一、 画一画。(简笔画)swim skate fly kites make a snowman plant tree winter 二、

3、连一连。Whats your favourite season? I like summer best.Whats the weather like in winter? Fall.Why do you like spring? Its cold and windy.Which season do you like best? Because I can fly kites.三、教案设计。B Read and write(只写教学过程)六年级Unit2教材教法考试 单位: 姓名:一、 画一画。(简笔画)swim skate fly kites make a snowman plant tree

4、 winter 二、 照例子写句子。1. Im happy because I can fly kites this afternoon.2. _3. _4. _5. _三、 想一想,写一写。A Read and Write里的新知有哪些?你将如何呈现?3.31教材教法考试姓名_ 成绩_一、翻译1.This is a thermometer._2.His ear hurts._3.I have a sore throat._.4. How do you feel if you have the flu?_5. _. Mary不得不和她的朋友说再见了6. How many goals did t

5、hey get?_7. _为什么Zip 高兴Zoom不高兴呢 8. We read funny tongue twisters together._.9. I was very grateful to him._.10.Generally speaking._11.But that is not all._12.The most important reason is that my birthday is in winter._13.它们中的一个是我最喜欢的月份._.14.They must be home at six._15.我们的邻居有个新宝_16.We go up north._17

6、.我正在给我们家人制作一个生日表格._18.黑色的那个是个小鸟._二、写出下列单词的相应形式过去式: go_ read_ study_ fly_ see_ swim_ trip_ plan_ draw_写出下列单词的序数词four_five_eight_nine_twelve_twenty_三、教法设计(选择相应年级答题)1.三年级下册P27页,Lets talk 中,如何处理Thats right.2.四年级下册P32页,Lets talk 中,如何处理neighbour3. 五年级下册P33页,Read and write 中,你打算处理哪几个难点句子,如何操作。4. 六年级下册P33页,Lets read 中,你难点在哪,并做如何处理。


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