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1、外研新标准 第一册 必修1,Module 1,Reading and Vocabulary,Before the class,I want you to be engaged in the material. I want you to be engaged in whatever it is that we are discussing in class.,Not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say. Id like you to take active notes rather than passive

2、 notes. Write down what can make you feel or learn something.,Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged.,Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged.,I want you to be engaged in the material. I want you to be engaged in

3、whatever it is that we are discussing in class.,Not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say. Id like you to take active notes rather than passive notes. Write down what can make you feel or learn something.,汉语是我们的母语,我们从学英语开始,就是用汉语来解释和记忆英语的。变“用汉语解释和记忆英语”为“用英语解释和记忆英语”。避免了将英语转换为另一

4、种语言汉语所带来的不便和时间耗费。不但提高了效率,而且久而久之,有可能在头脑中建立起两种思维系统,即在在汉语思维之外,还可以逐步建立起独立的英语思维系统。,用英语解释和记忆英语,本身就是在学习和运用英语,对提高英语语感和英语的阅读理解能力和综合运用能力很有好处。是一举多得的好方法。真正做到了用英语品味英语,越品越有味;用英语理解英语,理解更准确。鉴于本环节初次尝试此种设置,可能有些学生对英语解释不能完全理解,为降低难度,英文解释后面可进一步演示中文解释,学生可再通过中文解释回顾早读课中已预习过的单词,进一步加深记忆。,Read the explanation and speak out the

5、 word it explains.,Words review,an area which is governed as part of a country or an empire,province,n. 省,information,n. 信息,behaviour,n. 行为,facts about a situation, person, event, etc,someones behaviour is how they behave,comprehension,n. 理解,领悟,the ability to understand completely and be familiar wi

6、th a situation, facts, etc,brilliant,adj. 极好的,very good,a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this,attitude,n. 态度,embarrassed,adj. 尴尬的,feeling ashamed or shy,instruction,n. (常复) 指示,说明,something that someone tells you to do,happening or existing befor

7、e something or someone else,previous,adj. 以前的,amazing,adj. 令人吃惊的,extremely surprising,something that tells you what something or someone is like,enthusiastic,adj. 热心的,description,n. 记述,描述,showing enthusiasm,n. 方法,method,a particular way of doing something,bored,adj. 厌烦的,厌倦的,feeling tired and unhappy

8、 because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do,Objectives,阅读课文介绍了一位高一新生第一天到学校观察和接触到的人和事物以及个人的感受。能理解课文中介绍学校的材料并获取信息。 能比较自如地写出介绍学校情况的文章。,Reading Tips,在阅读时,要注意综合运用略读(skimming)与扫读(scanning)这两种方法。,略读(skimming)只看文章标题、下标题以及每个部分或者段落第一行,关注文章中反复出现的关键词。 略读时,要用充足的时间读懂段落的第一句和第二句,因为第一句往往是

9、该段的主题句(topic sentence),而第二句往往是对前句的延伸(extension)或进一步的解释(explanation)。,通过略读把握文章大意,运用扫读(scanning)迅速浏览从第三句开始的后面部分,搜寻作者对开头两句的支持句(supporting sentences),并同时注意文章中间是否有转折词(transition),因为这些词常常会把文章的思路逆转或加入其它重要的信息。当读到段落的最后一句时,我们又要使用略读,这时必须再次放慢速度(slow down your pace)直到完全消化作者对段落的小结(conclusion),因为该小结有可能与主题句截然相反或引导读

10、者进入下一个段落。,通过扫读寻找特定信息或特定词组,Reading strategy,skimming,scanning,a general idea,certain information,titles and headings,the first and last sentences of paragraphs,the first and last paragraphs,pictures and charts,Scan the text for key words and phrases, dates, etc.,Do not need to read the whole text.,To

11、 get general ideas,Skimming,What is the main idea of the passage? A. Li just likes his English teacher. B. Li not only likes his former school but his present one. C. Li describes his impression on his new class and English teacher. D. Li mainly introduced himself to his classmates.,Reading Comprehe

12、nsion I,Skimming,To solve difficult points,Careful reading,1. enthusiastic adj. 热心的; 热情的; 感兴趣的; 表示对某事热心, 感兴趣时常与 about 连用。,The football star got an enthusiastic reception. 那位足球明星受到了热情的招待。 Tom is very enthusiastic about the concert. 汤姆对这场音乐会很感兴趣。 拓展: enthusiasm u.n. 狂热; 热心; 积极性 enthusiast c.n. 狂热者; 爱好

13、者,2. amazing adj. 令人惊奇的; 令人吃惊的; 难以相信的 He is an amazing player to watch. 他是一个(好的)让人惊奇的运动员。,拓展: amazed adj. (人)感到惊奇的 I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. 我对他知识的渊博感到惊奇。,3. 常用的倍数表达形式 a. A + be + 倍数 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。 His father is twi

14、ce as old as he. 他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。,b. A + be + 倍数 + 形容词比较级 + than + B The Yangtze River is almost three times longer than the Pearl River. 长江差不多比珠江长两倍。 The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one. 这本字典比那本恰好贵4倍。,c. A + be + 倍数 + the + size / weight /length + of + B The newly broadene

15、d square is four times the size of the previous one. 新扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。,4. Im looking forward to doing it. look forward to 盼望;期待。to为介 词,其后接动词时需用ing形式。,I am looking forward to Christmas. 我盼望圣诞节的来临。 I am looking forward to seeing you. 我盼望能见到你。,5. impress vt. (1) 给予某人深刻印象; 使某人钦佩 impress sb. with sth. 使某人

16、对某事留下深刻印象 The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists. 外国游客无一不对这座城市留有深刻印象。 The woman impressed me most unfavorably. 这女人给我的印象极差。,(2) impress sth/on (upon) sb. 使某人铭记某事; 使某人深刻地意识 The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping records. 那位经理让办公室人员意识到做记录的重要性。 His wor

17、ds impressed themselves in my memory. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。,拓展: impression u.n. 印象派 impressionist c.n. 印象派画家,Let the word fly,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词的用法、意思有一个全面的了解。在翻译过程中体会词汇使用的丰富多彩。,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词work的 用法。,1. It takes a lot of work to dig a deep well. 2. I have to bring my

18、work home today.,工作; 劳动 U,(待做的)工作; 功课U,挖一口深井很费事。,今天我得把工作带回家做。,work n.,3. This bamboo basket is my own work. 4. He is making a study of William Faulkners works.,成果, 产品; 工艺品, 针线活 U,这只竹篮是我自己编的。,著作, 作品,他在研究威廉福克纳的作品。,work vi. 1. She works in a restaurant. 2. The machine wont work. 3. Your suggestion work

19、s well.,工作, 劳动, 干活(+at/on),她在一家饭店工作。,(机器等)运转, 活动,机器不转了。,起作用; 行得通,你的建议很有效。,work vt. 1. Dont work yourself to death. 2. Please tell me how to work the machine. 3. This scientist worked miracles.,使工作, 使干活,开动; 操作,这位科学家创造了奇迹。,造成, 引起; 激起,别拼命做了。,请告诉我如何操纵这机器。,现学现用,Work in pairs, one of you make up sentences

20、 with work in English, the other make up sentences in Chinese. Then you exchange and translate them.,To get detailed information,Scanning,1. Li Kang lives in our capital, Beijing. 2. It is his first day at Junior High school. 3. Li Kang knows why his new school is good. 4. Ms. Shen is very enthusias

21、tic to her students. 5. Li Kang likes Ms. Shens attitude, but the others dont.,Scanning,Reading Comprehension II,True or False.,Choose the answers with the same meaning as the sentences from the text.,1. Lines 21-24: Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High

22、school. My previous teachers method of teaching is better than that of Ms Shen. (b) My previous teachers method of teaching is different from that of Ms Shen.,Scanning,Reading Comprehension III,2. Lines 27-28: I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class! (a) I will find the class interesting! (b)

23、 I will find the class difficult! 3. Line 31-32: Some students were embarrassed at first The students stopped being shy eventually. (b) The students couldnt do the activity.,4. Lines 33-35: Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves. (a) We did everything by ourselves. (b) We liste

24、ned to Ms Shens explanation and then worked with each other.,Li Kang,Shijiazhuang,My first day at Senior High,Good,Enthusiastic and friendly,Amazing with computers and screens,Scanning,Reading Comprehension IV,Fill in the chart.,Interesting, funny, not boring,Enthusiastic with new method,Introducing

25、, reading and spelling,Friendly, hard-working and more girls,1. Find something about this school which is different from Li Kangs Junior High School. 2. Find two things that the English teacher thinks are important to do in class. 3. Find two things that the English teacher wants to improve.,Scannin

26、g,Reading Comprehension V,The method of teaching, more students in the class.,Reading comprehension and speaking.,Spelling and handwriting.,Individual activity,1. Your father likes to play golf; he is really enthusiastic _ it. A. by B. about C. with D. on 2. Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to

27、read a novel. A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring,Quiz I: Choose the best answers.,3. It is believed that if a book is _, it will surely _ the readers. A. interested; interest B. interesting; be interested C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest 4. We w

28、ere _ at the _ speed. A. amazed; amazing B. amazing; amazed C. amazing; amazing D. amazed; amazed,5. He wanted the man he was looking forward _ _ stay with him. A. for; to B. to; with C. to; to D. with; to 6. This box is _ that one. Which of the following is wrong? A. four times so big as B. four ti

29、mes the size of C. four times bigger than D. one fourth as big as,1. We may get much more i_ from the Internet nowadays. 2. I felt so a_ when I heard the news of the accident which happened yesterday. 3. Whats your a_ to studying English this new term? 4. He gave a d_ of what he had seen.,nformation

30、,mazed,ttitude,Quiz II: Complete the following sentences.,escription,5. They have got many m_ to solve this problem, dont worry. 6. Do you feel e_ when your friend refuses to lend you some money? 7. I know little about the new machine, have you got any i_ when you buy it? 8. My father i_ on me the i

31、mportance of hard work.,ethods,mbarrassed,nstructions,mpressed,Think about what weve just learnt in todays class.,Time for Reflection,Study without reflection is a waste of time.,Think in English,After the class,Its the time where we stop the class and you look inward. Its a time of silence in a cla

32、ss.,Review,课时重点回顾,asas 和一样 have fun 过得很快乐 by oneself 单独地;独自地 in other words 换句话说 be bored in 对厌烦 look forward to 盼望;期待,Homework,Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions. 2. 发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字)。,enthusiastic, look forward to, amazing, method, in other words, attitude, embarrassed, instruction.,Thank you.,


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