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1、基本句型,篇章连贯,图表作文,表格类作文,采访类作文,简单句的高级句式,调查类作文,讨论辩论类作文,如何写发言稿,如何写通知,如何写招领启事,人物简介,地点简介,节日简介,报道灾难事件,兴趣爱好,说明计划,叙述事件或活动,发表看法,赞成反对型,说明重要性,分析原因,提出建议,问题解决,观点论证,列举个例,举例说明,今昔对比,利弊对比,观点对比,说明异同,假设处境,心得体会,经历感受,概括记叙文的要点,概括说明文的要点,概括议论文的要点,段落主题句的模式,主题句展开的模式,文章结束语的模式,点击内容可直接进入,基本句型,一、简单句的五个基本句型,A.用简单句翻译下列句子 1.这是我的爷爷。,_.

2、,2.我的爷爷是位退休教师。,_.,3.现在爷爷和我们住在一起。,_.,4.爷爷在阳台上种了各种各样的花。,_.,This is my grandfather,My grandfather is a retired teacher,My grandfather is living with us now,Grandfather plants all kinds of flowers on our balcony,5.爷爷很爱他的花儿。,_.,6.花儿使我们的家变得更加漂亮。,_.,7.爷爷给我们带来了更多的欢乐。,_.,B.适当添加细节和关联词,将上面的句子合并成 5 句话的,连贯的短文。 范

3、文诵读:,My grandfather is a retired teacher.He is living with us,now.He plants all kinds of flowers on our balcony which he loves very much.The flowers make our house more beautiful.We are happier since Grandfather came to live with us.,Grandfather loves his flowers very much,The flowers make our house

4、 more beautiful,Grandfather brings us more happiness,二、There be 句型,此句型是由“therebe主语状语”构成,用以表达,“某地有某物”。there be 句型其实是倒装的一种情况,主语位 于谓语动词 be 之后,there 仅为引导词,并无实际意义。be 动 词与其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致,有时态的变化。如:,现在有 there is/are.,过去有 there was/were.,将来有 there will be./there is/are going to be. 现在已经有 there has/have been.

5、 可能有 there might be.,肯定有 there must be./there must have been.,过去一直有 there used to be.,似乎有 there seems/seem/seemed to be.,碰巧有 there happen/happens/happened to be.,另外,此句型有时可用 live, stand, come, go, lie, remain,exist, arrive 等词代替 be 动词。如:,There lived an old man at the foot of the mountain. 山脚下住着一位老人。,T

6、here came a shout for “help”有人喊救命。 There goes the bell.铃响了。,There lies a book on the desk.课桌上放着一本书。,翻译下列句子,1.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。,_.,2.战前这儿一直有家电影院。,_.,3.恰好那时房里没人。,_.,4.我家门前有一条河。,_.,5.广州是一座有着 2200 多年文明历史的古城,而且发展,很快。,_ _.,The light is on.There must be someone in the office,There used to be a cinema here befo

7、re the war,There happened to be nobody in the room at that time,There lies/is a river in front of my house,There lies/is a river in front of my house,is developing rapidly too,than 2,200 years,简单句的高级句式,简单句其实也可以不简单,若将简单句与非谓语动词短 语、形容词短语、介词短语、同位语、独立主格结构等巧妙地 结合在一起,不但可以表达更丰富的内容,而且也使句子变得 更精彩,充分显示考生在英语表达上的

8、实力。如:,1.同位语,I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her early,twenties and with interests similar to mine.,我想有一个笔友, 希望是一个二十出头且兴趣相投的女孩,子。(同位语中又有两个并列的介词短语修饰),2.形容词短语,Afraid of difficulty, he prefers to do the easy math problem.,他害怕困难,宁愿做容易的数学题。,3.不定式短语,In order to study well, we need to do sp

9、orts. 为了学习好,我们需要做体育运动。,4.现在分词短语,In this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big tree,watching her babies flying away.,在这幅图中,一只鸟妈妈待在一棵大树的鸟巢里,看着她,的鸟仔飞走了。,5.过去分词短语,Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phones,and the Internet are faster and much more convenient. 与信件和公用电话相比,手机和网络更快也更

10、方便。,6.介词短语,Instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourages us,to think by ourselves.,他鼓励我们独立思考,而不是马上告诉我们答案。,一、完成句子,1.我是李华,一名四川学生。(用同位语),Im Li Hua, _.,2.与其他老师相比,摩尔先生更注意教学方法。(用过去,分词短语),_,Mr. Moore pays more attention,to his way of teaching.,3.北京动物园,建于 1906 年,有 100 多年的历史了。(用过,去分词短语),The Beijing

11、 Zoo, _,has a history of more,than 100 years.,a student in Sichuan,Compared with other teachers,built in 1906,4.李华在公交车站等 601 路公交车去上学。(用现在分词,短语),Li Hua was at the bus stop, _,_.,5.我们学生应当通过努力学习而不是考试作弊来获得好,成绩。(用介词短语),We students should try to get good results by studying hard,_.,waiting for Bus No.601

12、to go to,school,instead of cheating in examinations,二、合并句子,1.The moon travels round the earth once every month.The,moon is a natural satellite of the earth.(用现在分词短语合并句子),_,_.,2.He was well-known for his expert advice.He was able to,help a great number of people with their personal affairs.(用形容词 短语合并

13、句子),_ _.,篇章连贯,在英语写作中,要做到篇章结构连贯,除在内容的组织安 排上要注意前后的逻辑性外,有时还需恰当使用能承上启下的 关联词语。最常用的词有:,1.用 at first, then, after that, finally 填空,I had a bad cold last week._,I had a running nose, but I did not take it seriously. _I began to cough. _, I had afever and felt weak._,I was sent to hospital and had to liein b

14、ed for three days.,2.用 then, later, after that 填空,I bought a mobile phone on 20th Apr.2011.Ten days _,it didnt ring or send short messages._ I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one._I went to the repairman.,At first

15、,Then,After that,Finally,later,Then,After that,图表作文,图表包括表示数量大小或数量之间差异的条形或柱状图 (bar chart),显示数据变化的曲线图(graph),以及以圆内扇形的 大小表示各部分所占比例的饼形图(pie chart)。图表作文实际上 是要求考生将图表中的数据、图形转换成文字,并就图表中所 反映的情况作出分析或发表议论。,【技巧点拨】,1.读取信息。写作前我们必须仔细读图,掌握图表上提供 的信息及每一栏上面的小标题的标注,由此弄清楚设计者想通 过图表反映出的信息、问题或现象。,2.处理信息。在掌握全部信息的基础上对信息进行分析与

16、,对比,同时考虑文章的布局、段落的划分以及上下文的连贯等。,3.文章结构。文章一般应包括:,Part 1:General idea (conclusion/tendency) (图表反映的问,题或总体趋势),Part 2:Facts (to support the idea) (具体数据或事实) Part 3:Reason (原因分析),Part 4 :Solutions/Suggestions ( 解决问题的办法或建议 ) 在写作时,这四个部分不一定全部被包括在内,应根据写作,要求或具体情况而定。,4.列举数据时要避免过多地重复使用百分比,可以用约数、倍 数等来表达。强调“少”可用 only

17、 ( 只有) 等,强调“多”可用 as many/much as (多达)等。 【必备词汇】,1. 上 升 : rise, go up, climb, rocket ( 迅 速 上 升 ), soar ( 猛 增 ),increase,2.下降:go down, fall, drop, decline, decrease 3.起始:from.to., to 4.程度:by.,5. 急 缓 : slow, slowly; slight, slightly; quick, quickly; steady, steadily; sharp ( 急 剧 的 ), sharply ( 急 剧 地 );

18、dramatically ( 显 著 地 ); remarkably (显著地),6.趋势:upward trend (上涨趋势), downward trend (下跌趋势) 7.不变:stay, remain (依然是),8.其他:account for 30% of the total (占总量的 30%), at the same rate (以相同的速率), average (平均的), annual (每年的), figure/number (数字), amount (数量), percentage (百分比),【实用套语】,1开头,(1)From the graph/table/

19、chart above, we can see that. 从上表我们可以看出,(2)As can be seen from the table ( As we can see clearly,from the table)正如从图表中所看到的,(3)As is shown by the graph, there had been a rapid increase,in.正如曲线所示,飞速增长。,(4)From the statistics given in the table, it can be seen that.从,表中所给的统计数字可以看出,(5)It can be conclude

20、d from the graph that there has been a,great decline in.,从曲线图可以得出结论,下降了很多。,(6)The graph shows/includes that.,图表显示/表明,2原因说明,(1)There are two reasons that account for this phenomenon.有,两个原因可以解释这种现象。,(2)A number of factors could account for/contribute to/lead,to/result in the change/success/increase.,许

21、多因素可以说明/导致/引起这个变化/成功/增长。 (3)The reason for.is that.的原因是 3结尾,(1)We can draw the conclusion that. 我们可以得出,(2)From the changes in the charts, we can predict that. 从图,表的变化来看,我们可以预计,(2012 届梅州中学第二次月考) 假设你于 4 月 23 日的“世界读书日”(World Reading Day) 在你所在的学校进行了一项阅读习惯调查,以下是其中的一项 调查结果。请用英语写一篇短文,说明相关内容及结果等。,A买书阅读,B网上下

22、载或在线阅读,C从朋友处或图书,馆借阅 D学校阅览室阅读,写作内容,1.调查内容及时间; 2.调查结果;,3.问题:阅览室的使用率(use rate)不高; 4.建议:(1)延长阅览室的开放时间; (2)书店送书到校,方便学生购买。,写作要求,只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。,范文诵读:,On World Reading Day, we carried out a survey about the reading habits of high school students.According to the survey, 45.75% of the students read books t

23、hey buy and 8.5% of them download e-books or read online.35.75% of the students borrow books from friends or the library and 11% of them read in the school reading-room.From the survey we can see that the use rate of the school rea-ding-room is not high enough.We suggest that its opening hours be ex

24、tended and meanwhile bookstores be invited into the school to make it convenient for students to buy books.,表格类作文,表格类作文是将要表达的主要信息置于表格中,要点明 确,范围具体,使考生对所提供的信息一目了然。,【技巧点拨】,写这类作文时,考生要注意以下几点: 1注意文体结构,切忌写成“填表题”。,表格类基础写作题虽然以表格作为提示,但一定要用短文,的形式来表达。,2灵活转换信息,切忌“一对一直译”。,表格中的中文提示有些概括性强、比较简洁,有些较为抽 象、复杂,所以表达时切忌逐字逐

25、句机械地直译、硬译。要灵 活调整信息,适当补充成分、采用意译法等写出符合英语表达 习惯的文章。,3善用表格上下、左右关系,巧妙组合信息。,基础写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容,所以考生要 通过适当的逻辑关系整合要点。如表达果因关系,就可以考虑 用 for, because, therefore 等来组合信息。 4采用多种表达法,避免句式单一。,表格里每一栏或列的内容一般用来表达同类信息,如建 议、方法等。为了避免句式重复、单调、呆板,考生要学会用 不同的表达方式表达同类的信息。,5形成全局观念,防止遗漏“间接要点”。,在表达完表格里的信息外,也应注意表格前的情景说明,,还应考虑文意及文章

26、结构是否完整。,(2012 届广东六校联合体 11 月联考),假如你是李华,你的英国朋友 Bob 即将来深圳旅游,应他的要求, 请你写一封 e-mail,介绍深圳湾体育中心(Shen-zhen Bay Sports Center) “春茧”(the Spring Cocoon)。,写作内容,写作要求,1.只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;,2邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。 Dear Bob,,I was so glad to hear that you are coming to Shenzhen for a,travel.,.,Sincerely yours,,Li Hua,范文诵读

27、:,Dear Bob, I was so glad to hear that you are coming to Shenzhen for a travel.Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, nicknamed as the “Spring Cocoon” because of its shape of a cocoon, is located at the northeast corner of the center of Nanshan District, Shenzhen and next to Hong Kong.Covering an area of 326,0

28、00 square metres, it includes a stadium, a gym, a natatorium and some star hotels.Its construction work started in October 2008 and came to an end at the end of 2010.It was in the Spring Cocoon that the opening ceremony of 26th Universiade was held as well as the training and competitions for footba

29、ll, pingpong ball, swimming and so on and after the Universiade it is open to the public for free.As a new landmark representing the image of Shenzhen City, it means that excellent young athletes rush out of the cocoon and into the world. Sincerely yours, Li Hua,采访类作文,【谋篇布局】,1.交待采访的时间、对象、主题等。,2.描述数据

30、和信息呈现出的问题所在,并分析原因。 3.被采访人提出个人观点或对解决该问题提出建议。,【实用套语】,1.交待采访的时间、对象和主题,Last weekend, I had an interview with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor, concerning about the issue of short-sightedness of school children in China.,上周末,我就全国学生的近视问题采访了眼科医生王教授。,(2009 年广东),2.采访对象所述的问题与原因分析,(1)According to Professor Wang,

31、slightly more than half of the school children in our country are shortsighted, ranking the first in the world.,据王教授所说,我国略多于一半的学生都是近视,居世界,首位。(2009 年广东),(2)He also pointed out that the causes for short-sightedness are so complicated that no medicine can cure short-sightedness. 他还指出说,导致近视的原因很复杂,没有药物能治

32、愈近,视。(2009 年广东),3.陈述专家的个人观点或建议,(1)He suggested that school children avoid overuse of their,eyes and do more outdoor activities.,他建议学生应避免过度使用眼睛并且多做户外活动。(2009,年广东),(2)He particularly reminded us that how to hold a pen is,also related to short-sightedness.,他特别提醒我们如何握笔也和近视有关。(2009 年广东),假设你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次

33、采访,以下是这次,采访的情况:,1时间:上周末,2对象:营养专家王教授,3主题:我国中学生的早餐问题 4基本信息:,(1)90%的调查对象吃早餐 (2)早餐营养不均衡,5专家解读:,(1)原因:学生睡眠不足导致早上起床匆忙,早餐来不及吃。 (2)建议:让学生认识到早餐的重要性,一定要吃早餐。 (3)特别提示:家长应抽出时间给学生准备营养丰富的早餐。,写作内容,请根据以上情况用英语写一篇采访报道,并包括以下内容: 1.采访的时间、对象和主题; 2.中学生吃早餐的现状; 3.专家解读。,写作要求,只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。,范文诵读:,(交待采访时间、对象和主题) Last week I h

34、ad an interview with Professor Wang, a nutritionist, concerning about the problem of Chinese students breakfast.(交待问题) The research I did before shows that ninety percent of interviewees eat breakfast but are on an imbalanced diet.(陈述原因) According to Professor Wang, lacking of sleep causes students

35、hurry getting up and having little time for breakfast.(专家建议) He suggested that students should realize the significance of breakfast and be sure to eat breakfast every single day.He particularly suggested that parents make time preparing nourishing breakfast for their children.,调查类作文,调查的结果往往会用表格或图表的

36、形式来表述,因此高考 中调查类作文常用“少量文字表格或图表”的形式来命题。 【谋篇布局】,1.写作时,第一句开门见山地交待调查的基本情况,即阐,述调查的时间、对象、主题等情况。(1 句),2.阐述调查结果,描述表格中的数据所反映的情况、数据 间的主要差异或趋势,或有的还要求谈谈数据所反映出来的问 题,并分析原因。(3 句),3.提出个人观点或对解决该问题提出建议。(1 句),【实用套语】,1.交待调查的时间、对象和主题,(1)Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on,“who is your idol”,上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为

37、题,在 2600 名学生中进,行了一次调查。,(2)I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about their purpose of surfing the Internet.,最近我对我班的 60 名同学进行了调查,看他们上网做什,么。,(3)Last week, we did/conducted/carried out a survey among all the students in our school on the time they spent in sleeping every

38、 day.,上周,我们就每天的睡眠时间对全校学生进行了调查。,(4)Recently, a survey has been done to find out how middle,school students spend their pocket money.,日前,针对中学生零用钱的消费方向,对某中学学生进行,了问卷调查。,2.阐述调查结果,(1)From the table, we can conclude (that) over 20% of the,teenagers are addicted to smoking.,根据上表,我们可以得出如下结论:超过 20%的青少年吸,烟上了瘾。

39、,(2)As is shown in the above table, Senior Three students,spend the least time in sleeping.,如上表所示,高三学生睡眠时间最少。,(3)As can be seen from the table above, more than 70% of,the students have formed a very good habit of study.,从上表可以看出,70%以上的学生已经形成了良好的学习,习惯。,3.描述数据所反映的问题,在描述调查结果所反映出来的问题时,考生可以用非限制,性定语从句或分词短语

40、来表达。如:,(1)30% of the students questioned say they think it better not to have physical exercise, which shows/mirrors/reflects/reveals that these students lack the awareness of keeping healthy.,在被调查的学生中,有 30%的人说,他们认为最好不要进 行体育锻炼。这表明,这些学生缺乏保持健康的意识。,(2)Only seven percent of the students are interested i

41、n looking up new words in the dictionary, showing/mirroring/reflecting that owing to their laziness, these students would rather be given everything by their teachers.,只有 7%的学生喜欢利用词典查生词,这表明这些学生由于,太懒,宁愿老师包办一切。,4.阐述个人观点或建议,(1)As far as I am concerned, effective measures should be instantly taken to he

42、lp students to spare time for slee-ping. 在我看来,应该立即采取有效措施来帮助学生获得休息时,间。,(2)From my own perspective, we should take action to help,students to make good use of study time.,在我看来,我们应当采取措施帮助学生好好利用学习时间。,假如你是李明,某报社委托你在就读的中学生进行关于午 睡情况的问卷调查。请根据下表中的内容(打的选项为大多数 人的选择),用英语写一封信,简要向报社介绍调查的结果。 午睡情况调查表 1你有午睡的习惯吗?,A.有

43、,B. 没有,2你大约何时开始午睡?,A.12:00,B.12:30,C.13:00,3你通常午睡多长时间?,C.约 50 分钟,A. 约 15 分钟 B. 约 30 分钟 4你通常在什么地方午睡?,C.宿舍,A. 教室 B. 家中 5你认为午睡有好处吗?,A.有,B. 没有 C. 不确定,写作内容,请根据以上调查的结果写一篇调查总结,并简要谈谈你对,午睡的好处的看法。 写作要求,1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;,2调查的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数;,3参考词汇:午睡 take a nap after lunch; 宿舍 dormitory,Dear Editor,,Recently

44、I have conducted a survey on taking a nap after,lunch in my school.,.,Yours,,Li Ming,范文诵读:,Dear Editor, Recently I have conducted a survey on taking a nap after lunch in my school.Most of the students have the habit of sleeping for a while at noon.The majority prefers to take a nap around 13:00 and

45、it usually lasts for about 50 minutes.They often choose to sleep in the dormitory instead of at home or in the classroom.When it comes to the benefits of taking a nap, they all agree that it does some good to their health.As we know, with a nap after noon, one can feel refreshed and energetic enough

46、 to study more efficiently in the afternoon. Yours, Li Ming,讨论辩论类作文 【谋篇布局】 1.开头:提出问题或引出讨论或辩论的主题,Recently,we,have,had,a,discussion/debate,on/about,(whether). 2.主体:陈述不同观点及其理由 表示赞同:agree with, favour the idea, be for the idea, be in favour of, approve of 表示反对:dont agree with, be against the idea, disagree 理由:because, for, they say, saying that, for the reason that,3.结尾:表明个人观点,Personally, I think. As for me.,In my opinion. 【实用套语】,1.开头:提出问题或引出讨论或辩论的主题,(1)We had a discussion about whether it i


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