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1、English Integrated Skills,(3),Grammar and Oral English,English Integrated Skills,Oral English,Phonetic Symbols,Office English,Improve Oral English,Grammar,Main Points,Correction,Feedback,Witty Words,Appreciation and Imitation,Oral English-Phonetic Symbols,Phonetic Symbols,Key Points,清、濁,輔音,S開頭,c和g的,

2、發音,S結尾,-ed結尾,Phonetic Symbols-清輔音與濁輔音,发音时声带震动、送气的叫清辅音:,k s f p t,发音时声带震动、送气的叫浊辅音:,g z v b d,Phonetic Symbols-S后面清輔音的濁化,S后面清輔音的濁化,sport,star,sky, p,t,k,b,d,g,Open的發音?,Phonetic Symbols-字母c和g的發音,字母c在字母e、i和y前的發音讀作s,其他時,候讀作k:,cell,cite,cycle,cat,字母g在字母e、i和y前讀作d:,get,gypsy,gigantic,gap,Phonetic Symbols-S結

3、尾時的發音,“S”在清辅音后发音为s :,stopstops s ; makemakes s,“S”在浊辅音及元音后发音为 z:,readreads z ; playplays z,Phonetic Symbols-ed結尾時的發音,基本詞以“t”和“d”音結尾的, ed發/id/,divide-divided, heat-heated,基本詞以浊辅音結尾的, ed發/d/,live-lived,基本詞以清辅音结尾的, ed發/t/,stop-stopped,Oral English-Office English,Brainstorm,Contribute,Ideas,An Important

4、,Campaign,Finalize,Plan,The,Presentation,Oral English-Improve Oral English,Improve Oral English,Top,Imitate English Movie,Progress,Recite,Foundation,Read Aloud,Grammar-Adjective,Main Points,Correction,Feedback,Main Points,形容詞的比較級與最高級,比較關系,比較中的替代詞,没比较级和最高级的形容词,倍数表示法,Main Points-形容詞的比較級與最高級,綜合形式,kind,

5、分析形式,kinder,kindest,difficult,more difficult,most difficult,三音節或三音節以上的形容詞,其比較級和最高級通常采用分析形式。,雙音節形容詞的比較級和最高級既可采用綜合形式,也可采用分析形式。,clever,Cleverer/more clever,Cleverer/most clever,Main Points-比較關系,排他性,Peter is smarter than any boy in our class.(误),Peter is smarter than any other boy in our class.(正),“(the

6、)+形容词最高级(副词)+比较范围”,(三个或三个以上的人或物进行比较,就要用形容词的最高级。而使用最,高級形式時,要有比較范圍。),Liu Xiang is the one of the best athletes in the world.,He is the most capable man I have ever worked with.,Main Points-比較句中的替代詞,that替代指物的單可名詞或可名詞,一般是特指的。,The population of Nanjing is larger than that of Hefei.,those替代指人或指物的名詞,一般是特指的

7、。,The last two patents are more practical than those he,invented earlier.,one替代指人或指物的單可名詞,一般是泛指的。,A man of responsibility is more respectable than one of wealth.,ones替代指人或指物的名詞,一般是泛指的。,Some quiet people are more capable than dazzling ones.,Main Points-没比较级和最高级的形容词,“极含义,或非等级词,absolute, eternal, perfe

8、ct, right,unique, wrong,有比较,含义的词,superior, inferior, senior, junior,Main Points-倍数表示法,This room is three times as large as that one.,This room is three times the size of that one.,This room is three times larger than that one.,这间屋子是那一间的三倍大。,Correction,Investigation Note,In version 0.047, the perform

9、ance of reading pictures is well.(形容詞用法,good 而不是 well),PA Comments,At SW V0.056, SLI works well. (正確用法),Actual Result,The screen display abnormal. Please reference to attached pictures.,(形容詞和副詞混用),Actual Result,The backlight is darker. The user has to press any key to wake up the,backlight.,Expected

10、 Result,The backlight should be brighter with opening the slide.,(比較級的應用有誤),Feedback,第一节课的supplier是供应商的意思,,不是用品的意思,办公用品是office,supplies.,(cooker 不是廚師,是廚具的意思。),Feedback,1,You must be _ me in this skill.,A.,B.,C.,D.,superior than,more superior to,more superior than,superior to,D,Feedback,2,My new glas

11、ses cost me _ the last pair that I bought.,A.,B.,C.,D.,three times as,three times as much as,as three times much as,three times as many as,B,Feedback,3,My views on education are _.,A.,B.,C.,D.,similar as, if not the same to, yours,similar to, if not the same as yours,similar to, if not the same as,

12、yours,similar to, if not same as, yours,C,Witty Words 妙語珠,make,make a long face,make a long nose,make ones hair,stand on end,make ends meet,make peace,make a pig of,oneself,板起臉,表示輕蔑、瞧起,人害怕,入為出,和好(人);和平相,處(國),吞虎,沒有吃相,Appreciation and Imitation,豐滿,的,Chunky,Chubby,Plumpy,Round,Lesson 3,An Important Cam

13、paign,Part 1 Everyday Sentences,E NO00Leader:Lets come up with some ideas.,#C 主持人:讓我們想一些點子吧。,#E NO01Leader:Whos got an idea?,#C 主持人:誰有想法呢?,#E NO02Leader:All ideas are good ideas.,#C 主持人:所有點子都是好的。,#E NO03Leader:Dont hold back.,#C 主持人:儘管出吧。,#E NO04Leader:All right team, lets hear what youve got.,#C 主持

14、人:好吧,各位,讓我聽聽你們的想法。,#E NO05Leader:Whos got a winner?,#C 主持人:誰有好點子啊?,#E NO06Leader:Everyone needs to contribute.,#C 主持人:每個人都要出主意。,#E NO07Leader:Lets work quickly. We have a time limit.,#C 主持人:時間有限,我們得加快速。,#E NO08Leader:Dont hesitate from volunteering any ideas you might have.,#C 主持人:有任何點子儘管提出。,#E NO09

15、Leader:Now, lets evaluate all of our responses.,#C 主持人:現在讓我們對所有的建議進評判。,#E NO10Leader:All right, how can we group these ideas?,#C 主持人:好,我們該怎麼歸納這些點子呢?,#E NO11Participants:Ive got an idea. How about.,#C 與者:我有個點子。這個怎麼樣,#E NO12Participants:I was thinking something along the lines of.,#C 與者:我在想從這方面,#E NO1

16、3Participants:Ill add on to Lorraines idea by also saying that.,#C 與者:對於的想法,我想要補充的是,#E NO14Participants:Something else to consider would be.,#C 與者:其他要考慮的是,#E NO15Participants:This just came to me. Why dont we.,#C 與者:我剛想到,我們何,#E NO16Participants:The only other thing I can think of is.,#C 與者:我唯一能想到的另一

17、點是,#E NO17Participants:As I see the situation, we should.,#C 與者:看這況,我們應該,#E NO18Participants:According to marketing research, we need to.,#C 與者:根據市場調查,我們必須,#E NO19Participants:Last time this happened we.,#C 與者:上次這種情況發生時,我們,#E NO20Participants:We can do something similar to.,#C 與者:我們可以用似於的做法,Part 2,B

18、rainstorm,#E NO00Narrator:Impact Advertising Firm is known for creating innovative, entertaining,and effective advertising campaigns.,#C 旁白:影響廣告公司以製作創新、具娛性和服的宣傳廣告聞名。,#E NO01Narrator:Mary Jones, the advertising firms director, has called a meeting to,discuss an important new contract.,#C 旁白:瑪莉 鐘斯是廣告公

19、司的經,她召開會議討一個重要的新合約。,#E NO02Mary:OK, everyone. I have some good news and some even better news.,#C 瑪莉:大家好。我有些好消息和好的消息要宣佈。,#E NO03Peter:All right! Tell us the good news first.,#C 彼得:好啊!先告訴我們好消息吧。,#E NO04Mary:Famous Fried Chicken has decided to sign a contract with us for all its,advertising.,#C 瑪莉:名氣炸

20、雞決定和我們簽約,讓我們負責他們所有的廣告。,#E NO05Susan:Thats great! Famous Fried Chicken is one of the biggest chains in the,country. #C 蘇珊:那太好!名氣炸雞公司是國內最大的鎖店之一。,#E NO07Mary:And now its one of our biggest clients. We have to do a good job.,#C 瑪莉:現在它是我們最大的客戶之一。我們得把這個案子做好。,#E NO09Susan:Of course. You can count on us.,#C

21、 蘇珊:當然囉。包在我們身上。,#E NO10Peter:Right! And theres even better news?,#C 彼得:是啊!那好的消息是麼?,#E NO11Mary:The better news is that we have to present our ad campaign to the president,of Famous Fried Chicken - in two days!,#C 瑪莉:好的消息就是我們必須在天內向名氣炸雞公司的董事長報告我們的廣告宣傳,計畫!,#E NO12Susan:But that means we only have forty

22、-eight hours to come up with a great ad,campaign.,#C 蘇珊:那表示我們只有四十八個小時去想出一個很棒的廣告。,#E NO13Peter:Yeah! Thats better news?!,#C 彼得:對啊!而這就是好的消息?!,#E NO14Mary:Yep! I believe that people work best under pressure. And the pressure is,certainly on us now.,#C 瑪莉:是的!我相信人在壓下會有最好的表現。而現在我們就要承受壓。,#E NO16Susan:What

23、would you like us to do?,#C 蘇珊:你要我們怎麼做呢?,#E NO17Mary:Do some research on your own and think up some ideas for the ad campaign.,_ NO18Well have a brainstorming session tomorrow at seven a.m. - sharp! Dazzle me,people!,#C 瑪莉:你們去找一些資,然後想一些廣告宣傳的點子。 _ 我們明早七點會有一個獻策攻,關會議。到時給我驚喜吧,各位!,#E NO20Peter:Dazzle her

24、 at seven a.m.? Ill be happy to make it to the meeting on time!,#C 彼得:早上七點給她驚喜?我能準時開會就錯!,Part 2,Contribute,Ideas,#E NO00Narrator:The next day, the team meets to brainstorm ideas for the Famous Fried,Chicken ad campaign.,#C 旁白:第二天,整個團隊開會為名氣炸雞公司的廣告宣傳活動絞盡腦汁想點子。,#E NO01Mary:Im glad to see everyone is he

25、re - and on time. Lets get started! _,NO03Susan, toss out some of your ideas.,#C 瑪莉:很高興看到大家都到而且很準時。 _ 我們開始吧! _ 蘇珊,丟一些點子出,吧。,#E NO04Susan:Well, Im not sure.,#C 蘇珊:嗯,我確定,#E NO05Mary:Come on Susan, were brainstorming. No ideas are bad.,#C 瑪莉:吧,蘇珊,我們在討, _ 沒麼點子是好的。,#E NO07Susan:OK, I did do some research

26、 and found out that the chicken at Famous Fried,Chicken has fewer calories than its competitors. And its cheaper, too.,#C 蘇珊:好吧,我做一些調查,發現名氣炸雞產品的卡含比競爭對手要低。 _ 而且,也比較宜。,#E NO09Mary:So Famous Fried Chickens chicken is healthier, and its a good value. Let,me write these ideas on the whiteboard.,#C 瑪莉:所以名

27、氣炸雞的產品比較健康,這是個優點。 _ 讓我把這些點子寫在白版上,#E NO11Peter:Fried chicken is healthy? Thats like saying rice cakes are delicious!,#C 彼得:炸雞健康?那就好像用米炸的脆餅很美味一樣!,#E NO13Peter:What about this idea? Its kind of crazy, but all ideas are good, right?,#C 彼得:這個點子怎麼樣?有點瘋狂,過所有點子都是好的,對吧?,#E NO15Mary:Right. Whats your idea, Pe

28、ter?,#C 瑪莉:是的。彼得,你有麼想法?,#E NO16Peter:Well, some people shy away from eating fried chicken because its high in,calories. _ NO17They think eating it is a health risk.,#C 彼得:嗯,有些人因為炸雞卡高而敢吃, _ 他們覺得吃炸雞危害健康。,#E NO18Mary:Thats true. Go on.,#C 瑪莉:的確是這樣。繼續。,#E NO19Peter:So we can appeal to risk takers! Peopl

29、e who like living on the edge will love,eating Famous Fried Chicken! “Dont be chicken! Take a bite of Famous Fried Chicken!“,#C 彼得:因此我們可以吸引那些喜歡冒險的人!喜歡活在冒險中的人就會喜歡吃名氣炸雞!,“別那麼膽小!塊名氣炸雞吧!”,#E NO22Mary:Um. interesting. Addressing health concerns is important, but thats a bit off,course.,#C 瑪莉:嗯很有意思。提出健康方面

30、的考慮是很重要,過這個點子有點題。,#E NO23Susan:Were trying to get people excited about eating fried chicken, not to make it,seem risky.,#C 蘇珊:我們是要人們對吃炸雞感到有興趣,是要讓他們覺得在冒險。,Part 4 Finalize Plan,#E NO00Narrator:It is late in the day and the brainstorming meeting is almost over.,#C 旁白:當天晚些時候,獻策攻關會議即將結束。,#E NO01Mary:OK,

31、there have been a lot of great ideas, but we need to narrow down the,options.,#C 瑪莉:好,剛剛有很多很棒的點子,過我們必須縮小範圍。,#E NO02Peter:Well, option one has to be the happy chicken animations using the,award-winning illustrator - Yoshiko Ono.,#C 彼得:嗯,第一選擇應該是用得獎插畫家子小野 (Yoshiko Ono) 的快雞動畫。,#E NO03Susan:But the cost

32、of that ad campaign would be too high.,#C 蘇珊:過那樣廣告成本會太高。,#E NO04Peter:Well, what do you suggest, Susan?,#C 彼得:那麼蘇珊,你有麼建議呢?,#E NO05Susan:I say we concentrate on the health benefits of eating Famous Fried Chicken.,_ NO06Healthy eating is popular these days.,#C 蘇珊:我想我們可以強調吃名氣炸雞對健康有益。 _ 最近健康飲食概很。,#E NO0

33、7Peter:Or maybe its just a fad that will blow over.,#C 彼得:或許那只是暫時的,很快就會消退。,#E NO08Susan:Do you have any data to back that up? According to an article in Advertising,and Demographics magazine, healthy fast food is a growing trend.,#C 蘇珊:你有資可以支援你的法嗎? 根據廣告與人口統計資雜誌,健康速食這一,趨勢正在斷增長。,#E NO10Mary:Hold on. I

34、 just had a great idea.,#C 瑪莉:等一下。我有一個好點子。,#E NO11Peter:What is it?,#C 彼得:麼點子?,#E NO12Mary:How about an ad campaign that uses this slogan, “Famous Fried Chicken -,Healthy Chicken for Healthy People.“,#C 瑪莉:在廣告裏用這個標語怎麼樣: _ “名氣炸雞給健康人的健康雞肉。”,#E NO14Susan:Hmm. “We make sure the chicken we serve is safe

35、and healthy, because,we care about your health.“,#C 蘇珊:嗯“我們保證供應安全且健康的雞肉,因為我們關心您的健康。”,#E NO15Mary:By focusing on the most recent customer tendencies, we can help Famous,Fried Chicken stay one step ahead of its competition.,#C 瑪莉:通過強調現在大多顧客的偏好,我們可以使名氣炸雞公司擊敗對手。,#E NO16Peter:Sounds like a good approach.

36、,#C 彼得:聽起是個很好的方法。,#E NO17Susan:Thats why shes the boss!,#C 蘇珊:那就是她之所以是主管的原因!,Part 5 The Presentation,#E NO00Narrator:Today, the team presents the ad campaign to Mr. Stearn, the owner of,Famous Fried Chicken.,#C 旁白:今天,該團隊向名氣炸雞的闆史登先生展示宣傳廣告。,#E NO01Mary:Please have a seat here, Mr. Stearn.,#C 瑪莉:請坐,史登先

37、生。,#E NO02Mr. Stearn:Thank you. What do you have for me?,#C 史登先生:謝謝。你們準備向我展示些麼?,#E NO03Mary:Our team has been working very hard on this ad campaign. Im sure that,youll find it creative, interesting, and effective.,#C 瑪莉:我們團隊在這個廣告活動上下很大的功夫。 _ 我想你一定會發現這個廣告有創意、,有趣而且又具有服。,#E NO05Mr. Stearn:Ill be the ju

38、dge of that.,#C 史登先生:我會做個評判的。,#E NO06Mary:Right. Peter, the lights.,#C 瑪莉:好的。彼得,關燈。,#E NO07Mary:We believe that our ad campaign will help your business by keeping in line,with the latest customer preferences.,#C 瑪莉:相信我們的廣告能協助貴公司的產品迎合最新的顧客偏好。,#E NO08Mr. Stearn:But, for your ad campaign to be successf

39、ul, customers need to believe,its message.,#C 史登先生:過,你們的廣告宣傳要成功,得讓顧客相信廣告所傳達的資訊。,#E NO09Mary:Youve got a point.,#C 瑪莉:你的對。,#E NO10Mr. Stearn:You would need a believable and trustworthy spokesperson. _,NO11And a celebrity doesnt work for chicken feed.,#C 史登先生:你們需要一個值得信任的代言人。 _ 一個身價菲的名人。,#E NO12Mary:No

40、t to mention charismatic. Thats why we think you should star in the ad,campaign.,#C 瑪莉:別要有超凡的魅。 因此我們認為您應該出演廣告。,#E NO14Mr. Stearn:Me?! Star?! But Im not a celebrity and Im sure no spring chicken.,#C 史登先生:我?!演出?!但我是名人而且也輕。,#E NO15Peter:Yes, sir, Mr. Stearn. You would bring credibility to the ads.,#C 彼

41、得:你的,史登先生。你會為這則廣告增加可信的。,#E NO16Mr. Stearn:Well. come to think of it, who better to appear in an ad campaign for,Famous Fried Chicken than the owner!,#C 史登先生:嗯想一想,誰會比名氣炸雞的闆適合出現在宣傳廣告裏呢!,#E NO17Susan:All right! We did it. We wowed our most important client.,#C 蘇珊:太好!我們成功。我們贏得最重要的客戶的讚賞。,#E NO18Peter:Yeah, thats great, but Im hungry. And after watching our ad, I know exactly,what I want - Famous Fried Chicken. Come on, lets go eat!,#C 彼得:是啊,太好,過我餓。 _ 看廣告以後,我知道我想吃麼名氣炸雞。,_ 走,我們去吃吧!,


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