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1、【预热环节】 T:How do we often express our idea on agreement and disagreement? S: T:What do you think of English writing? S:I ,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,(as many ways as possible),I think,高考英语 写作技巧点拨 贵港高中 2012届 2012年3月,方法,文体判断,观点明确,引入简洁,段落安排,确定时态,涉及词、短语和句子,方法,组词成句,亮点句型,方法,句与句连贯通顺,段与段过渡自然,关联词、连接词,方法,找出亮点,朗读范文,对比思

2、路,高考英语第二轮复习策略,写作技巧点拨,【本堂作文】 假如你是李明,是一所高中的英语校报记者,请你围绕“杜绝校园不文明行为”这个主题,用英语给全校同学写一封倡议书。内容包括: 1、不乱扔垃圾或随地吐痰; 2、在食堂吃饭时不要大声喧哗; 3、不要在校园墙壁上乱画或到处粘贴小广告; 4、尊重他人,共同创造文明的校园环境。,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,注意: 1、词数100左右; 2、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear fellow students, _ _,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,【思路分析】,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,文体: 人称: 时态: 要点:

3、 分段:,【思路分析】,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,关键词和短语: 关联词: 高级句型:,【思路分析】 此题要求学生围绕校园不文明行为的展开作文,是一篇倡议书。 既有要点提示,也有开放性要求,为学生提供了一定的自由发挥的空间。,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,可以从三个层次来安排这篇短文: 一是写倡议书的目的; 二是分步分点提出倡议; 三是提出总的希望。 因为是号召性的文章,适当使用祈使句或一般现在时态。,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,关键词和短语: 1. bad manners,well-mannered students 2. firstly/secondly/th

4、irdly/lastly 3. drop litter on the ground,spit on the ground 4. are considered ,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,5. talk loudly in the dining hall 6. draw on the school walls,put up ads here and there, stopin order to 7. respect others,think of others feeling,work together to creatcivilized campus,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复

5、习策略,关联词: 组句成文时既要注意句与句之间的连贯通顺,也要注意段落之间的过渡自然。可利用衔接词汇firstly,secondly,thirdly;句式上可以通过被动句、倒装句、非谓语动词的使用来增加句子结构的复杂程度。,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,高级句型: 1、Displaying bad manners in campus can cause a series of problems. 2、I hope .a well-mannered person. 3、Firstly,we mustnt or They are bad habits and 4、Secondly,we s

6、hould not talk asthis often 5、Lastly,it is common to see students draw onor put up,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,6、We must stop doing this for a clean and campus. 7、Lets respect,think of and work together to creat,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,Dear fellow students, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Li Ming,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策

7、略,【学生实践】,Dear fellow students, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Li Ming,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,【学生作品展示】,找出作品中使用的关键词,找出作品中的关联词,找出作品中的亮点句子,找出中存在的明显的错误,【佳作欣赏】,写作技巧点拨,高考英语第二轮复习策略,Dear,fellow students, Displaying bad manners in campus can cause a series of problems.I hope every student can understand this and

8、try to be a well-mannered person. Firstly,we musnt drop litter on the ground or spit on the floor.They are bad habits and considered impolite. Secondly,we should not talk loudly in the canteen as this often makes people uncomfortable. Lastly,it is common to see some students draw on the scool walls or put up ads here and there.We have to stop doing this for a clean and beautiful cmapus. Lets respect others,think of others feelings and work together to create a more civilized campus environment. Yours, Li Ming,


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