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1、,The Teaching Method of Writing Modules,My difficulties lie in,something else?,topics?,sentences ?,words and expressions?,skills,Module I:,After-school Activities,Campus Life,and,一个关于环境保护的演讲: 一个关于经济危机的报告 一个关于跨文化交际的讲座: 一个庆祝新年的聚会: 一个欢迎会: 一个英语晚会: 一场足球比赛: 一场英语演讲比赛: 一场庆祝母亲节的活动 参观敬老院 青年志愿者服务 参观地球村:,Activi

2、ty theme/ topic,A Lecture on Environmental protection,:A Report on Economy Crisis,A lecture on culture communication,A Get together for Celebrating New Years Day,A Welcome Party/ Meeting,an English Evening,A Football Match between,An English Speech Contest,:A Celebration on Mothers Day,: A Visit to

3、Nursing House,: Youth Volunteer Service,A visit to globe village,Activity places/locations/spots : 1.演讲厅: 2.三楼402房间 : 3.操场: 4.学校会议厅: 5.青少年宫: 6.红星旅馆: 7. 学校科学中心: 8.武汉动物园 9.武汉钢铁公司 10.红星敬老院: 11.学校门口: 12.机场/火车站: 13.人民广场: 14.化学/物理/生物/语言实验室: 15.图书馆/ 体育馆/学生宿舍/礼堂/ 植物园:,Lecture Hall,Room 402 on the third floo

4、r,play ground,school meeting hall,Youth palace,Hong Xing Hotel,School Science Center,:Wuhan Zoo,: Wuhan Iron and Steel Company,The Red Star Nursing house,airport/ railway station,school gate,peoples Square,chemistry/ Physics /biology /language lab,library/ stadium/ students dormitory/auditorium/ bot

5、anical garden,今天下午2:30_ 明天上午6:00_ 直到下周五七点_ 上周五八点半_ 五月24日上午9:00_ 三月7日星期三_ 两小时后_ 持续两小时_ 从8点到11:30_,at 2: 30 pm today at 6:00 am tomorrow until 7 oclock next Friday half past eight last Friday at 9:00 am 24 May Wednesday March 7th last two hours from 8 to 11:30 oclock,The expressions of activity time,P

6、urpose of the activities,_(为了丰富校园生活), The students union has decided to hold a basketball match between our school and Wuhan Middle School next week .(enrich) The school Youth League Committee called on each student donate at least one yuan _(帮助灾区的孩子). _(为了更多了解中国的教育) a denegation from England will p

7、ay a visit to our school next Friday.,In order to enrich our campus life,to help the children in stricken region,To know more about chinas education,1.There is going to be a party for the Australian friends, which _今晚7:30在302房间举行。 (hold) 2Wang Tao, a professor from Beijing University_将在青少年宫为我们作一次关于跨

8、文化交际的报告。( lecture) 3_(有一场英语演讲比赛)in the school meeting hall at 3: pm March ( there) 4.The football match will start at 2: 30 pm tomorrow , _(它将持续两个小时)(last),The arrangement of activities:,will be held in the Room 302 at 7: 30 tonight.,will give a lecture on cross culture communication at childrens pa

9、lace.,There will be English speech contest.,Which will last two hours.,1. Each of the students _(应该在晚会中表演). You may tell a story, sing a song, make a speech or read a poem and so on. (perform) 2 ._(我们在校们口集合)at six oclock on Wednesday morning. (meet) 3. Each student _(要认真做笔记)during the course of the

10、speech. (require) 4. All students_(希望) attend on time.( expect) 5. There is a lecture on World Economy Crisis. _(每个人都应该按时到场(be),The requirements of activities,should perform in the party,We will meet at the school gate,is required to make notes,are expected to,Each student should be there on time.,A

11、ll students _(将分成4组) and each group can visit one of the places. (divide) After lunch we will _(带领他们参观)our labs, dormitories, library and school botanical garden. (show) 3. After the match we_(将举行联欢会) at the school meeting room (have ) 4. At 5: 30 we _(将返回学校)and have dinner at school. (return) 5. Be

12、fore the visit, _(我们必须准备一些节目)for the old people in the nursing house (prepare) 6. On arriving on the peoples square, we _(开始做清洁)on the square. (do),The process and content of activities:,will have a get together,will return to the school,must prepare some program,began to do some cleaning,(will be d

13、ivided into four groups),(show them around),Involved types of writing,Notice,Announcement,Dairy,E-mail/letter,poster,上星期英国曼彻斯特 (Manchester)青年代表团来我校进行了访问交流, 假如你被学校推荐参加了接待活动,现在学校要把这次活动的简要情况发表在学校的英文网站上, 请你写一篇100字左右的介绍一下这件事情. 内容要点如下: 1. 活动时间: 2009年3月6日星期天 2. 活动目的和意义: 加强两国青年相互了解 激发了学习英语语言文化的兴趣 3. 活动过程: 8:30校门口迎接 学校会议室欢迎会 相互介绍学校情况 12点午饭 下午: 参观教学楼, 实验室,体育馆,图书馆学生宿舍, 植物圆 操场上联欢会,互送礼物 5:00 代表团离开,


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