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1、Unit 6,被动与主动 Passive vs. Active,教学目标: (一)、认识英语句式的被动倾向 (二)、认识汉语句式的主动倾向 教学内容: (一)、英语惯用被动句的原因 (二)、汉语限用被动句(多用主动式)的原因 (三)、汉语主动式的的表达形式 (四)、英汉互译中的语态转换(翻译练习) 重点难点: (一)、重点:英语被动式与汉语主动式形成的原因 (二)、难点:掌握英汉语语态转换的方法和技巧,(一)、英语惯用被动句的原因,一、施事的原因。人们表达思想的时候,通常使用主动句。但当主动句的施事(agent) 由于以下的原因而不需要或不可能指明时,英语往往采用被动句: 1. 施事未知而难以

2、言明,如: a. The murderer was caught yesterday, and it is said that he will be hanged. 凶手已于昨天被捕,据说他将会被绞死。 b. New factories are being built all over the country. 全国到处在兴建工厂。,2. 施事从上下文中可以不言自明,如: a. Your suggestion has been duly noted. 你的建议已得到及时关注。 b. She told me that her master had dismissed her. No reason

3、 had been assigned; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress. 她告诉我,她的男主人已解雇了她。男主人没有讲明任何理由,对她的行为没有任何异议,也不许她向女主人申诉。,3. 施事不如受事重要,或受事需要强调,如: His only son was run over by a car. 她的独子被汽车轧了。 有时为了隐去含糊的人称主语(vague pronoun subject),也用被动句: At the tea party they

4、 served only tea and cake. At the tea party only tea and cake were served. 茶会上只供应茶和饼。,4. 由于特殊原因而不需指明施事,如为了使叙述显得圆通、得体,或为了表达某种微妙的情绪(tact or delicacy of sentiment),如: Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken. 今晚有些人在此讲了不该讲的话。 You are cordially invited to join in the cel

5、ebrations of the May Day Festival on Sunday, May 1st, at 10:00 a.m., at Zhongshan Park. 五月一日(星期日)上午10点在中山公园举行“五一劳动节”庆祝活动,敬请光临。(出于礼貌、得体),二、句法的要求。英语重形合,注重句法结构和表达形式。当主动式不便于表达时,出于造句的需要或修辞的考虑,往往采用被动式: 1. 为了使句子承上启下、前后连贯、便于衔接。 a. Some kinds of plastics can be forced through machines which separate them int

6、o long, thin strings, called fibres, and these fibres can be make into cloth. 有几种塑料可以压入机器并分离成细长的纤维,这种纤维可以用来织布。,b. He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 他出现在台上,观众热烈鼓掌欢迎。 c. Language is shaped by, and shapes, human thought. 语言受制于思想,又影响思想。,2. 为了使句子平衡,保持末端中心(end focus)和末端重量(

7、end weight),以符合主语简短、谓语复杂的表达习惯。 a. I was astounded that he was prepared to give me a job. 他准备给我一份工作,这使我大吃一惊。 b. It is universally acknowledged that a single man of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 凡是有钱的单身汉,总要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。,三、修辞的需要。英语修辞学主张不要过分使用被动句,但适当使用被动句可以使表达方法灵活多变,避免句型单调,达到一定的修辞效果。例

8、如使用被动句可以减少以填补词“it”、“there”引导的句式,使句子比较干脆、有力。 There are many ways to vary the basic English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object. 有许多方法可以变换英语“主-动-宾”基本句型。 The basic English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object can be varied in many ways. 英语“主-动-宾”基本句型可以用许多方法加以变换。,四、文体的需要。,信息类文体如科技文体、新闻文体、公文文体及论述文

9、体在英文中较多使用被动句。科技文体注重事理合活动的客观叙述,力戒作者的主观臆断,因而常避免提及施事。新闻报道注重口气客观、间接、叙事翔实、冷静,施事往往难以言明,也不宜言明。公文注重叙述公正、无私,口气客观、正式。 The passive is generally more commonly used in informative than in imaginative writing, notably in the objective, non-personal style of scientific articles and news items.,英语有过分使用被动语态的倾向,其弊端在于

10、: 罗嗦(wordy)、间接(indirect)、无力(weak)、隐晦(oracular),故弄玄虚(mysterious)而深不可测(impenetrable),使交际者之间隔着一层被动的烟幕(passive smokescreen)。 “half the delatoriness, the passing of the bucks, the shrinking of responsibility, the lazymindedness, and the want of initiative”,结构被动句(syntactic passive)vs. 意义被动句(notional passi

11、ve) 英语结构被动句多于意义被动句(用主动的形式表达被动的意义),原因在于: 1.绝大多数的及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语都有被动式。 2. 被动式可借助形态变化来表示,因而形式很多:限定动词多种时态的被动式和非限定动词(不定式、分词、动名词)的被动式;非人称被动式(impersonal passive);双重被动式(double passive)。应用广泛,使用频率高。,例外: 意义被动式在英语句子里较少见 1.These products sell like hot cakes. (=are sold) 这些产品十分畅销。 2. The clock needs repairing. (=

12、is repaired) 这个钟需要修理。 3. The book is printing (=is being printed) 这本书正在印刷。 4. The room filled rapidly. (=was filled) 房间很快就挤满了。,词汇手段表达被动意义: 名词(短语): Examinee (=person examined) 受审查者;受试人 Interviewee (=person interviewed)受访者;参加面试者 His astonishment (=he was astonished) 他 感到惊讶 The imprisonment of the murd

13、erer (=the murderer was imprisoned)凶手被监禁,形容词: eatable (=fit to be eaten) 可吃的 desirable (=to be desired) 想要的 respectable (=deserving respect) 值得尊敬的 acceptable (=to be accepted) 能够接受的 介词: in ones possession/in the possession of someone (=owned, held, kept or controlled by someone) 为某人所有,在某人控制之下,(二) 汉语

14、限用被动句(多用主动式)的原因,一、“被字式”曾被称为“不幸语态” (inflictive voice) “被字式”主要用以表达对主语而言是不如意或不企望的事,如“被捕”、“被剥削”、“被杀”等。现代汉语受西方语言的影响,”被字式“的使用范围有所扩大,有时也可以用来表达并非不如意的事,如”被评为先进工作者“等,但大多数被动意义不用”被字句“。按照汉语的习惯,如果句中无须指出施事,主动意义与被动意义又不至于发生混淆,一般就不用被动式结构,而用意义被动。如:,It was done. 这件事已做了。(不说”这件事已被做了“) It was well done. 这件事做得好。 (不说”这件事已被做

15、得好“) It was poorly done. 这件事做得不好。/这件事搞砸了。/这件事被弄坏了。/这件事给弄糟了。 注:英语表达这三种意义都可以用被动式,但汉语却用主动式,只有第三种意义才用被动式。,除了”被“字外,”让“、”给“、”叫“、”挨“、”受“、”遭”等也可构成被动式,但也大多表达类似“被动式”的不如意或不企望的事。如: 1)庄稼让大水冲跑了。 The crops were washed away by the flood. 2)他们去年遭灾了。 They were hit by a natural calamity last year. 3)我叫雨淋了。 I was caugh

16、t in the rain.,与汉语相比,英语的被动式可以表达不如意的事,也可以表达如意的事,还可以表达中性意义。此外,英语的被动式是由系表结构演变而来的,可以表示动作(动句),也可以表示状态(静句),而汉语的被动式却不是由系表结构演变而来的,一般只表示动作,而不表示状态。比较: The house is surrounded by trees. (静句) 房子周围都是树。 (不用被动式) The enemy was soon surrounded by our troops.(动句) 敌人很快被我军包围了。 (被动式),二、汉语的被动式除了受到意义的限制外,还受到形式的限制。 汉语正常的被动

17、式式必须把主事者说出来,“被”字底下一般要用宾语,当施事不需要或难于提及时,就无法采用被动结构。英语被动式的使用比汉语自由得多。英语的主动句大多可转变成被动句,而汉语主动句大多数不能转成被动句。如: He is respected by everybody. 人人都尊敬他。(比较:“他受到每个人的尊敬”) The ceremony was abbreviated by rain. 因为下雨,仪式举行得很短。(不能译为“仪式被雨缩短了”),汉语常用主动形式表达英语的被动意义: My holiday afternoons were spent in ramble about the surroun

18、ding country. 每逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。 The low staff morale was caused by the constant disagreement between the managers overseeing the project. 管理项目的经理们长期意见不合,使得员工们士气低迷。,(三)、汉语主动式的表现形式,既然汉语的被动式受到意义和形式的限制,大多数被动意义就必须采用其他形式表达。 一、使用受事主语导致大量的“当然被动句”(即形式主动,意义被动) 1)昨晚我盖了两条被子。(不说“昨晚我被两条被子盖着”) Last night I was c

19、overed up with two quilts. 2)困难克服了,工作完成了,问题也解决了。 The difficulties have been overcome, the work has been finished and the problem solved. 3)爸爸,你想死我们了! Daddy, we miss you very much!,二、当不需要或不可能说出施事者时(如不知道,不言而喻或隐含在上下文中),汉语可以采用无主句或主语省略句来保留句子的主动形式。 1)注意看看信的地址是否写对了。 Care should be taken to see that the let

20、ter is properly addressed. 2)请听众保持肃静。 The audience are requested to keep silent. 3)要制造飞机,就必须仔细考虑空气阻力问题。 Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be manufactured.,三、当施事者难以言明时,汉语采用通称或泛称作主语,三、汉语采用通称或泛称(如“人”、“有人”、“人们”、“大家”、“某人”等)作主语,以保持句子的主动形式。 1)大家都认为这样做是不妥当的。 It is ge

21、nerally considered not advisable to act that way. 2)有人给你打电话。 You are wanted on the phone. 3)大家忽然听到了防空警报,急忙寻找掩护。 The air raid sirens were suddenly heard to warn people to take shelter at once. 点评:英语多数情况下采用被动式翻译此类汉语句式。,四、当不便使用被动式时,汉语可采用某些转换式来表达被动意义。,1、处置式(即“把字式”或“将字式”) 1)Whenever work is being done, e

22、nergy is being converted from one form into another. 凡是做功,都是把能从一种形式转换成另一种形式。 2)Goodyear, an American, had been trying for years to find a way in which rubber could be made hard, nonsticky, and yet elastic. 有一个叫古德伊尔的美国人一直在努力寻找一种方法把橡胶做得硬而不粘,但是却有弹性。,2、“为所”式,是较古的被动式,与现代的被动式结合,即“被所”,如: 1)她被花言巧语所陶醉。 She i

23、s intoxicated with sweet words. 2)幽王击鼓,诸侯兵部至,幽王死于骊山之下,为天下笑。(吕氏春秋疑似) King You beat the drum to ask the dukes and princes to send their troops to his rescue but they all refused. King You died at the foot of Mount Li, the object of universal ridicule.,3 、“是的”,即表示状态的静句,通称可以与表示动作的动句相互转换。如: 1)这些产品是我国制造的。

24、(我国制造这些产品) These products are made in our country. 2)历史是人民创造的。(人民创造历史) History is made by the people. 3)邮件是人工分检的。(人工分检邮件) The mail is sorted out by hand.,4、“的是”式,一般可以与“是(由)的”式相互转换,如: 1)推荐我的是一位教授。(我是由一位教授推荐的) I was recommended by a professor. 2)上次来接我的是一位叫百马的先生。 Last time I was received by a gentleman

25、 named Bai Ma.,5、“加以/予以”式,组成倒置的动宾结构,如: 1)这个问题将在下一章加以讨论。 This question will be discussed in the next chapter. 2)不应对缺点加以掩饰。 The shortcomings must not be covered up. 3)要对这些弊病加以揭露。 The defects must be pointed out.,除了上述的形式之外,汉语还可以通过各种变通的手段,用与英语不同的句型和词性来表达英语的被动意义,如: 1)The culture of antiquity was rediscov

26、ered. 古代文化重见天日。 2)纯情男女我们在书中见过不少,但这一对写得最真。 We have seen many love matches in novels, but this couple is most movingly described.,(四)、英汉互译中的语态转换(翻译练习),英语民族注重客体思维,往往以客观、冷静的表达方式叙述事物,多采用被动式;汉语民族注重主体思维,强调“悟性”,重视“事在人为”和个人感受,在语言的使用上多用主动式。因此,在英汉互译时,要根据英汉语各自不同的特征进行相应的语态和句式的转换,也称换态译法,或语态变换法。,1、 今天邀请大家来开座谈会,目的是

27、要和大家就高等院校的专业设置交换意见。 You have been invited to this forum today to exchange ideas on specialties in colleges and universities. 点评:当施事者无需言明时,汉语可用通称“大家”,以保持句子的主动形式。在汉译英时,应考虑英语的行文规范,变汉语的主动结构为英语的被动结构。,2、如果资本主义制度在港台得不到保障,那里的繁荣与稳定就不能维持,和平解决问题也就不可能了。 If the capitalist system is not guaranteed in Hong Kong an

28、d Taiwan, prosperity and stability there cannot be maintained and a peaceful settlement will become impossible. 点评:汉语原文采用当然被动式(“得不到保障”,“不能维持”),英译时应转换为被动形式。,3、During the war years before the Liberation lots of children were saved by Comrade Sung Chingling and the China Welfare Institute led by her. 在

29、解放前的战争年代宋庆龄同志和她所领导的中国福利会拯救了很多儿童。 点评:英语的被动式在汉译时根据汉语的句式要求转换为相应的主动式:“所.的”(所领导的)和英语句子的主语“儿童”变为汉语句子的动宾结构“拯救儿童”。,4、Crowding down to the water are rows of low houses, dirty and dark, inhabited by countless thousands of poor folk, whose days are spent in unending toil and the struggle to keep alive. 沿河挤满了一排排又暗又脏的矮房子,不计其数的穷苦百姓居住在这里,他们经年累月永无休止地辛苦干活,挣扎着活下去。 点评:时态转换法和拆译法的应用。,5、Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily, only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed. 大部分问题已圆满解决,只剩下几个次要问题有待讨论。 点评:施事不需要说出时,汉语可采用无主句或主语省略句来保持主动形式以使译文自然顺畅。,


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