小学PEP五年级英语下册《Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys》精品教案.doc

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1、小学PEP五年级英语下册Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys精品教案Part A Lets learn 1 Class time: 40 minutes2 Teaching contents: (key points)New expressions: jumping flying walking running swimmingSentence structure: Look at the tiger. Its running.The rabbit is jumping.3 Teaching Aims:1) 能听说读写本课的四会单词.2) 能运用现在进行时来表达某动物正在做什么

2、。3) 通过游戏,活动形式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。4 Teaching aids: 教学图片,多媒体课件,5 Main points: 对单词的掌握和用现在进行时表达. Difficult points: running swimming的拼写认读.6 Teaching procedure:一 Greeting. How are you today? Im fine, thank you. 二 Warming up. 1 Sing a song.2 复习: T: Do you like animals? Today is a fine day. lets go to the zoo ,ok?

3、Lts see : What animals can you see at the zoo?T: Whats this? Its a rabbit. T: What can a rabbit do? It can jump. 复习单词:jump walk run swim fly3 Say the chant.三 Presentation and practice3 T: Now lets go into the zoo and see the animals. (Watch video).Oh, Look at the rabbit. What is the rabbit doing?Its

4、 jumping.学习“jumping”。 (配动作,贴出图片)3 学习“flying”.T: Look at the bird. What is it doing? S: Its flying.学习“flying”。 (配动作,贴出图片)4 继续学习walking running swimming注意突出强调running swimming要双写加ing再次读5个词组 1) 跟课件中的录音读。2)从低到高音读。(三次)3)说做出手势动作。4 听力练习.5Game: Shooting教师先出现一图片,全班连读该单词,教师不停地变换图片,直到再次出现该图片时,学生立即射击该单词卡片.6 Game

5、 T: The bird is flying. S: Flying. F-L-Y-I-N-G flying.7 学习句型: T: Look at the rabbit. What is it doing? Oh. Its jumping.8 Pair work. 9 Game: 击鼓传花. S1: Look at the tiger. What is it doing? S2: Its running.10 Guessing Game. (幻灯片呈现)。 Guess : What is the animal doing?11 Lets play. 请一学生上台扮演一种动物,其余学生猜出动物,然

6、后另一学生做一个动作,其余学生根据动作说句子. T: Whats this? S: Its a bird. The bird is flying.12 Writing exercise.13 Group work. 小组合作,给自己的动物园配上喜欢的动物,并用句子描述出来.四 小结.五 Homework: 和你的家人去动物园,并用英语向他们介绍动物们正在做什么.附板书:Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys.Part A Lets learnjumping flying walking running swimmingLook at the tiger. Its running.The rabbit is jumping.3


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