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1、人教版PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 My Home教学设计单元内容分析:. 本单元重点学习一般疑问句的用法,其中难点在于A、B部分的Lets talk 中的问句“Is it in/on/under?”Is this?”Are they on/near?”及其回答“Yes,it is./No,it isnt.”No,they arent.?Yes,they are.”部分的Lets talk是在部分基础上的扩展。本套教材在学生用书三年级下册第五单元和本册学生用书第一单元中对句型“Where is it?Its in /on/near.”等已经作了铺垫。在教学中,教师要注意运用这些铺垫,减

2、轻教与学的难度。. 在教学中,教师要注意将前两册学过的句子滚动到本单元的教学中,具体有以下一些句子:have aIt hasHow beautiful!How many do you have? Do you like? I like. Look at Let me.通过复习运用这些句子帮助学生复习滚动前两册的单词,如:fruits,animals,colours,big,small等,同时通过对Let me.等句型的复习巩固为第五、六单元的句型教学奠定基础。. 另外,教师要注意帮助学生了解home与house以及desk与table的异同。. 单元教学课时安排建议:六课时Lesson1: A

3、 Lets learn Lets do C Task time Lesson2: A Lets talk Lets play C Good to knowLesson3: A Read and write C Lets playLesson4: B Lets learn Lets do C Story timeLesson5: B Lets talk Lets chant C Lets checkLesson6: B Read and write C Lets singLesson 1 A Lets learn【教学内容】 A Lets learn Lets do【教学目标】(一)知识目标1.

4、能够听,说,认,读,本课时单词:bedroom,living room,bathroom,study,kitchen.2.能够听懂、会说句子“This is my home. You can see.”。3.能够听懂Lets do中的指示语,并能按指令做出相应动作。(二)能力目标1. 能够简单描述自己的房间。2.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My bedroom”。(三)情感、策略、文化目标能积极与人合作,运用所学英语介绍自己的房间。【教学重点】1.本课时重点是让学生在语言的复习巩固、学习和活动中听、说、认、读生词。2.本课时的难点是掌握单词bathroom,kitchen发音。【教具准备】准备本课时的

5、课件; 录音带Unit1的Lets sing ”In the Classroom”; 本课时的录音带;本课时的五个单词卡片;准备小零食。【教学过程】 Step 1: reparation1. Lets sing ”In the Classroom”T: Hello , boys and girls. Now we are in a new classroom. Are you happy? Lets sing ”In the Classroom”.2. Free Talk T: What can you see in our classroom? S1: I can see a blackbo

6、ard, four lights, T: Yes , you can see设计意图:引出本课时句型You can see紧接着教师在黑板上画出一个小房子,并分出五个房间。:Now, what can you see on the blackboard?Ss: I can see a house.T: Yes , you can see a house. This is my home.设计意图:引出本课时的主题y Home.练习句型:This is my home.Step 2: Presentation 一 单词呈现1living room课件上出现一个电视机,:What can you

7、see on the screen? Ss: Computer. TV.T: Yes. You can see a TV. Where can we see TV? 教师引导学生仔细听:In the living room.教师带读并板书living room,T带读/v/的发音。渗透音素教学学生开火车读,分组读,齐读。:What can you do in the living room? We can watch TV. Do you like watching TV? Ss:Yes. T: OK. Lets go to the living room. Watch TV.教师带领学生做:

8、Go to the living room. Watch TV.2.studyT: I like watching TV. And I also like playing computer games.紧接着课件出示一张电脑在书房的图片,:ook, where is my computer? 引导学生注意听:In the study.教师带读并板书,注意渗透/的音素教学。让学生多形式读。:Look at the screen. What can you see in the study?S1:I can see a desk.S2: I can see a chair.S:I can see

9、many books.当说到book时,教师渗透德育教育:Books are our friends. We should make friends with books. T: Do you like reading a book? Go to the study. Read a book. 教师带领学生做3. bedroom课件出现一张躺在床上看书的图片,T: Can you read books like this?有的学生说yes,有的学生说no. T:Yes. we cant read books in the bed. Its harm for our eyes. 教师渗透德育教育

10、We can only sleep in the bed. Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep.教师带读并板书,注意教学/dr/u:/的发音。bed 与bedroom的发音要注意区分。教师出示词卡让学生多形式读。4.kitchenT: Oh, Im hungry. I want to have some chicken. Where can I have chicken?Go to the kitchen. Have some chicken.教师教学kitchen并板书,注意区分chicken与kitchen的发音。从chicken到kitchen,以旧带新,降低

11、学生的学习难度:ow ,Im full. Then I want to have some snacks.教师出示snack实物,请学生品尝,教学snack.教师带领学生做活动。创设真实的英语学习情景进行教学。.bathroom教师拿零食后,说:My hand is dirty. I want to wash my hands. Where can I wash my hands? 课件出示卫生间图片,o to the bathroom. Wash my hands. 教师带读bathroom,注意教学发音/th/。课件再出示一张bath的图片,进而更好地让学生理解bathroom的含义。教师

12、再启发去卫生间还可以干什么:Wash face. Wash hair. And take a shower.教师带领学生做,Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.二 教师播放录音引导学生听音跟读。1.先只是听录音.跟录音读.一人指图一人读单词,学生两人一组进行单词认读练习。 Step 3: Practice.读完Lets do,拿出笔来听音标序号。.看口型猜单词.What is missing?五张单词卡,教师丢掉一张,通过读剩余的单词卡找出哪一张丢失了。.看课件,Where is Amy?通过Amy跳转到不同房间来训练学生练习不同房间名称。Step : Prod

13、uction1.看课件上的描述语言,猜一猜是什么房间。 、Im big. I have a TV.I have two sofas. Who am I? 2、Im big, too. Im nice. I have a pink bed. I have many pictures. Who am I? 3、Im small. I have many books. I have a white computer. I have many friends. Who am I? 4、Im clean. I have many apples. I have hamburgers. I can make

14、 you strong. Who am I?2.ask time :Miss Green想租一套这样的房子:(通过看图片选择出相对应的几厅几室的房子)Step 5. Progress、照片快速闪过,猜测是哪个房间,然后组合成Chen Jie 的家,教师来扮演Chen Jie介绍她的家。教师示范完之后由学生以小组的形式练习介绍自己的家。Hello. Im xxx. This is my home.You can see a bedroom,a living room.and_.I like it.、小组展示。Homework :1.课下继续向你的成员或是朋友介绍自己的家。、做配套练习册本课时相应内容。板书设计 Unit4 A .Lets learnMy Homebathroomstudybedroomliving roomkitchen This is my home. You can see a living room, a kitchen,and .


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