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1、My little dog cant read Mrs Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost (丢失)my precious(珍爱的) little dog! Mrs Smith: But you must put an advertisement(登广告) in the papers! Mrs. Brown: Its no use, my little dog cant read.,元音(20个),turn left,turn right,go straight,vocabulary,in the middle 在中间 on the right 在右边 on the

2、 left 在左边 in front of 在前面 (外部) near=next to 附近,Where is the post office?,The post office is behind the hospital.,Its behind the hospital.,I want to buy a postcard. want to do sth. 我想要踢足球 I want to play football. I want to eat an apple.,What a great museum !,多么漂亮的一个女孩啊 What a beautiful girl. 多么聪明的一个男

3、孩啊 What a clever boy.,Answer the questions,2.Where is the museum shop?,3.Where is the post office ?,1.Is there a museum shop?,Its near the door.,Its next to the museum.,Yes, there is.,Zhongshan Park,shop,A: Where is _? I want to _. B : Its_.,library , post office, park, zoo, hospital, cinema, museum

4、, bookstore,Its in front of on the right/left of next to/near,Wheres the museum ?,Park,Library,Bookstore,Hospital,Post office,Cinema,How can I get there?,Turn right at the park.Then go stright.,Have a check,三、Read and Choose. 读一读,选一选 ( )1. The bookstore is the left. A. on B. in C. at D. to ( )2. ,Wh

5、ere is a post office near here? A. Excuse me B. sorry C. Excuse D. No ( )3.I want go to the park. A. to B. of C. by D. for ( )4. The cinema is next the hospital. A. to B. of C. in D. on )6.The park is front of our school. A. on B. in C. at D. under ( ) 7. -Where did you buy it? -_. A. Twenty yuan B.

6、 In the store C. OK. Lets go. ( ) 8. -Where is the museum? -_ in front of the hospital. A. It B. There is C. Its,七、Read and choose。 我会选。 Anext B Im new here B. Thank you. C. Excuse me. D. Go straight. Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office? Mike: Im sorry. You can ask the policeman. Amy: Thank you all the same. Amy: ( )Can you tell me the way to the post office? Policeman: . You can see the KFC. Amy: And then ? Policeman: Its( ) to it . Amy: Oh, I see. (). Policeman: Youre welcome.,Thank you for coming !,


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