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1、2019/8/31,1,BUSINESS WRITING 商务英语写作 Course Outline,2019/8/31,2,Text Book,商务英语写作 胡英坤 车丽娟 主编 外语教学与研究出版社,2019/8/31,3,Contents,1 An Overview of Business Writing 2 Structure and Style of Business Letters 3 Sales-related Inquiries and Replies 4 Orders and Confirmation Letters 5 Letters about Shipment,商务信函

2、的结构与格式,商务写作概述,询盘与回复,订单与确认函,装运函,2019/8/31,4,6 Letters About Payment and Settlement of Accounts 7 Routine Claims and Adjustment 8 Persuasive Claims and Refusals 9 Sales Letters 10 Invitation and Thank-you Letters,付款与结帐函,日常投诉与理赔,邀请函与感谢信,销售函,说服性索赔与拒绝函,2019/8/31,5,11 Letters of Apology and Congratulation

3、 12 Notice and Announcement 13 Memos and Minutes 14 Preparing resumes 15 Letters of Application,道歉信与祝贺信,通知与通告,备忘录与会议记录,准备简历,申请信,2019/8/31,6,16 Letters of Recommendation 17 Proposals 18 Organizing and Preparing Reports 19 Questionnaires 20 Business Agreements,意向书,商务协议,调查问卷,推荐信,报告,2019/8/31,7,BUSINESS

4、 WRITING 商务英语写作,Structure and Style of Business Letters,Chapter 2,商务信函的结构与格式,2019/8/31,8,The first impression a business letter makes on its reader often determines whether that letter will actually be read, and it also may determine the readers reaction to the contents of the letter. A well-dressed

5、 executive projects (传达) a quality image. A well-dressed letter also projects a quality image.,2019/8/31,9,Letter Structures and Placement,1. Letterhead 2. Date 3. Inside Address 4. Attention Line 5. Salutation 6. Subject Line,7. Body 8. Complimentary Close 9. Signature 10. Reference Initials 11. En

6、closure 12. Copy Notation,Twelve elements of business letters :,信头,日期,封内地址,指明收信人,称呼,事由/主题行,信文,结尾礼词,签名,打字员姓名缩写,附件,抄送,2019/8/31,10,Among these twelve elements, letterhead, date, inside address, salutation, the body, the complementary close and the signature are necessary for a business letter, while t

7、he others are optional. Each of the twelve elements is elaborated as follows.,2019/8/31,11,twelve elements,Necessary Letterhead Date Inside Address Salutation Body Complementary Close Signature,Optional Attention Line Subject Line Reference Initials Enclosure Copy Notation,2019/8/31,12,1. Letterhead

8、 信头,A business letter is usually typed on printed letterhead paper. A letterhead generally contains the following information: * The name of the firm * Its address and postal codes * Telephone number * Fax number * Internet address * E-mail address * Telegraphic and telex address * A trademark or a

9、brief slogan, etc.,2019/8/31,13,For example:,EASTERN TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD. 289 Changchun Road, Dalian, China Tel: 0411-86606811 Fax: 0411-86507631 Http:/ E-mail: ,2019/8/31,14,2. Date 日期,The date is typed a few lines below the last line of the letterhead. The format of the date differs from

10、 country to country. The common formats are typical American one (Month/Day/Year) and British one (Day/Month/Year). Even though we Chinese prefer Year/Month/Day format, it is better to use American or British format in business English letters. As the date is a vital part of a business letter, the m

11、onth written in full is preferred because figures may create confusion.,2019/8/31,15,Sample Date Line,-Date consists of the date, month, year. -Two widely accepted styles: June 12, 2013 or 20 July, 2013 -Do not use only figures, i.e. 12/6/06, because not all English-speaking people agree on the orde

12、r of the date.,2019/8/31,16,Rewrite the following date for standard business letters,6/5/06 10-9-06 8 June 2006 Oct.28, 06 jan.13. 2006,2019/8/31,17,3. Inside Address 封内地址,The address of the organization receiving the letter is typed single-spaced at the left margin. The number of lines left blank b

13、etween the date line and the address depends on the size of the body of the letter, the size of type (the pitch) used, and the length of the printed lines. The address is typed as it will appear on the envelope.,2019/8/31,18,Arrange the following information into letterhead or inside address:,U.S.A.

14、/Ford Motor Company/ Dearborn, Michigan 48120/PR Department/13350 Rotunda Drive China/Beijing 100021/Beijing Metal/President/ Lin Fang/ East lane/ 234,2019/8/31,19,4. Attention Line 指明收信人,If you send your message officially to an organization, an attention line allows you to send it directly to a sp

15、ecific individual, officer, or department. However, if you know an individuals complete name, it is always better to use it as the first line of the inside address and avoid an attention line.,2019/8/31,20,Sample Attention line,A colon or dash may or may not follow the word “attention”. e.g. ATTENTI

16、ON: SALES MANAGER AttentionMarketing Director Attention of Advertising Manager,2019/8/31,21,5. Salutation 称呼,For most letter styles place the letter greeting or salutation, two lines below the last line of the inside address or the attention line (if used). If the letter is addressed to an individua

17、l, use that persons courtesy title and last name (Dear Mr. Lanbam). Even if you are on a first-name basis (Dear Leslie), be sure to add a colon (or a comma, not a semicolon) after the salutation. Use an individuals full name (Dear Leslie Lanbam) only when gender is unknown.,2019/8/31,22,Examples of

18、Salutations Dear Sir without specific reference, formal Dear Sirs without specific reference, formal Gentlemen without specific reference, formal Ladies and Gentlemen without specific reference, formal Dear Mr. Ahrendsen male, never use Mister instead of Mr. Dear Mrs. Ahrendsen married women Dear Mi

19、ss Ahrendsen unmarried women, girls Dear Ms. Ahrendsen female, marital status unknown Dear Messrs. Ahrendsen two or more male addressees share the same surname; before partnership or company, e.g. Messrs. James Smith & Co., Ltd. Dear Mmes. Ahrendsen addressing two or more ladies under the same surna

20、me Dear Dr. Ahrendsen professional title to show business courtesy Dear Professor Ahrendsen Prof. is also used sometimes. Dear Sales Agent When the individuals name is unknown, use the Persons professional title.,Person to Address,2019/8/31,23,What salutation would you use to address a letter to:,A

21、company (a new client) David J.Lee (businessman with doctorate) Candy Lester (unknown marital status) A marketing manager Mr. Bran Jackson & Mr. Kevin Jackson Mr. Froy Longman & Mrs. Jane Longman,2019/8/31,24,6. Subject Line 事由/主题行,A subject line helps identify the subject of the letter. Although ex

22、perts suggest placing the subject line two lines below the salutation, many businesses actually place it above the salutation. Use whatever style your organization prefers. Using a subject line will alert your reader to the content of your message and enable him or her to decide whether the letter r

23、equires immediate attention. So a subject line is often underlined or typed in capitals.,2019/8/31,25,Sample Subject line,Underlined: Sale Contract no.234 Capitalized: SALE CONTRACT NO. 234 Re: Late Delivery of Order 123 Subject: Order No. 1232 for Tea-sets,2019/8/31,26,7. Body 信文,This is the actual

24、 message of a letter. Most business letters are single-spaced with double line spacing between paragraphs. Very short messages may be double-spaced with indented paragraphs.,2019/8/31,27,The Body of Letter,Give the reason of writing the letter in the first paragraph. Give numbers or bullets for para

25、graphs which contain important information. In closing paragraph, show your hope or promise of future action or contact.,2019/8/31,28,8. Complimentary Close 结尾敬词,Typed two lines below the last line of the letter, the complimentary close may be formal (Very truly yours) or informal (Sincerely yours o

26、r Cordially yours).,2019/8/31,29,Sample Complimentary Close,Formal: Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Faithfully yours, Informal: Sincerely, Best regards,Semi formal: Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Cordially yours,2019/8/31,30,What complimentary close would you use to the salutations:,Ladies and Gen

27、tlemen: Dear Sirs Dear Mr. Lorgan Dear Tom,2019/8/31,31,What complimentary close would you use to the salutations:,Ladies and Gentlemen: formal Yours faithfully, Dear Sirs formal Very truly yours, Dear Mr. Lorgan semi formal Sincerely yours, Dear Tom, informal Sincerely,,2019/8/31,32,9. Signature 签名

28、,1) Organization Name: If an organization name is used after the complimentary close, the name should be typed entirely in capitals two lines below the complimentary close. 2) Author, Title, and Department: The author of the letter needs space to sign his or her name; therefore, three blank lines sh

29、ould be left above the typed name of the author. If short, the authors title or department may appear on the same line as the authors name. If long, it should be typed immediately below the authors name.,2019/8/31,33,10. Reference Initials 打字员姓名缩写,The initials of the typist are typed two spaces belo

30、w the authors name and title. If the author chooses to include his or her initials in the reference initials line, the authors initials should appear before the typists (EM: mef).,2019/8/31,34,Sample Reference Initials,These initials identify the writer of the letter and the person who typed it. The

31、 initials of the signer come first in capital and followed by typists in lower-case letter. e.g. DLH/nrz DLH:nrz DLH*nrz,2019/8/31,35,11. Enclosure (or Attachment) 附件,If an enclosure (or attachment) accompanies the letter, a notation to that effect is placed two lines below the reference initials. T

32、his notation reminds the typist to insert the enclosure in the envelope, and it reminds the letter receiver to look for the enclosure (or attachment). The notation may be spelled out (Enclosure/Attachment), or it may be abbreviated (Enc./At.). It may indicate the number of enclosures or attachments,

33、 and it may also identify an enclosure specifically (Enclosure: Copy of Invoice 6309).,2019/8/31,36,Sample Enclosure Notation,The notation may be spelled out (Enclosure /Attachment), or it may be abbreviated (Enc./ At.). It may indicate the number of enclosures or attachments, and it may also identi

34、fy an enclosure specifically (Enclosure: Copy of Invoice 6309). Enclosure: Sale Account Enc. (4) Enclosure (2): Packing list Commodity Inspection Certificate,2019/8/31,37,12. Copy Notation 抄送,If copies of a business letter have been made for other individuals, a copy notation is typed one or two lin

35、es below the enclosure notation (if used). A colon following is optional. Most people prefer to use notations like CC, cc, Cc, (all mean carbon copy). Since most copies are now photo-copied, some people use the notation XC (xerox copy), PC (photo copy), or C (copy). However, if you do not want the a

36、ddressee to know that someone else is receiving a copy, do not include this notation on the original copy.,2019/8/31,38,Copy Notation,When the letter is desired to send to others. The writer wants the recipient aware of the persons receiving the copy of the letter. A copy notation is typed one or tw

37、o lines below the enclosure notation (if used) CC, cc, Cc (Carbon copy), XC (Xerox copy), PC (Photo copy), C (Copy),2019/8/31,39,Using the information to prepare the parts needed for the letters below.,The letter is signed by Mr.Robert Osteen and typed by you. There are three enclosures: the sales c

38、ontract, the list of purchase prices, the list of selling prices for the last week. A Xerox copy of the letter must be sent to the Great Sea Company The letter must be sent to the very person, Mr. Danny Brown, the Sales Manager.,Practice!,2019/8/31,40,Styles of Business Letters,You should be familia

39、r with at least four business letter styles: Block Modified Block Simplified Indented.,齐头式,改良齐头式,简化式,缩进式,2019/8/31,41,1. Block Style 齐头式,LETTERHEAD ( 信头 ) _ (日期) _ (编号) _ (封内地址) _ (称呼) _ (事由) _ _ _(信文) _ _(结尾敬词) _(签名),All its lines (from the date line) begin at the left margin.,2019/8/31,42,2. Modif

40、ied Block Style 改良齐头式,The date line, reference line (if used), complimentary close, organization name (if used), authors name, and title begin at the right or center of the page. The first line of each paragraph may begin at the left margin or may be indented five or ten spaces. All other lines begi

41、n at the left margin. LETTERHEAD (信头) _(编号)_(日期) _(封内地址) _(称呼) _ (事由) _ _ (信文) _ _ _ (结尾敬词及签名) _ _ (附件、附本、附言),2019/8/31,43,3. Simplified Style 简化式,All lines begin at the left margin. Notice that a subject line typed in all capitals, replaces the salutation. A triple line space precedes and follows t

42、he subject line. Instead of a complimentary close or company name, the writers name and title are typed in all capitals five lines below the last line of the letter body. LETTERHEAD (信头) _(日期) _(封内地址) _(事由) _(信文) _ _ _(签名),2019/8/31,44,In the indented style, each new paragraph starts four or five sp

43、aces from the left-hand margin, while the complimentary close and the signature are centred or on the right-hand side of the sheet. LETTERHEAD (信头) _ (编号)_(日期) _ (封内地址) _ (称呼) _ (事由) _ (信文) _ _ _ (结尾敬词及签名) _ _ _ _ (附件、附本、附言),4. Indented Style 缩进式,2019/8/31,45,Punctuation Styles 标点,Two punctuation st

44、yles are customarily used in business letters: mixed and open. Letters using mixed punctuation style have a colon after the salutation and a comma after the complimentary close. Letters using open punctuation style do not have a colon after the salutation and a comma after the complimentary close.,2019/8/31,46,Example:,Mixed Punctuation Salutation Dear Mr. Emerson: . . Complimentary close Sincerely, Open Punctuation Salutation Dear Mr. Emerson . . Complimentary close Sincerely,20


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