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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?,Section A 1a-1c,七年级(上),There are 12 months in a year.,Ja,nua,ry,Fe,brua,ry,M,ar,ch,A,pril,May,June,July,Au,gust,Sep,tem,ber,Oc,to,ber,No,vem,ber,De,cem,ber,when birthday month January February March April,什么时候; 何时 生日 月份 一月 二月 三月 四月,May June July August September October

2、 November December,五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月,Spring,April /eIprl /,May /meI/,Summer,Autumn,Winter,January, March, May, July, August, October, December,31 days,April, June, September, November,30 days,February,28 or 29 days,Do you know?,Dates(日期),January 1st,February 2nd,March 3rd,April 4th,May 5th,J

3、une 6th,July 7th,August 8th,September 9th,October 10th,November 11th,December 12th,It (New Years Day) is in _.,January,When is New Years Day?,It (New Years Day) is on January 1st (first).,Womens Day and Tree Planting Day _ both(两者都) in March.,When is Womens Day? Its on March 8th (eighth).,are,When i

4、s Tree Planting Day? Its on March 12th (twelfth).,When is May Day?,Its in _.,May,When is Childrens Day?,Its in _.,June,Its on May 1st (first).,Its on June 1st.,Its in _.,September,When is Teachers Day ?,Its on September 10th (tenth).,When is Army Day?,Its in _.,Its on August 1st.,August,When is Nati

5、onal Day ?,Its in _.,Its on October 1st.,October,A: When is your birthday?,B: My birthday is on _. / Its on _.,Whats the date (日期) today ( 今天)? Its December 9th (ninth).,Whats the date of your birth(出生)? Its on January 6th.,1a Listen and repeat.,MONTHS,1.January,2.February,3.March,4.April,5.May,6.Ju

6、ne,7.July,8.August,9.September,10.October,11.November,12.Decmber,1b Listen and number the conversations.,A: When is your birthday, Linda? B: My birthday is on October 2nd.,A: When is your birthday, Mary ? B: Its on January 5th.,A: When is your birthday, Mike ? B: My birthday is on June 3rd.,1,2,3,Wh

7、en is your birthday? My birthday is on October 10th.,When is your birthday? It is on September 6th.,Otc.10th,How old are You? Im 5.,1c Practice the conversation above with your partner. Then make your own conversations.,Sep.6th,Exercises,. 用英语写出下图中的日期。,February 3rd,April 14th,July 23rd,September 30t

8、h,November 19th,. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,完成句子。 1. D_ is the twelfth month of the year. 2. Please come to my birthday p_. 3. How o_ is Mary? Shes 14. 4. W_ is your birthday, Jane? My birthday is on April 10th. Janes mother buys her an MP5 player. She is very h_.,ecember,arty,ld,hen,appy,Thank You!,Seasons an

9、d Months,Seasons (季节),Spring (春天),Summer (夏天),Autumn (秋天),Winter (冬天),Objectives,To learn to talk about dates. To learn new words: when, month, birthday,Read the words and expressions aloud.,月份名称词 January 一月 February 二月, 三月 March 五月 May。 April 译四月,August 八月份。 June, July 六七月,September 九月份。 October 译十

10、月,十一、十二紧相随。 November 十一月,December 年末尾。,口诀记忆,Chinese Festivals (节日),New Years Day (新年),Womens Day(妇女节),Tree Planting Day (植树节),May Day (劳动节),Childrens Day (儿童节),Teachers Day (教师节),National Day (国庆节),Army Day (建军节),1. _ do you usually play sports? In the morning. A. Where B. How C. When D. Where 【点拨】 when是疑问副词,意为“什么时候,何时”,常引导特殊疑问句询问时间,既可询问某个时段或时刻,也可询问具体的日期。如: When do you buy this T-shirt? When is Toms birthday?,C,Language points,2. 我妈妈的生日是5月8号。 _ 【点拨】 表示具体日期通常为“月份+日期”,月份 为专有名词,首字母必须大写。如: August 23rd (8 月23日), October 1 (10月1日)。,My mothers birthday is on May 8th.,


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