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1、,文府中学 武洪英,乡村教师进名校 骨干教师示范课,Play A Game:游戏:“对对碰” (尽快说出反义词:会就尽快站起说,不必举手),small-,big,short,tall-,young-,old,slow,fast-,bad-,good,thin-,fat,Comparative Degree (比较级),Unit 6 My younger sisters,Watch and learn. (观察,学习),当我们比较两个或两类人,事物或动作时,我们用形容词或副词的_形式。,比较级,形容词及副词比较级变化口诀:,比较级,加er, 大多词尾直接加。 e结尾,只加r, 辅+y, y变i,

2、 辅元辅,双后加。 多音节词前加上more 部分双音节词凑热闹。 多,少,好,坏,病,远方, 老辈不是同类要记牢。,(slow-slower),(wide-wider),(happy-happier),(big-bigger),(beautiful-more beautiful),(slowly-more slowly),(many/much more,little less, good/well-better, bad/badly/ill-worse , farfarther old-older(表示长幼辈分时用elder),Watch and sum(观察并总结),1. young _ .

3、 2.smart _ .,younger,smarter,把下列词变为比较级形式,1.nice _ . 2.cute_,nicer,cuter,把下列词变为比较级形式,1.red _ . 2.thin _ . 3.fat _ . 4.hot_,redder,thinner,fatter,hotter,把下列词变为比较级形式,1.funny _ 2.shy_ 3.heavy_ 4.early_.,funnier,shier,heavier,earlier,把下列词变为比较级形式,1.useful _ . 2.quickly_ 3. difficult_,more quickly,more use

4、ful,more difficult,把下列词变为比较级形式,. 1.many/much _. 2.little _ . 3.good/well_ . 4. bad/badly/ill. _ . 5. far_,better,more,less,farther(表示程度用further),worse,特殊变化,6.old-_ sister (表示长幼辈分时),elder,These apples are _ those apples. 2. The boy is _the girl. 3. The teachers hair is _ the boys.,redder than,taller

5、than,longer than,Compare and fill in the blanks (比较,填空),are.,is.,is.,1. The boy is the girl . 2. The teachers hair is the boys.,taller than,longer than,Compare and fill in the blanks (比较,填空),说出下列句子同义句,The girl is _ the boy .,shorter than,The boys hair is _ the teachers.,shorter than,对还是错? 2. The tea

6、chers hair is longer than the boy. 原因:,错误的,老师的头发与the boy这个人不具备 可比性。 老师的头发与the boy的头发才具备 可比性。,Watch and sum(观察并总结),形容词比较级句子结构通常为:,A+ be + 形容词比较级+than B(be):,注意:,A和B两个相比较的人或事物必须成分对等.,当我们比较两个或两类人,事物时,我们用_的比较级形式。,补充:.be动词位置有时还可以用feel, look等其它系动词.,(A.副词B.形容词),Say and do(边说边做),Boys:Walk ,walk, walk slowly

7、. Girls:Walk, walk, walk more slowly. Boys:Run, run, run fast. Girls:Run, run, run faster. Girls:Jump , jump, jump high. Boys:Jump, jump, jump higher. Girls:Clap, clap, clap loud. Boys:Clap, clap, clap louder.,Watch and sum(观察并总结),The girls walk _ than the boys. The girls run _ than the boys . The b

8、oys jump _ than the boys . The boys clap_ than the girls .,more slowly,faster,higher,louder,do.,do.,do.,do.,Watch and sum(观察并总结),副词比较级句子结构通常为:,当我们比较两种动作行为时,我们用_的比较级形式。,(A.副词B.形容词),A+ V. + 副词比较级+than+B(+V.),Lets see Toms family. And try comparing the members of the family.( 看Tom的一家,试着比较家庭成员的差别),He is

9、 shorter than Toms parents but taller than Toms sister. Who is he?,He is Toms brother.,2. He is two years older than the baby but younger than Toms sister, Who is he?,He is Tom.,3. She is two years younger than Toms brother but two years older than Tom? Who is she?,She is Toms sister.,4. She is thin

10、ner than Toms father but taller than Toms brother. Who is she?,She is Toms mother.,Toms family often go to the zoo, they want to go to the zoo more often.,rabbits,giraffes,rabbits,Rabbits are bigger /smaller than elephants.,Horses run slower /faster than cows.,giraffes,Giraffes are shorter /taller t

11、han bears.,照一照镜子:Group work :,前后桌四人一小组,两两互为对面桌的镜子,说出对面同桌的两个人在外貌特征的不同。,如:Lucy is taller than Li Lei. Lucys eyes are bigger than Li Leis.,提示词: nose,eyes,mouth,ears, hair small, big, short, tall, fat, thin.,比一比特点和特长:Group work :,同桌两人一小组,比较两个人性格特点和爱好特长的不同。如:I study English harder than you .You are bette

12、r at playing the piano than I . .,提示词: be good at , study English hard, play the piano, kind, run fast, get up early, listen to the teacher carefully,Give a report about the differences between your deskmate and yourself。At least 60 words.(写出你和你同桌不同点的报告,至少60词),challenge Yourselves 挑战自己,开头结尾已给出:,题目:M

13、Y DESKMATE AND I,_ My deskmate_ and I are both the students in Grade6. Im _years old. She/He is _ years old .We are different .Let me tell you._ My deskmate and I are different, but we often help each other, we are friends.,challenge Yourselves 挑战自己,Everyone is different, take the same , put aside the differences, we are friends. (每个人都是 不同的,求同存异, 我们是好朋友),Sum up (总结本节课所学主要内容),HOMEWORK,1.To finish the writing. 2.To finish the duties A,B,C on P45,See you!,Thank you!,


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