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1、共 99 页,1,Senior English Book V 必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists,I. Textbook Exercises II. Read the words aloud III. Word quiz,共 99 页,2,英英释义 短语搭配 经典例句 近义词辨析 派生词延伸,NOTE-TAKING,共 99 页,3,单 词 梳 理 高效梳理知识备考,1. characteristic character, feature某人或某物天生有别于他人或他物的内部特质或外表特征 (置于单词之后,下划线) eg: a. It is characteristic of

2、 him to talk nonsense. b. A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time _ _. (标明eg,以字母表序号排列),共 99 页,4,2. radium polonium; radioactive eg: a. _ is famous for her discovery of radium. b. Radioactive is a special quality of radium. c. If it werent for the radium, it would all be

3、great.,共 99 页,5,3. painter eg: a. Caution! Wet Paint! b. Guohua, traditional Chinese paintings are _ and _; traditional western paintings are mostly _. paint painting (derivatives are listed at the bottom in the same color as the new word),共 99 页,6,4. put forward 1) to suggest, come up with an idea

4、2) to suggest sb. who would be good for a job or a position 3) to put before,phrase 1,共 99 页,7,1. 放在一边;收拾起来;储存 2. 放回,拨回 3. 写下;镇压;放下 4. 提出;颁布 5. 把翻译成 6. 延期,推迟 7. 穿、戴上;(速度、体重)增加;上演 8. 扑灭,熄灭 9. 接通电话 10. 举起;建造;张贴 11. 忍受,忍耐,容忍 12. 专心于,put,共 99 页,8,5. scientific eg: a. Einstein was a great scientific geni

5、us. b. Scientific theories must be based on facts. c. The proportion of people in China with basic scientific knowledge is growing, but scientific literacy is still low. science scientist,共 99 页,9,6. conclude -conclusion -conclusive decide by reasoning; judge; bring to a close (Phrases darkened, num

6、bered),1) conclude.by/with 2) conclude to do sth. 3) conclude.from 4) to conclude (做插入语) 5) in conclusion 6) bring.to a conclusion /come to a conclusion 7) make/arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion,word 1,共 99 页,10,conclude -conclusion -conclusive (inconclusive) The investigation failed to turn

7、 up any conclusive evidence.,共 99 页,11,7. analyse/analyze eg: a. The detective analysed the details of the robbery. b. Analyze the sentence for me and tell the part of speech.,Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today. analysis/analyses analytical,共 99 页,12,8. infect (give people disea

8、se; make people feel the same way) eg: a. He was infected with cholera. b. His laughter infects everyone who is in the room. c. _ can infect babies at birth. infectious/communicable/transmissible infection,共 99 页,13,9. cholera,共 99 页,14,10. defeat sb. defeated, defeated beat sb. beat, beaten win sth

9、. won, won,word 2,共 99 页,15,11. expert at/in/on+ sth./doing sth. eg: a. Who is considered an expert in computer science in your family? b. She is an expert at solving family problems. c. What are you expert at/in/on?. expertise,共 99 页,16,12. attend vt./ vi. attend a meeting/a lecture/school/a funera

10、l attend (on/upon) sb. attend (to) sb. /sth. attendance n. 出席,到场,参加,word 3,共 99 页,17,13. physician eg: a. A surgeon is a doctor who is trained to perform surgery. b. A physician is a doctor specialized in general medicine and not surgery. c. A dentist is a doctor who takes care of peoples _. d. A ve

11、t treats _. -physics -physical -physicist,共 99 页,18,14. expose vt. (to make visible or get in touch; to reveal the guilt or wrong doing of ) 1) expose sth/sb/oneself to 2) be exposed to exposure exposition (Shanghai Expo) exposed,word 4,共 99 页,19,15. deadly,adj. dangerous; likely to cause death: fat

12、al/incurable/killing: a deadly weapon 2) highly effective against sth. or sb: a deadly remark adv. 1) very: deadly serious deadly quiet 2) like death: deadly pale,共 99 页,20,16. cure n. /vt. 1) a cure for. 2) cure sb. of sth. curable incurable,word 5,共 99 页,21,cure/treat/heal (1)treat指通过药物、特别的食品或运动治病

13、,强调治疗过程,treat sb. for sth.医治某人病;还可作“对待,看待”讲,treat.as把看作/视为。 (2)cure意为“治愈,痊愈”,可接表示疾病的名词或代词,也可接sb. of再加表示疾病的名词。另外,还可作“矫正,纠正”解,借喻指消除社会上某种不良现象或个人恶习等。 (3)heal意为“治愈;愈合”,用指身心创伤都可以,多用于治愈外伤,如:wound, cut, injury, burn等。 - 辨析用汉语,共 99 页,22,17. outbreak - break out come in- set out- break through- take part-,eg:

14、 a. Very soon after the outbreak of the war he was arrested. b. China was struck by an outbreak of _ in 2003.,共 99 页,23,18. challenge,eg: a. He challenged my statement. b. He responded to the challenge in a calm way. c. Id like something challenging.,共 99 页,24,19. victim,eg: a. A victim is an _ pers

15、on who suffers from a disaster. b. The fainting victim came to. c. They camped the quake victims in tents.,共 99 页,25,20. absorb vt. a. What can we use to absorb the spilled ink? b. absorbin/by I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear you call. c. absorbinto The big company has gradually absorbed thes

16、e small companies into its own organization.,word 6,共 99 页,26,21. suspect vt. n. 1) suspect sth. 2) suspect that 3) suspect sb. of(doing) sth. 4) suspect sb. to be suspected suspicion,共 99 页,27,Other “vt.sb. of sth.“ structures! accuse sb. of sth. cure sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth. remind sb. of st

17、h. rob sb. of sth. suspect sb. of sth. warn sb. of sth.,共 99 页,28,22. enquiry/inquiry,make enquiries of sb. about sth. eg: a. I must enquire further into the matter. b. I admire _s enquiry into _.,共 99 页,29,23. neighbourhood/neighborhood,eg: a. Your neighborhood is your surrounding or nearby region.

18、 b. Her garden was the admiration of the whole neighborhood. c. Is their a mall in our neighborhood?,共 99 页,30,24. severe,severe指面孔的严肃,法律的严厉,伤病 严重。 着重严厉性,无丝毫温情。 serious 指具有关键、严肃或严重意义的事情。 earnest指严肃,认真,含诚恳和热情意味。 strict 指待人接物严格严谨。 1. He experienced _ hardships in his childhood. 2. You look very _ abou

19、t something. 3. He suffered _ burns. 4. He prayed a/an _ prayer. 5. He ordered his life according to _ rules.,共 99 页,31,25. clue clueless,eg: a. They are trying to chase down all the possible clues. b. I havent got a clue how to start a motorcycle. c. Please clue me in on his girlfriend.,共 99 页,32,2

20、6. pump,handle,共 99 页,33,27. Cambridge (Street),Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again -by Xu Zhimo Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflec

21、tions on the shimmering waves Always linger in the depth of my heart.,共 99 页,34,The floatingheart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water; In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant! (To be continued),共 99 页,35,28. foresee (foresaw, foreseen),(realize beforehand; foretel

22、l; predict; forecast) eg: _ can foresee what will happen in the future.,共 99 页,36,29. investigate (look ) investigation investigator investigative,共 99 页,37,30. blame nvt. (criticize, scold) 为某事责备某人: 把某事归咎于某人: 应(为)承担责任;该(为) 受责备(此处不能用被动语态):,word 7,共 99 页,38,31. pollute,eg: a. I feel it our duty not t

23、o pollute our environment. b. Our store never sells books that pollute the mind. pollution pollutant,共 99 页,39,32. handle,(deal with,cope with,dispose of, manage,handle),共 99 页,40,33. germ,eg: a. The germs are easily passed from person to person. b. The wound was infected with germs. c. Germs are in

24、visible to the naked eye.,共 99 页,41,34. link,(link to , connect to/with, join to) eg: What are linking verbs?,共 99 页,42,35. announce announce宣布;宣告(含有“预告”的意思),尤其是大家所关心的或有新闻价值的事情的宣布 announce 广播通知 declare宣布(如公开声明战争、和平、中立、意见等),用于正式场合。 announcer announcement,共 99 页,43,36. certainty,1) with certainty 我不能确

25、切说出公司的前景。 2) without certainty “可以让我试一下吗?”她不确定地说。 3) There is no certainty of .,共 99 页,44,37. instruct,(direct, indicate; teach, coach) eg: a. I instructed him to come to work early. b. She instructed her students to work on pronunciation. instruction instructor,共 99 页,45,38. responsible,a. The capt

26、ain is responsible for the safety of the _. b. The teacher is responsible for the achievements of the _.,respond response responsibility,共 99 页,46,39. construct,(build,construct,found,establish,set up) construct较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。,共 99 页,47,40. contribute vt.&vi. _, _, _ 1) contri

27、bute to sth. 2) contribute sth. to/towards 3) make a contribution to. contribution contributor,word 8,共 99 页,48,41. apart from (besides; except; except for) take.apart (divide into pieces) tell.apart (tell the difference from) set/put apart (select sth for a special aim) a. _ the cost, it will take

28、a lot of time. b. I have nothing _ the clothes I am wearing.,共 99 页,49,42. firework firecracker,共 99 页,50,43. chart (chart, map, graph, form),共 99 页,51,44. creative,- create - creator - creation,共 99 页,52,45. co-operative/cooperative,- cooperate - cooperation,共 99 页,53,46. positive,negative neutral

29、eg: a. One of the most important habits in life is to feed your mind with positive mental food. b. Hes HIV positive.,共 99 页,54,47. be strict with,sb.? sth.?,共 99 页,55,48. Nicolaus Copernicus,Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543).,共

30、 99 页,56,49. revolutionary adj./n.,revolution,共 99 页,57,50. movement,eg: a. He lay there without movement. b. We are starting a movement against smoking.,共 99 页,58,51. make sense 1) make sense of sth. 2) make no sense 3) in a sense 4) in no sense 5) There is no sense in doing sth. 6) a sense of humo

31、r/safety 7) common sense,共 99 页,59,52. backward,eg: a. She looked backward over her shoulder. b. He is backward in giving people his views. c. China is no longer a backward country.,共 99 页,60,53. loop - hula - hoop,共 99 页,61,54. privately private- personal,eg: a. A Private Conversation! b. He works

32、in a privately owned enterprise. private personal = public, general,共 99 页,62,55. spin (spun, spun; spinning),a. Joe spun a coin on the table. b. Wool is spun to make yarn. c. The top is spinning merrily.,共 99 页,63,56. brightness,a. Stars vary in brightness. b. The little kids brightness surprised a

33、ll people present.,共 99 页,64,57. enthusiastic,a. She is clever and enthusiastic. b. Im not over-enthusiastic about golf. enthusiasm,共 99 页,65,58. cautious,a. Old ladies are very cautious with money. b. The boss is cautious about making promises. c. Caution! Wet floor!,共 99 页,66,59. reject vt. 拒绝;抛开,

34、 丢掉;抵制,排斥 n被拒绝或抛弃的人或物 reject与refuse refuse指拒绝别人的请求、帮助、邀请等,其后可跟不定式。 reject不接双宾语,不接不定式。 She refused to accept my gift. She rejected my gift.,共 99 页,67,(1)My cousin tried to join the army but _. (2)After the transplant his body _ the new heart. (3)I _ the rotten oranges.,was rejected,rejected,rejected,Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of “reject”. Think what you mean by saying that.,共 99 页,68,60. universe,universal universally university,


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