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1、Lesson 2,Welcome Back,加了梁老师QQ/微博的同学:,3. -Is _ here today ? -No, Tom isnt here. Hes ill in bed.,第一讲错题回顾,1. Look at the cat! Is it alive or _ ?,A. death B. dead C. dying D.died,2. 过去,人类对地球没有太多了解. Human beings _ _ so much _ the earth in the past.,A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody D.anybody,didnt learn

2、 about,技能训练,P31 五 51 55 六 56,1.语法:数词(Numbers),2.复习U2重点词汇、短语,3.综合训练,今日睇真 D,_, you like a dream come true. _, just want to be with you. _, girl is plain to see. _, repeat steps _ through _. _, you wanna be with me. If ever I believe my work is done. Then I will start it _.,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,back

3、 at one,one,three,If all things in time, time will reveal, yeah,数字人生,We take a bath about 7,163 times in the whole life.,We may dream about 104,390 times in the whole life.,We blink about 400,000,000 times in the whole life.,Numbers Everywhere,Can you count how much rice should be put in this chessb

4、oard?,264-1=,18446744073709551615,基数词,数词,序数词,one, two, three,第几,序数词,Yang Wei was the first, he felt very excited.,第一,第二,第三,the first,the second,the third,第九,the ninth,序数词常与“the”连用,挑战小学数学题,How to write 加减乘除 in English?,60+26=,100-63=,129=,987=,86,37,108,14,60+26 =86,Add 60 and 26 is 86.,100-63=37,Sub

5、tract 63 from 100 is 37.,60 plus 26 equals 86.,100 minus 63 is 37.,129=108,Multiply12 by 9 equals108.,987 =14,Divide 98 by 7 is 14.,13亿中国人,1.3 billion Chinese people,数以千计的人,Thousands of people,分数表达,one fifth,四分之三,three fourths,分子基数词,分母序数词,五分之一,当分母大于1,分母要使用复数,这张图片里5/11的人是女的。,_ _ are ladies in this pi

6、cture.,Five elevenths,脑袋急转弯,1. Which fish do the students hate most ?,2. Which fruit does the lemon hate most?,3. How much did 杨过 worth(价值)?,东升斑(Dont 升班),柑(橘柠檬),1.2元(过儿),请为梁老师的机智点32个赞!,复习重点词汇、短语,instead; instead of,vs,我喜欢凤姐而不是 Angelababy.,I like beautiful “Sister Feng” _ _ Angelababy.,of+doing/宾格(hi

7、m),instead of,I dont like Angelababy, but I like “Sister Feng” _.,instead,He _ a knife _ _ the fruits.,use,A knife _ _ _ _ the fruits.,uses to cut,is used to cut,use,星爷过去常常充当“临时演员”。,used to be,way短语连连看,in this way,by the way,on ones way to,in a way,去某地路上,在某种程度上,用这种方法,顺便问问,in the way,挡路,注意:way后接home,

8、 here, there, to 要闪开,number短语,The number of boys in EXO is 9.,The amount of money is large.,不可数名词,the number of : 的数目,a number of : 大量的,可数名词复数,order to,_ sb _ do sth,承诺某人做某事,词组检测,_ sb _ do sth,挑战某人做某事,命令某人做某事,_ sb _ do sth,_ _ do sth,开始做某事,challenge to,promise to,begin to,enough,He is _ _ to steal t

9、hings.,他足够蠢去偷东西。,他没有足够的钱买东西。,adj + enough + to do sth,enough + n + to do sth,stupid enough,enough money,加减乘除的表达,分数的表达,基数词和序数词,If引导的条件状语从句的时态,各种“use动词短语”,今日学D,终于等到你! 还好我没放弃, 国庆来得好不容易! 才会让我更加珍惜 国庆快乐!,原文表达:35%学生旅行是为了放松心情,第一步:拓展句子.,达人表达: 35%学生想要去旅游以便他们可以放松自己.,原文表达: 15%选择阅读学更多知识,白富美表达: 15% 学生喜欢读书多于做其它的东西

10、,因为以 这样的方式他们可以学到更多的知识.,35% students _ _ _ travel _ _ they can relax _,15% students _ _ _ doing other things because they can learn more things _ _ _,would like to,so that,themselves,prefer reading to,in this way,原文表达:20%学生在家帮助父母做家务.,高大上表达: 五分之一学生选择在家而不是做其它以便于 可以帮助父母亲做家务.,原文表达: 30%学生参加社会活动当志愿者,神表达:余下

11、的学生想要参加社会活动,例如当一个志愿者.,_ _ students _ _ stay at home _ _ doing others _ _ _ help their parents do house work.,The others _ _ taking part in social activities, _ _ , being a volunteer.,One fifth,choose to,instead of,in order to,feel like,for example,第二步:添加适当连接词,表因果: so , because , as a result , theref

12、ore,表时间承接: first of all , then , finally , at the same time,表转折: but , however,表让步: though , although,表总结: in my opinion, in short , all in all , above all,表目的: in order to , so that,例如:15%学生去旅游,同时间有20%学生去读书,例如:在我看来,每一个人都有不同过国庆节的方式,at the same time,In my opinion,第三步:神开头,龙收尾,细检查,神开头:报导展示给我们看35%学生,龙结尾:我确信每一个人都可以在国庆节玩得开心. 这将会是多么有意义的一个国庆节啊!,The report shows that 35% students,I am sure everyone will have a wonderful national holiday. How meaningful the national holiday will be!,


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