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1、,Basic Writing Describing Graphs,根据所给图表,用5句话描写近年来看电影与看电视的人数变化的短文。(a graph),a: Number of TV watchers b: Number of film goers,Number of People (in thousands),Task one: Lets see some common charts and graphs,a b,From the graph, we can see that in the past 10 years, the number of TV watchers has soared

2、from 10,000 in 1995 to 100,000 in 2004 while the number of film goers has declined sharply from 90,000 to only 10,000 in 2005.,A(pie/chart) Percentage of Average Family Expense in 2000,B Percentage of Average Family Expense in2005,Housing 25%,other 57%,Housing 32%,other 46%,Food drink 18%,Food drink

3、 22%,As can be seen from the two charts, in the past five years, the percentage of family expanse on housing has increased greatly while money spent on other things has decreased a lot.,观察下列图表,根据图示描述该市住房产权变化;说 明这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响;(bar/chart),%,20,40,60,80,100,1995,2000,2005,State-owned,private,As the c

4、hart shows, state-owned houses accounted for nearly eighty percent of the total in 1995 while ten years later over ninety percent of the houses are private.,请你根据下表提供的信息描述近5年人们饮食的变 化,并说明变化的原因.( table),According to the table, people have been eating less grain, fruit and vegetables than they did four

5、years ago while they have been taking in more meat and dairy produce.,Task two: Write in class,下面两幅图表反映的是最近调查你校学生的有关信息: (1)在校学生结构图 (2)中学毕业生去向示意图,(1) (2),写作内容: 请根据以上两幅图表,用英语介绍调查的情况, 包括以下内容(讲话的开头和结尾已为你写好): 调查的内容,调查的结果。 写作要求: 只能用5个句子(不包括已给出的部分)表达全部 的内容。,参考词汇: 图表:chart 职业学院:vocational college 外来务工人员:mig

6、rant workers Ladies and gentlemen, Im Li Hua. Today, Im honored to share with you the survey in our school. Thats all. Thank you.,Ladies and gentlemen, Im Li Hua. Today, Im honored to share with you the result of the survey in our school. Chart 1 shows us the diversity of the student body in our sch

7、ool. Of the total, the local students take up ninety-one percent, while eight percent are the children of migrant workers, and one percent foreign students.,From Chart 2, we can see the students choices after graduation. There are about two thirds of them who intend to go to university. One quarter

8、choose to enter vocational colleges, ten percent plan to go abroad for further studies, and the rest, five percent, would like to go directly into employment. Thats all. Thank you.,根据所给图表,用5句话写一篇题为“电影与电视”的短文。 短文须包括以下要求: A. 电影观众人数呈逐年下降趋势; B. 电视观众人数越来越多(原因:方便、经济、选择范围); C. 然而还是有人喜欢看电影(原因:气氛、娱乐)。 参考词汇:

9、decrease v. 下降 atmosphere n. 氛围 entertainment n. 娱乐 film goer/TV watcher电影/电视观众,(a): Number of TV watchers (b): Number of film goers,Number of People (in thousands),a,b,Homework:,参考范文: 1 From the table, we can see that film is giving way to TV in our city. 2For example, in 1995, there were less than

10、 10 thousand TV watchers, more than 80 thousand film goers, while in 2005, we had about 100 thousand TV watchers but only about 10 thousand film goers. 3The number of film goers is decreasing and that of TV watchers is increasing. 4Televisions are quite common nowadays and so more and more people turn to TV because it is convenient and cheap and watchers have a wide range of programs for them to choose from. 5At the same time, there are still some people who prefer films because they like the atmosphere in the cinema as well as the entertainment,


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