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1、Computer Peripherals Unit 4 Computer-System Input/Output 1.Computer-System Input In order to use the information and applications of a computer system, you need some ways to input commands and text to the system. (Commands are instructions that direct a device to perform a certain job. They can be w

2、ords, keystrokes, or choices from a list.) 为了使用计算机系统中的信息和应用程序, 人们 需要某种向系统输入命令和文本的方法。 (命令就 是指挥设备完成某个任务的指令, 1.Computer-System Input In order to use the information and applications of a computer system, you need some ways to input commands and text to the system. (Commands are instructions that direct

3、 a device to perform a certain job. They can be words, keystrokes, or choices from a list.) 为了使用计算机系统中的信息和应用程序, n. 击键;按键 vt. 用键盘输入; 可以表现为 文字、击键、或列表中的选项)。 1.Computer-System Input In order to use the information and applications of a computer system, you need some ways to input commands and text to th

4、e system. (Commands are instructions that direct a device to perform a certain job. They can be words, keystrokes, or choices from a list.) 为了使用计算机系统中的信息和应用程序, text list (1)Interactive Input 交互式输入 The idea of interactive input is to capture information directly into computers and get responses from

5、computers as the input occurs. This happens when you type on a keyboard and immediately see the results of your work on a screen. It is so called as “screen-dependent“. 交互式输入是指进行输入操作时,捕获的信息直 接输入计算机,并得到计算机的响应。 人机交互 俘获;夺得 例如, 当你在键盘上敲击时,可以立即在屏幕上看到 自己敲键的结果。 所以这又称为“屏幕依赖”。 Keyboard entry may be too slow o

6、r awkward for some jobs, but the keyboard can be bypassed by using one of a number of other interactive devices. 对于某些工作,也许使用键盘输入太慢或难于使 用, Most of todays microcomputers, for example, include a mouse or a trackball that lets you use natural arm or hand motions to move the cursor (See Fig. 4-1). 例如,目前大

7、部分微型计算机都配有鼠标或轨迹 球, 难使用的;笨拙的 逃开;忽视 可以使用其他许多交互式设备代替键盘。 Keyboard entry may be too slow or awkward for some jobs, but the keyboard can be bypassed by using one of a number of other interactive devices. 对于某些工作,也许使用键盘输入太慢或难于使 用, Most of todays microcomputers, for example, include a mouse or a trackball th

8、at lets you use natural arm or hand motions to move the cursor (See Fig. 4-1). 例如,目前大部分微型计算机都配有鼠标或轨迹 球, 使人们可以使用手臂或手的自然运动来 移动光标。(如图4-1) 轨迹球 Some screens themselves accept interactive input: The touch screen looks like a normal computer screen, but it can detect the point at which you touch. 有些屏幕本身可接收

9、交互式输入: Technical applications such as graphic arts, mapping, and engineering often require specialized input methods. 接触屏的外观 和普通电脑屏幕很像,但它可以检测到你触摸的 那个点。 Some screens themselves accept interactive input: The touch screen looks like a normal computer screen, but it can detect the point at which you tou

10、ch. 有些屏幕本身可接收交互式输入: Technical applications such as graphic arts, mapping, and engineering often require specialized input methods. 像平面艺术、绘图和工程这样的技术应用通常 需要专门的输入方法。 平面艺术 绘图 Perhaps the most natural tools are the light pen and the graphics tablet or digitizer. Perhaps the most natural tools are the lig

11、ht pen and the graphics tablet or digitizer. Perhaps the most natural tools are the light pen and the graphics tablet or digitizer. 光笔、绘图板或数字化仪应该是最常用的工具了。 (2)Direct Input 直接输入 In an information system, the greatest majority of delays, errors, and problems occur during the input phase. Perhaps the mo

12、st natural tools are the light pen and the graphics tablet or digitizer. 光笔、绘图板或数字化仪应该是最常用的工具了。 (2)Direct Input 直接输入 In an information system, the greatest majority of delays, errors, and problems occur during the input phase. 在信息系统中,延时、错误及出现问题大部分都发 生在输入阶段。 输入阶段 绝大多数 绘图板;图形输入板数字化仪 MIS To attack the

13、problem, a number of methods have been developed to increase speed, accuracy, and reliability of input. Collectively, these techniques have been referred to as source data automation. Scanning, voice input, and sensor input are three types of direct input. To attack the problem, a number of methods

14、have been developed to increase speed, accuracy, and reliability of input. Collectively, these techniques have been referred to as source data automation. Scanning, voice input, and sensor input are three types of direct input. 为了解决这个问题,研究了许多提高输入速度、 准确度和可靠性的方法。 解决这个问题 To attack the problem, a number

15、 of methods have been developed to increase speed, accuracy, and reliability of input. Collectively, these techniques have been referred to as source data automation. Scanning, voice input, and sensor input are three types of direct input. 为了解决这个问题,研究了许多提高输入速度、 准确度和可靠性的方法。 共同地;全体地 被称为 这些技术都被称为源数 据自动

16、化。 扫描、声音输入,以及传感器输入是 直接输入的三种类型。 传感器 研究;开发;发展 Scanners, also called optical scanners, are devices that read printed material so that it can be put in computer-readable form without your having to retype, redraw, reprint, or rephotograph the material. Scanners, also called optical scanners, are devices

17、 that read printed material so that it can be put in computer-readable form without your having to retype, redraw, reprint, or rephotograph the material. 扫描仪,又称为光学扫描仪, 光学的 是一种可以读取印刷 材料的设备,并使印刷材料转变为计算机可读的形 式, 而无须对这些材料重新输入、绘制、打印或拍 摄。 Speech-recognition, or voice-input, devices accept spoken words thro

18、ugh a microphone and change the sounds into computer-readable signals. Speech-recognition, or voice-input, devices accept spoken words through a microphone and change the sounds into computer-readable signals. 语音识别(或声音输入)设备通过麦克风接收说话 的声音,并将声音转化为计算机可识别的信号。 语音识别 Home computer users may link their syste

19、ms to thermometers, light detectors, and motion detectors to help control energy use and deter vandalism. 温度计 Home computer users may link their systems to thermometers, light detectors, and motion detectors to help control energy use and deter vandalism. 家庭电脑用户可以将他们的计算机系统与温度探 测器、光探测器及运动探测器连接起来,以控制

20、能源的使用、阻止非法入侵。 Input from these detectors is called sensor input. Sensor input is used widely with microcomputers in factories and in scientific and medical laboratories, too. 光探测器 运动探测器 阻止破坏 Home computer users may link their systems to thermometers, light detectors, and motion detectors to help con

21、trol energy use and deter vandalism. 家庭电脑用户可以将他们的计算机系统与温度探 测器、光探测器及运动探测器连接起来,以控制 能源的使用、阻止非法入侵。 Input from these detectors is called sensor input. Sensor input is used widely with microcomputers in factories and in scientific and medical laboratories, too. 医学实验室 传感器输入也被广泛应用于工厂、科研机构 及医学实验室的计算机中。 2. Co

22、mputer-System Output 计算机系统的输出 Output devices are the delivery vehicles of a computer systemthat is, output hardware either delivers information to users in human- readable form or stores the information for future use. 2. Computer-System Output 计算机系统的输出 Output devices are the delivery vehicles of a

23、computer systemthat is, output hardware either delivers information to users in human- readable form or stores the information for future use. 输出设备是计算机系统的传送工具, 运载工具 2. Computer-System Output 计算机系统的输出 Output devices are the delivery vehicles of a computer systemthat is, output hardware either deliver

24、s information to users in human- readable form or stores the information for future use. 输出设备是计算机系统的传送工具, 即,输出硬件 将信息以人类可读的形式传送给用户,或者将信息 存储起来以备后用。 The two common forms of human-readable output are displays (video output) and printed documents. Computers are also able to communicate in sounds that imi

25、tate the human voice. 人类可读的两种常见的输出方式分别是显示(视 频输出)和打印文档。 模仿,仿效 计算机也可以模仿人的声 音来实现交流。 (1) Display Outputs The most common output device is the monitor, a cathode-ray tube (CRT) that is basically a television tube adapted to present text, data, or images generated by computers. 监视器是最常见的输出设备,阴极射线管基本类 似于电视显

26、像管,用于显示计算机生成的文本、 数据和图像。 High-quality color monitors receive three separate color signals (red, green, and blue) and thus are called RGB color monitors. 高性能彩色显示器接收三种独立的彩色信号 (红、绿、蓝),所以也称为RGB彩色监视器。 显示输出 The clarity or sharpness of the display is termed resolution. The resolution of a monitor indicates

27、the number of image points, or pixels (picture elements), on its screen. The clarity or sharpness of the display is termed resolution. The resolution of a monitor indicates the number of image points, or pixels (picture elements), on its screen. 监视器的清晰度被称为分辨率。 监视器的分辨率 表明屏幕上图片点、或像素(图片元素)的数量。 The clar

28、ity or sharpness of the display is termed resolution. The resolution of a monitor indicates the number of image points, or pixels (picture elements), on its screen. 监视器的清晰度被称为分辨率。 The flat-panel displays used on portable computers are less bulky and require less power than CRT monitors. 便携式电脑所使用的平板显

29、示器,比CRT显示器更 轻便和省电。 体积大的 平板 A common electronic imaging technique used in flat-panel displays is liquid-crystal display (LCD). 平面显示器使用的一种常见的电子成像技术就是 液晶显示(LCD)。 Two other flat panel displays are the gas plasma display, which uses electric current to cause gases to glow, and the electroluminescent disp

30、lay (ELD), which is similar to gas plasma but has layers of phosphor rather than gas. A common electronic imaging technique used in flat-panel displays is liquid-crystal display (LCD). 平面显示器使用的一种常见的电子成像技术就是 液晶显示(LCD)。 Two other flat panel displays are the gas plasma display, which uses electric curr

31、ent to cause gases to glow, and the electroluminescent display (ELD), which is similar to gas plasma but has layers of phosphor rather than gas. 气体等离子体显示器 A common electronic imaging technique used in flat-panel displays is liquid-crystal display (LCD). 平面显示器使用的一种常见的电子成像技术就是 液晶显示(LCD)。 Two other fla

32、t panel displays are the gas plasma display, which uses electric current to cause gases to glow, and the electroluminescent display (ELD), which is similar to gas plasma but has layers of phosphor rather than gas. 另外两种平面显示器分别是气体等离子显示器和 场致发光显示器ELD。 场致发光的;电致发光的 A common electronic imaging technique us

33、ed in flat-panel displays is liquid-crystal display (LCD). 平面显示器 电流 发热,发光 A common electronic imaging technique used in flat-panel displays is liquid-crystal display (LCD). 平面显示器使用的一种常见的电子成像技术就是 液晶显示(LCD)。 Two other flat panel displays are the gas plasma display, which uses electric current to cause

34、 gases to glow, and the electroluminescent display (ELD), which is similar to gas plasma but has layers of phosphor rather than gas. 另外两种平面显示器分别是气体等离子显示器( 使用电流使气体发光)和场致发光显示器ELD。 磷; 荧光体 A common electronic imaging technique used in flat-panel displays is liquid-crystal display (LCD). 平面显示器使用的一种常见的电子成

35、像技术就是 液晶显示(LCD)。 Two other flat panel displays are the gas plasma display, which uses electric current to cause gases to glow, and the electroluminescent display (ELD), which is similar to gas plasma but has layers of phosphor rather than gas. 另外两种平面显示器分别是气体等离子显示器( 使用电流使气体发光)和场致发光显示器ELD( 与气体等离子相似,但激

36、发的不是气体而 是磷涂层) 。 电压 layer (2)Printers for Document Outputs 文档输出打印机 Document outputs are produced on printers and plotters, devices that produce images or text on paper. These outputs are known as printouts or hard copy. 文档输出由打印机和绘图仪产生,这两种设备可 以在纸张上生成图像或文本。 绘图仪 这些输出被称为打 印资料或硬拷贝。 Printers and plotters a

37、re classified by several criteria. One of them is on impact and nonimpact printing methods. 打印机和绘图仪可以根据不同的标准来分类。其 中一种就是按击打式和非击打式来分类。 1)Impact Printers A common impact printer for microcomputers is, the dot-matrix printer, which works by striking pins in a print element against the ribbon and paper.

38、Printers and plotters are classified by several criteria. One of them is on impact and nonimpact printing methods. 打印机和绘图仪可以根据不同的标准来分类。其 中一种就是按击打式和非击打式来分类。 1)Impact Printers A common impact printer for microcomputers is, the dot-matrix printer, which works by striking pins in a print element against

39、 the ribbon and paper. 微型计算机常用的击打式打印机是点阵式打印机 , Printers and plotters are classified by several criteria. One of them is on impact and nonimpact printing methods. 打印机和绘图仪可以根据不同的标准来分类。其 中一种就是按击打式和非击打式来分类。 1)Impact Printers A common impact printer for microcomputers is, the dot-matrix printer, which wo

40、rks by striking pins in a print element against the ribbon and paper. 微型计算机常用的击打式打印机是点阵式打印机 , 它通过打印头中的打印针撞击色带和纸 张来完成打印工作。 The pins are formed into a matrix, and different combinations of pins in the matrix shape the character or image. 打印针组成一个矩阵,矩阵中不同打印针的组合 构成了字符或图像的形状。 2)Nonimpact Printers Nonimapc

41、t printers use heat, laser, or spraying techniques to print characters and images. The two major nonimpact technologies in use today are int-jet and laser. 非击打式打印机使用热能、激光及喷射技术来打 印字符和图像。 形成图形 喷射、喷溅 目前使用的两种主要的非击 打式打印技术分别是喷墨和激光打印。 Answer the following questions according to the text: 1. Whats the idea

42、of interactive input? 2. Why do we need direct input? 3. What are the two common forms of human-readable output? 4. How many kinds of monitors are mentioned in the text? What are they? 5. Whats the difference between impact printers and nonimpact printers? 1.Whats the idea of interactive input? The

43、idea of interactive input is to capture information directly into computers and get responses from computers as the input occurs. 2.Why do we need direct input? In an information system, the greatest majority of delays, errors, and problems occur during the input phase. To attack the problem, direct

44、 input has been developed to increase speed, accuracy, and reliability of input. 3.What are the two common forms of human-readable output? The two common forms of human-readable output are displays (video output) and printed documents. 4.How many kinds of monitors are mentioned in the text? What are

45、 they? Three. CRT, LCD and ELD. 5.Whats the difference between impact printers and nonimpact printers? Impact printers works by striking pins in a print element against the ribbon and paper while nonimpact printers use heat, laser, or spraying techniques to print characters and images II. Match the

46、following terms to the appropriate definition: 1. _ interactive inputs2. _ nonimpact printers 3. _ source data automation4. _ display outputs 5. _ sensor input6. _ impact printer 7. _ liquid-crystal display(LCD)8. _ digitizer 9. _ speech-recognitions devices10. _ optical scanner a. CRT is basically

47、a television tube adapted to present text, data, or images generated by computers. b. A number of methods have been developed to increase speed, accuracy, and reliability of input. c. Screen-dependent inputs d. A device reads printed material so that it can be put in computer-readable form e. Dot-ma

48、trix printer f. A device accepts voice information through a microphone g. Ink-jet printer and laser printer h. Home computer links to thermometer, light detector and motion detector i. An input tool of technical applications especially used for engineering j. A common electronic imaging technique used in flat-panel displays Key:选择填空 1.c 2.g 3.b 4.a 5.h 6.e 7.j 8.i 9.f 10.d III. Translate the following passage into Chinese: A peripheral is a device attached to a host computer but not part of it whose primary functionality is dependent upon the host, and can the


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