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1、绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运,,外宣题材翻译的标准和方法,外宣题材的翻译具有时效性强、涉及面广等特点,工作的难度比较大。为了提高翻译效果,在外宣翻译工作中要尽量采取“立体化”的思维方式。 所谓立体化的思维,体现在四个方面。 首先是多角度的切入。这就是说,在着手翻译之前,我们首先要考虑英语里有没有现成的东西可以“借用”;如果没有,那么我们再想一想英语里有没有类似的说法可以“模仿”;如果还是没有,那么我们就得自己“创造”。,其次是多元化的翻译标准。我们可以把外宣工作的翻译标准具体化为:准确、通顺和变化。只有做到了这三点,对外宣传的翻译工作才能收到更好的效果。 准确 (loyalty) - 外宣工作

2、中的翻译有一个突出的特点,即基本上都是中译外,也就是把大量有关中国的各种信息从中文翻译成外文,通过图书、期刊、报纸、广播、电视、互联网等媒体以及国际会议,对外发表和传播。这一特点决定了这类翻译的首要标准是传达原文的意思必须准确。 通顺 (readability) - 对于从事外宣工作的翻译人员来说,最应该注意的是要潜心研究外国文化和外国人的心理思维模式,善于发现和分析中外文化的细微差异和特点,时刻不忘要按照国外受众的思维习惯去把握翻译。这就是要求英译文要尽量做到地道一些,符合英语的表达习惯, 为外国读者所喜闻乐见。 变化 (variety) - 由于对外宣传的内容主要涉及政治、经济、商业、社会

3、等等方面,题材一般都比较严肃,中文通常都缺乏生动性,所以在将其翻译成英文时应尽量注意语言表达的丰富性和多样性,这样更加符合这类题材的英语风格,可读性更强一些。,翻译的立体化思维的第三个方面是多层面的处理。要考虑多种翻译因素对翻译的影响,如英语的习惯用法、英语的句式结构、专业术语的特点、不同的文体特征、跨文化交流的障碍等等,并采取适当的方式进行有效的处理。 翻译中的立体思维还涉及另外一个重要的方面,那就是要充分利用现代的立体化的翻译工具和资源。这就是说,除了我们脑子里的知识经验以及词典工具书之外,我们还应该尽量使用互联网资源。有了互联网这个信息库,就等于身边有一群中外专家随时可以给你答疑解难。我

4、们脑子里的知识经验和词典工具书所提供的信息是非常有限的,而互联网这个信息库则可以取之不尽、用之不竭。,绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运 Green Olympic, Hi-tech Olympic, Peoples Olympic Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics 人文奥运,北京获得2008奥运会的举办权是世界对北京的认同和信任。 Beijing

5、s success in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games is a proof of international recognition of and confidence in Beijing. Beijings success in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games is the manifestation of trust and recognition of the world. The fact that Beijing has been awarded / Beijings success in winnin

6、g the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games shows the worlds recognition and trust of Beijing.,讲评:“奥运会”可以用不同的表达方式: The Olympic Games the Olympics Olympiad “2008年北京奥运会”可以用不同的表达方式: 2008 Olympic Games the 2008 Olympic Games to be held in Beijing The Beijing Olympics in 2008 the Games of the 29th Olympia

7、d The 2008 version of the Olympic Games,根据“为人的和谐发展,以促进建立一个维护人的尊严的和平社会”的奥林匹克宗旨,北京提出了“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”的举办理念。 1. In accordance with the goal of Olympism “to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society conc

8、erned with the preservation of human dignity“, Beijing has put forward the concepts of the Beijing Olympic Games: Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics, Peoples Olympics.,2. In line with the tenet of the Olympic Games: “to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious development of Man, with a

9、 view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity”, Beijing proposes the concepts of “Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics”,3. As “the goal of Olympism is to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious developme

10、nt of man, with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity,” Beijing has proposed / put forward, in harmony with this spirit, the concepts of Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics

11、.,讲评:“绿色奥运”可以用不同的表达方式: Green Olympics Environment-friendly Olympics Ecology-friendly Olympics Ecologically congenial Olympics “科技奥运”可以用不同的表达方式: Technology-geared Olympics Technology-empowered Olympics A great multi-sport event sophisticated by high-tech applications High-tech-sophisticated Olympics

12、“人文奥运”可以用不同的表达方式: Culture-enriched Olympics a culture-oriented massive sport event culture-highlighted Olympics,绿色奥运,就是将环境保护作为奥运设施规划和建设的首要条件。 Green Olympics means that priority will be given to environmental protection in the planning, designing and construction of Olympic venues and facilities. The

13、 concept of Green Olympics is to put environmental protection as a priority in the planning and construction of the Olympic infrastructure. Environment-friendly Olympics requires that environmental protection (should) be given priority / taken as the first consideration in the planning and construct

14、ion of Olympic infrastructures and facilities.,北京正在各个领域里努力推广环保工作,积极参与各项改善生态环境的活动,大幅度提高首都环境质量,建设生态城市。 1. We will try our best to promote environmental treatment, actively join in activities aimed at improving the ecological environment, in an effort to drastically improve the environmental quality of

15、 the capital and build it into an ecological city.,2. In order to improve remarkably the capitals environmental quality to build an ecologically balanced city, Beijing is intensifying its efforts in promoting the environmental protection in every field and playing an active role in the actions aimed

16、 at the ecological environmental improvement. 3. Beijing has been pressing ahead / forward / on with environmental protection in every field by launching various projects to improve the citys ecological environment, with a view to considerably raising the environmental quality of the capital so as t

17、o eventually build / turn it into an ecology-friendly city.,北京2008奥运将以绿色清新的面貌出现,为世界环保运动注入新的动力。 1. Beijing will show a fresh and green appearance in 2008 Olympic Games, which will bring new drive to international environment protection movement. 2. Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will appear green and fre

18、sh, to lend a new impetus to the worlds environmental protection. 3. The 2008 Olympic Games to be held in Beijing will present itself as a refreshingly Green Olympics, which will add momentum to the worldwide endeavor / drive for environmental protection.,科技是人类文明进步的动力源泉。 1. Science and technology is

19、 the source power which can drive civilization of Human being. 2. Technology is the propelling power for the progress of humans civilization. 3. Science and technology empowers the progress of human civilization.,古老的中国,曾在世界科技史上占有重要地位。 1. China, an old-line country, has had a high position in the wor

20、lds technology history. 2. The ancient China had been possessing an important place in the history of the worlds science and technology. 3. Ancient China had once held an important place in the history of scientific and technological development.,今天的中国人民,不仅与全世界共享科技文明的成果,也在各个领域推动世界科技的进步。 1. Today, Ch

21、inese people are not only sharing the harvest of technology and civilization with people from rest of the world, but promoting the science and technology in all kinds of field as well.,2. And todays Chinese people not only share with the whole world their achievements in these two areas, but also dr

22、ive forward their universal advancement. 3. Today, the Chinese people, while sharing the technological accomplishments with the rest of the world, are contributing their part in all fields to propelling the advance of science and technology in the world.,科技奥运将反映科技最新进展,集成全国科技创新成果,推出一届高科技含量的体育盛会;提高北京科

23、技创新能力,推进高新技术成果的产业化及其在人民 生活中的广泛应用,使北京奥运会成为展示高新技术成果和创新实力的窗口。 High-tech Olympics means that we will closely follow the latest high-tech developments home and abroad and integrate the high-tech achievements nationwide so as to host a magnificent sports event in high-tech achievement. In doing so, Beijin

24、gs capacity in high-tech innovation will be improved and the application of high-tech achievements in production and peoples life promoted. Beijing Olympic Games will be a window to showcase our high-tech achievements and innovative capacity.,2. So the concept of High-tech Olympics is intended to re

25、flect the latest sci-tech development by aggregating nationwide the fruits of scientific and technological innovation, thus to present a sporting gala of high scientific and technological content; to enhance Beijings ability for innovation in these two areas, and forge ahead with the industrial appl

26、ication and popularization of new and high sci-tech results, making this Games a window on those results and that kind of ability.,3. The technology-geared Olympics will showcase the latest development of science and technology, and display the achievements of technical innovation throughout the cou

27、ntry. It will appear as a great multi-sport event sophisticated by high-tech applications. The Beijing Olympics in 2008, intended as a show-window for displaying high-tech achievements and innovation progress, will enhance Beijings capacity of technical innovation, and promote the industrialization

28、of high-tech fruits and their wide application in peoples daily lives.,讲评:“科技奥运将反映,集成,推出一届高科技含量的体育盛会”这一句也要注意:“反映”是to showcase;“集成”也是display的意思,不是integrate 比如可以说 a display of concentrated high-tech achievements nationwide;“推出”在这个上下文中是appear as而不是launch,因为句子的主语是“科技奥运”;而“高科技含量的体育盛会”也不应该翻译为in high-tech

29、achievement或with high-tech content; 说fraught with high-tech applications比较好。,2008年北京奥运会更将是一次人文奥运的盛会。 1. The 2008 Olympic Games that we will host in Beijing is also a Peoples Olympics. 2. Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will also be a humanistic pageant, 3. The Games of the 29th Olympiad to be hosted by B

30、eijing will be a gala gathering featuring a culture-oriented massive sport event.,它将普及奥林匹克精神,弘扬中华民族优秀文化,加深各国人民之间的了解、信任与友谊。 1. We will take the opportunity to popularize the Olympic spirit, promote the traditional Chinese culture as well as deepen the understanding and enhance the trust and friendshi

31、p among the peoples of different countries.,2. aiming to boost the spread of the Olympic spirit, carry forward Chinese fine cultural heritages, and enhance the trust, friendship and understanding among people of different countries. 3. It will extensively incarnate the Olympic spirit, disseminate th

32、e brilliant Chinese culture, and enhance the understanding, trust and friendship among the peoples all over the world.,北京奥运会将坚持 “以人为本”,以运动员为中心,构建体现人文关怀的环境,为八方来客提供全方位的优质服务。 1. We will always give first consideration to the need of people, especially the athletes, and provide favorable natural and cul

33、tural environments and quality services for visitors from all over the world.,2. Adhering to the “people-oriented” principle, the Games will create a humanistic environment with athletes the focus, to provide all-directional and high-standard service to the guests from the world over. 3. Upholding t

34、he “putting people first” principle and adopting the “sportsman-centered” approach, the Beijing Olympiad will create an atmosphere filled with humane care, rendering a full range of quality services to guests and friends from the four corners of the earth / globe.,讲评:北京奥运会将坚持“以人为本”(put the people fi

35、rst),以运动员为中心(sportsmen-centered),构建体现人文关怀的环境,为八方来客提供全方位的优质服务。 北京市奥组委主任刘淇同志在一次关于首都建设发展规划的报告中曾指出:“按照人文奥运的要求,我们将始终不渝地坚持以人为本的思想,在重视人类共性特征的同时,又充分重视不同国家、不同民族间的差异,为全体参与奥运会的人们创造祥和、友好、融洽的文化氛围。”英语中的human-centered approach 就是首先考虑人的因素。“构建体现人文关怀的环境” 应翻译成 cultivate/foster an aura/atmosphere of humane concern / ca

36、re之类的意思,不要翻译为build/construct an environment等。,围绕这届奥运会,一系列丰富多彩、形态各异的文化、体育活动将陆续展开,汇为普天同庆的文化盛典。 1. Centered on the 2008 Olympic Games, we will organize a series of diversified cultural and educational programs in succession in the future, which will make the 2008 Olympic Games a grand ceremony for all

37、people.,2. Centered round the Games, a series of colorful and various cultural and sporting activities will be carried out in succession, turning the Games into a cultural extravaganza celebrated by the whole nation. 3. Against the backdrop / in the context of the 2008 version of Olympic Games, a ri

38、ch program of events in a variety of forms will be staged, which will culminate in an international cultural pageantry amidst great jubilation.,讲评:最后一句中的“围绕这届奥运会”可以表述为under the umbrella theme / program of the 29th Olympic Games。这个句子也可以翻译成这样:Centered round the Games, a series of colorful and various cultural and sporting activities will be carried out in succession, turning the Games into a cultural extravaganza celebrated by the whole nation.,


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