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1、前言:在10月14日的全市六年级教材培训会上来自沂水的景老师结合她的六年级教学经验进行了六下二、三单元分析,特将文字材料和课件上传共享。)沂水师范附小 景培培单元总览一、单元话题Weekend activities二、单元内容1四会单词、短语watched TV washed the clothes cleaned the room played football visited grandparents went to a park went swimming read a book went fishing went hiking 2四会句子What did you do last wee

2、kend?I played football.Did you read books?Yes, I did. No, I didnt.三、教学目标1能力目标(1)能够用一般过去时描述自己在过去的时间里所做的事情。如:I played football last weekend.(2)能够用主要句型询问他人在过去的时间里所作的事情并作答。如:What did you do last weekend?(3)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“At the Zoo”。2知识目标:(1)能够听、说、读、写Lets learn, Lets talk部分的四会短语和句子,掌握一般动词过去式的变化规则以及部分不规则动词的过去

3、式形式。(2)能够听、说、认读Lets learn, Lets talk, Lets read部分的白体单词和句子。(3)能够理解并会说唱Lets chant部分的歌谣。(4)能够认识、拼读Pronunciation部分的音标及例词,完成单词音、形、义的连线活动。(5)能够了解Story time, Good to know, Task time等部分的内容。 3情感目标:培养学生合理安排生活的能力,适时强化尊老爱幼的教育。4策略目标:通过完成不同形式的记忆游戏发展学生的记忆能力。5文化目标:培养学生的环保意识。第一课时一、教学目标与要求:1能够听、说、读、写动词短语的过去式:watched

4、TV, washed the clothes, cleaned the room, played football, visited grandparents;并初步了解一般动词过去式的变化规律及其发音规则。2能够听、说、认读句型,“ What did you do last weekend? I played football. ”并能够对其中的动词短语进行替换。3能够完成Lets find out部分的游戏。 二、教学重点与难点:1重点是掌握Lets learn部分动词短语的过去式以及就过去时间所做的事情进行简单问答。2难点是动词短语过去式的拼写和发音。 三、教学流程(一)、Warm up

5、1、Lets chant (Book6 P7)What do you do on the weekend?复习与周末活动相关的动词短语。 2、Lets startT: What do you usually do on the weekend? 帮助学生回忆学过的动词短语,并引导学生回答,如:I usually play football.(二)、Presentation1猜周末活动呈现:last weekend washed the clothes教师出示日历 T: Whats the date today?请学生回答Its .然后教师将日历翻到上周日:What was that day?然

6、后帮助学生回答It was last Sunday. It was the last weekend.学习last weekend 。T: Now I know what you do on the weekend. Guess what I usually do on the weekend?学生猜出后,T:I usually clean the room on the weekend. Last weekend I cleaned the room too.板书clean the room 和cleaned the room.2. 同样方法呈现:watch TV watched TV wa

7、sh the clothes washed the clothes play football played football visit grandparents visited grandparents然后让学生找规律,学生找出规律后,教师用不同颜色的粉笔标上过去式的后缀-ed示范其发音,让学生试着找出发音规律。3.学生听录音,打开课本跟读短语,学生小组内相互指读短语。(三)、Practice 1看动作猜词组一名学生用动作表示上周末活动,其他学生说出过去形式动词短语。 2接龙问答游戏T:What did you do last weekend ?S1:I watched TV.How ab

8、out you.S2?S2:I played football. How about you.S3?S3:.(四)、Production1Lets find out T:What did Zoom do last weekend?学生回答He watched TV.教师补充Yes,He watched TV with his mother.They watched the news.What else did he do?引导学生说,He watered his flowers.He did his homework ,too.2我是书记员:学生两人一组进行问答并将答语中的动词短语记录下来。Q

9、uestion: What did you do last weekend?(五)、Progress1、总结规则动词过去式词尾的读音:(1)在浊辅音和元音后面发/d/(2)在清辅音后面发/t/(3)在/t/,/d/音后面发/1d/2完成活动手册上的练习。第四课时一、教学目标与要求:1能够听、说、读、写短语:went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking。2能够听、说、认读句子:What did you do yesterday? I went hiking.3能够做Lets play中的游戏进一步巩固所

10、学短语和锻炼学生的记忆能力。4能够理解并会唱歌曲“At the Zoo”。5能够熟悉Good to know中的标志,增强环保意识。 二、教学重点与难点:1重点是四会短语的听、说、读、写。2难点是掌握不规则动词的过去形式。三、教学流程(一)、Warm-up 1Lets sing: At the zoo2双簧游戏:一名学生描述周末活动,其他学生做出动作。(二)、Presentation1举一反三游戏:师生一起进行动词原形与动词过去式快速转换的抢答赛。如:T: watch TV Ss: watched TV T:clean the room Ss: cleaned the room .T:read

11、 a book 教师接着说read a book,教授read 的过去式发音。并让学生了解不规则动词的过去式。教授read /red/后,游戏继续。T: go to a park 教师接着说 went to a park ,学习went T:go swimming引导学生说went swimming游戏继续。T:go fishing Ss:went fishingT:go hiking Ss:went hiking然后用went继续造句,复习学过的短语。T:go to school Ss:went to schoolT:go to a bookstore Ss: went to a books

12、tore.2.ChantPark,park,went to a park,I went to a park yesterday.Swimming, swimming,went swimming.I went swimming yesterday.Book,book,read a book,I read a book yesterday.Fishing,fishing,went fishing, I went fishing yesterday.Hiking, hiking,went hiking, I went hiking yesterday.3.听录音,跟读。学生小组内互读短语。(三)、P

13、ractice. 1.考考你的记忆力(P31 Lets play) (1). T: What did you do yesterday?S1:I went fishing.T: What did S1 do yesterday?Ss: He/She went fishing.(2).T: Now, what did Mike, Chen Jie, Amy, Wu Yifan and Liu Yun do yesterday? 学生观察表格几分钟,然后合上书,同桌进行问答。:S1: What did Mike do yesterday?S2: He went swimming.2.Bingo游戏

14、3. Good to know(1).认识个标志牌:No fishing. No swimming. No dogs peeing. No dogs pooing.(2). 设计一些标志图。如:No Smoking!(三)Progress(略) 第二课时一、教学目标与要求:1能够听、说、读、写句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football.2能够完成Lets try部分的练习。3能够正确运用重点句型进行对话,完成Lets find out部分的游戏。 二、教学重点与难点:1重点是句型:What did you do last weekend

15、? I played football.2难点是该句型的问句部分,以及认读语音部分的三个双元音音标。 三、教学流程(一)、Preparation1、快举快读游戏,复习动词的原形和过去式,如watch TV watched TV wash the clothes washed the clothes 2、一个比划一个猜。一名学生通过动作描述上周末活动,其他学生说出过去式短语。3、Chant: Last weekend I played football. What did you do? Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do? .(二)、Prese

16、ntation1Lets try T: What did Chen Jie do last weekend? Listen and circle.2T:Now we know what Chen Jie did last weekend. What did you do last weekend? 请学生回答 I played football./.教师板书并示范朗读句型What did you do last weekend? I played football.学生跟读,口拼句型。3接龙问答游戏操练主句型。如:S1: What did you do last weekend?S2:I wa

17、tched TV . What did you do last weekend?S3: I played football. What did you do last weekend?/How about you?S4:4在接龙游戏尾声老师打断学生的回答,接下去问Lets me guess. Did you play football last weekend?引导学生回答,Yes ,I did. / No.5同桌用课本配图进行意义操练。(三)、PracticeQ: What did Wu Yifan do last weekend? What did John do last weekend

18、?学生听录音回答问题,然后跟读录音,同桌之间做对话练习。(四)、Production1连词成句(1) did you last what weekend do (?)(2) cleaned room I the (.)2Lets find out (1)、Make a survey教师先教学单词yesterday,然后学生利用课本的调查表询问同学昨天的活动,操练句型:What did you do yesterday? I . (2)、Have a report 请几名学生汇报调查结果,最后让学生把调查结果写成书面文字。如:Zhang Peng listened to music I watc

19、hed TV yesterday.第五课时一、教学目标与要求:1能够听、说、读、写句型:Did you read books? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.2能够完成Lets find out 部分的活动。3能够完成Lets try部分的听力练习。4能够理解并会吟唱本单元第一页Lets chant部分的歌谣。二、教学重点与难点:1重点是学生听、说、读、写句型:Did you read books? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.2难点是学生能够正确使用动词的原形和过去形式。三、教学流程(一)、Warm-up1Free talk: What did you

20、do last weekend/yesterday? How about you?2Lets chant(P26)3改编Les chant 复习动词的原形和过去式,并预习本课新句型。可采用男女生问答的形式。如:Did you watch TV? Yes, I watched TV. Did you go swimming? Yes ,I went swimming.(二)、Presentation1Lets tryT:What did John do yesterday?Listen and circle.学生听录音。在订正答案时,教师用Did John go to a park/?提问,学生

21、用Yes或No 回答。2竞猜游戏学习主句型 Did you .? Yes,I did. / No, I didnt.T: John went fishing yesterday. What did I do yesterday? Guess.如学生猜不出,教师可用肢体语言进行提示,如看书等。引导学生问Did you .? T: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.并将引出的四会句子板书,学生口拼句子。然后将句子Did you read books?中的read 划出。T: Pay attention to this word,/ri:d/ or /red/?提示学生过去时态的一

22、般疑问句用Did 提问,后面的动词用原形。3机械操练4意义操练:“你猜中了吗?” T:I have 4 friends. They are Zhang Peng , Chen Jie , Wu Yifan and Sarah. What did they do yesterday? Guess !让学生用Did you? 猜课本配图上张鹏等四个学生的活动,并请四名学生分别扮演Zhang Peng等根据配图进行回答Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.(三)、Practice1Listen to the tapeQuestion: What did Mike do yesterda

23、y?2Read after the tape3Read in pairs4Act it out(四)、Production1Lets find out(P32)(1)师生示范 T: Did you go swimming/on the weekend?学生根据实际情况回答Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,并在表格中划V或X。然后学生再向教师提问。(2)同桌互访(3)总结报告(口述)如:I read a book on the weekend. My partner went swimming and played football.2记者招待会。姚明、郭晶晶等明星上周来到临

24、沂,今天举行记者招待会,扮演小记者的同学向扮演明星的同学提问,然后忠实记录下问句和答句。 操练句型:Did you ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.Eg: -Hello, Yao Ming. Did you go to Jiuzhou Supermarket? -Did you play basketball in Linyi?(五)、Progress Lets check (P35)(六)、Homework写一写周末你和同伴的活动,或将Lets find out中的口头总结写成书面报告。第三课时一、教学目标与要求:1能够读懂Lets read部分的短文,并完成文后的填

25、空和问答练习。2能够完成Lets play中的游戏,通过游戏训练并提高学生的记忆能力。3能够读懂Story time的故事。 二、教学重点与难点:1重点是读懂Lets read部分的短文并能模仿短文描述自己上个周末所做的事情。2难点是is的过去式形式was的用法。三、教学流程(一)、Warm-up Lets sing :At the zoo(二)、Pre-reading1“我是记忆王”游戏( P30 Lets play )如:T:What did you do yesterday?S1:I cleaned my room.S2:I cleaned my room and .S3:.随着学生描述

26、的活动越来越多,教师不失时机地评价,如:Shao Cheng was busy yesterday.并板书is 的过去式was2情景呈现 cooked noodles等T:I was busy yesterday ,too. Because it was my grandmas birthday.这个句子较难读,可让学生多跟读几遍。教师接着问:Guess!What did I do ?学生猜后,教师板书cooked noodles.让学生根据规则动词过去式词尾的发音规律试读。(三)、In-reading1T:Did Wu Yifan have a busy weekend?学生略读课文,判断(

27、1)Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.( )(2) He played football Saturday morning.( )(3) He washed his clothes and cleaned his room Sunday afternoon. ( )2细读课文完成课本题目Finish the sentences。 3第三次阅读完成下面的句子。 Saturday morning he _. Saturday evening he _. Sunday morning he _. Sunday afternoon he _.4Listen to the t

28、ape5Read aloud(四)、Post-reading1Retell the text T: What did Wu Yifan do last weekend?学生根据上面练习三的提示复述课文 。2Story timeT: Wu Yifan had a busy weekend .Zoom had a busy weekend ,too.Please read the dialogue and finish the sentences.1、Saturday morning Zoom _.2、Saturday afternoon Zoom _.3、Sunday morning Zoom

29、_.4、Sunday afternoon Zoom _.5、How did he feel?He was _.(五)、Homework:以Last weekend为题简单写一下自己上个周末的活动。第六课时一、教学目标与要求:1能够听、说、认读Lets read 部分的短文并完成文后的练习。2能够完成Task time中的任务。二、教学重点与难点:1重点是能理解并会朗读Lets read部分的短文。2难点是认读一些新语言,如:We read funny tongue twisters together.等。三、教学流程(一)、Warm-up 勇攀高峰:学生分为两大组,从低到高依次回答问题,谁能最

30、先爬上最高一级阶梯,谁就能摘下山顶的红旗,成为攀登高峰的“英雄”。 5Where did you go last Sunday? 4Did you clean your bedroom yesterday? 3Did you go to Beijing last year? 2What did your mother do yesterday morning?1What did you do last weekend?(二)、Pre-reading1Tongue twister教师出示几个绕口令,学生练习,引出Tongue twister和 We read funny tongue twist

31、ers together.2.教师出示题板,让学生猜一猜,连一连,读一读,集中认识本课的新动词的过去式。fly swam walk jumpedswim flew jump walkedsee saw return studied study ruturned(三)、In-reading1、略读第一段。Q:How did Mike go to Zhang Pengs home? What did Mike do at Zhang Pengs home?略读第二段。Q:What did Mike and Zhang Peng do in the park? What happened?略读第三段。Q:Who helped Mike get the kite? How did he get the kite?2.细读全文完成书上练习Number the sentences.3.再读全文完成书上练习Finish the sentences.(四)、Post-reading Task time同桌先就上周末的活动依照课本上的示范语言进行问答,再填充表格,最后请几组学生上讲台表演。(五)、Progress(略)


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