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1、应用英语翻译,作者:顾雪梁,责任编辑:张 琛 出版日期:2009年9月 IDPN:308-2009-163 课件章数:14,第三节 词的增加与省略,一、词的增加,II为了意义表达清晰而增词,二、词的省略,I从语法角度进行省略,II从修辞与逻辑角度进行减译,IV.为了增加背景文化知识而增词,I为了语法上的需要而增词,III为了修辞上的需要而增词,一、词的增加 I为了语法上的需要而增词,1根据时态要求,增加能表达出时态意义的词,这种增词法主要用于英译汉。在英译汉时, 需要通过增词法来准确表示原文的意思。如: 翻译完成时往往增加“曾”、“已经”、“过”、了”; 翻译进行时往往增加“在”、“正在”、“

2、着”; 翻译将来时往往增加“将”、“就”、“会”、“便”、 “就要”等等。 此外,为了强调时间概念或强调时间上的对比,往往需要 增加一些其它的词。,I为了语法上的需要而增词,I为了语法上的需要而增词 1根据时态要求,增加能表达出时态意义的词 Examples,1I was, and remain, grateful for the part you played in my success.,2Over the last several years, he has been working hard to get promoted.,3His father was only an office

3、 clerk. He was an ordinary as we are.,我的成功离不开你的功劳,对此我过去很感激, 现在仍然很感激。,近年来,他一直努力工作以便获得提升。,从前他父亲只是个公司职员。他过去跟我们 现在一样平凡。,I为了语法上的需要而增词 1根据时态要求,增加能表达出时态意义的词 Examples,5Man, was, is and always will be trying to improve his standard of living,操作人员已教会了我使用这台机器,所以我感谢 他。,人类过去、现在而且将来总是在尽力提高生活 水平。,4The operator had

4、 taught me to use the machine and I thanked him.,2增加原文中省略的部分,在英语中,有些词语或句子成分根据语法规则或习惯可省去,其意思仍然清楚明了。因此为了使语句简单,避免重复,英语中常用省略句,但译成汉语时,则要根据汉语的表达习惯做必要的增补,即把原文省略的词语补上,以确切表达原文的意思。 增补内容主要涉及如下方面: 回答句中省略的词语; 并列结构中省略的词语; 表示逻辑关系或者平衡结构的词语(有时候英语原文中并没有表达逻辑关系的词语,但根据上文可以判断出其隐含的逻辑关系,如假设、让步、因果关系等,在翻译时要适当加以补充。); 增加语法中附加含

5、义的词(如非谓语动词在英语中的应用非常灵活,往往包含一些附加含义,因而,翻译时需通过分析或根据上下文将附加的含义译出来。),I为了语法上的需要而增词,I为了语法上的需要而增词 2增加原文中省略的部分 Examples,2We dont give up hope; we never have and never will.,你经常上网吗?是的,我经常上网。,我们不放弃希望,我们从没有放弃过,将来也决 不放弃。,1Do you often surf the internet? Yes, I do.,I为了语法上的需要而增词 2增加原文中省略的部分 Examples,3Reading makes a

6、 full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.,4Suppose the preparatory work should not be completed.,5The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest the greatest.,读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。,假设准备工作完不成,那该怎么办?,最好的导体电阻最小,最差的导体电阻最大。,英语的可数名词有单复数之别,汉语则没有。英译时常常有必要通过增加合适的量词和数词来表达出原文的单复数概念。

7、,I为了语法上的需要而增词 3英语可数名词翻译的增词,增加量词,增加表示名词复数的词,I为了语法上的需要而增词 3英语可数名词翻译的增词 1)增加量词 Examples,1I saw bubbles rising from under the water.,2The mountains began to throw their long shadows over the valley.,3Note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require explanation.,我看见一个个水泡从水下升起。,群山在山谷里开始投下长长的影子。,请注意,“速度”

8、和“速率”这两个词需要加以 解释。,I为了语法上的需要而增词 3英语可数名词翻译的增词 1)增加量词 Examples,5I was extremely worried about her, but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument.,连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。,我真替她担忧,但此时此地既不宜教训她一番, 也不宜与她争论一通。,4The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry me

9、n.,I为了语法上的需要而增词 3英语可数名词翻译的增词 2)增加表示名词复数的词 Examples,1The lion is the king of animals.,2We have to face different problems.,3There were buildings which he had never seen before.,狮是百兽之王。,我们得面对各种不同的问题。,一栋栋的高楼大厦,都是他从来没有见过的。,I为了语法上的需要而增词 3英语可数名词翻译的增词 2)增加表示名词复数的词 Examples,5Nations have utilized different

10、economic resources; people have developed different skills.,直到昨天下午,斯密斯先生才跟他的合作伙 伴讨论了我的各项建议。,不同的国家使用不同的经济资源, 不同的人拥 有不同的技能。,4Mr. Smith didnt talk over my suggestions with his partner until yesterday afternoon.,一、词的增加 II为了意义表达清晰而增词,1)在不及物动词后面增 加名词 2)在形容词前加名词 3)抽象名词后增加名词,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 1增加动词 Examples,2On

11、 weekends, she usually gets into the streets, shops, parks.,在周末,她经常遛马路、逛商店、游公园。,1I forgot my key to the office.,我忘了带办公室钥匙。,3While in Europe,the tourists enjoyed to their hearts content the weather,the food and the theatre.,这些旅游者在欧洲尽情地沐浴阳光,品味佳 肴,观赏演出。,4When I came to,I was in the water, swimming auto

12、matically, though I was about two thirds drowned.,5You cannot build a ship, a house, or a machine tool if you do not know how to make or read a design.,当我清醒过来时,发觉自己在水里,虽然浸得半 死,却本能地浮着。,如果不懂制图或看不懂图纸,就不能造船、盖房 子或制造机床。,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 2. 增加动词 Examples,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 2增加形容词 Examples,2The war made a man of hi

13、m.,战争把他锻造成一个堂堂的男子汉。,1What a leader he was!,他真是一个出类拔萃的领袖啊!,3Inflation has now reached unprecedented level.,通货膨胀现在已经发展到空前严重的地步。,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 3增加副词,英语中有几类带有强烈的语义色彩的动词, 在汉语中无对应色彩的动作, 因此在英译汉时,要在它们前面加上描摹性副词。根据原文的上下文,有些动词在一定场合可增加适当的副词,才能确切表达原意。因此,在英译汉中有时需要灵活地译出英语动词的原义,使暗含词义明朗化。,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 3增加副词 Example

14、s,他能言善谈,只要他开口讲话,就滔滔不绝地 讲个没完。,会议结束后,人群渐渐散开了。,她反反复复地回味着她的来信。,1The crowds melted away after the meeting.,2He is talkative. Whenever he talks,words poured out.,3She lingered long over his letter.,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 4增加名词 1)在不及物动词后面增加名词 Examples,英语中有些动词有时用作及物动词,有时用作不及 物动词,当它作不及物动词用时,宾语实际上是隐含在动 词后面的,译成汉语时往往需要把

15、它表达出来, 以确保句 子的整体语义完整。,饭前洗手。,她在饭店洗碗碟谋生。,1Wash before meals.,2She washes for a life in a restaurant.,安过去经常在家里慷慨地款待客人。,她每天来干活扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。,4Ann used to entertain lavishly in her home.,5Day after day she came to his work sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning.,3He never drank before driving in the past.,他过去开车前从不喝

16、酒。,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 4增加名词 1)在不及物动词后面增加名词 Examples,他是一个性格复杂的人喜怒无常,反复多变。,这部数码相机真是物美价廉。,这些早期的汽车速度慢,行动笨,效率低 。,1This digital camera is indeed cheap and fine.,2He is a complicated man-moody and mercurial.,一种新型飞机正越来越引起人们注意这种 飞机体积不大,价钱便宜,无人驾驶。,3A new kind of aircraftsmall, cheap, pilotlessis attracting increas

17、ing attention.,4These early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient.,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 4增加名词 2)在形容词前加名词 Examples,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 4增加名词 3)抽象名词后增加名词,用增词法把抽象概念表达清楚。英语中有一些由动词或形容词派生来的抽象名词,翻译时可根据上下文在其后增加适当的名词予以具体解释,从而使译文意思明确,符合汉语的表达习惯。例如: persuade 说服 - persuasion 说服工作; innovate 进化 - innovation 进化过程; dark 黑暗的 -

18、darkness 漆黑一团; tense 紧张的 - tension 紧张局势,一切准备工作就绪以后,会议就开始。,氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。,他们试图缓解中东的紧张局势。,1Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty.,2After all preparations were made, our meeting will begin.,3They wanted to ease the tension in the Middle East.,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 4增加名词 3)抽象名词后增加名词 Examples,人与人之间的争端诉诸武力,并不是最好的

19、解决方法。,发展经济仍然是中国政府的首要课题之一。,4Recourse to arms is not the best solution to a quarrel between people.,5The development of economy remains one of the priorities of the Chinese government.,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 4增加名词 3)抽象名词后增加名词 Examples,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 5增加连词或连接词语,英语的并列连词和从属连词大都是以单个单词形式出现,而汉语中的联合连词和偏正连词的使用大都成双成对。因此

20、,在将英语译成汉语时,应将汉语的连词补充完整。如: if 如果,那么; because 因为,所以; although 虽然,但是; unless 除非否则。例如:,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 5增加连词或连接词语 Examples,如果受热,水就会汽化。,如果对自己的错误都认识不到,怎么能改正呢?,因为空气具有重量,所以处在空气中的任一物 体都会受到空气的作用力。,1Without a sense of your fault, how can amendment be expected?,2Heated,water will change into vapor.,3Since air has

21、 weight,it exerts force on any object immersed in it.,II为了意义表达清晰而增词 5增加连词或连接词语 Examples,Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.,If one does not enter the tigers den, how can he get a tigers cub?,4虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。,5不入虎穴,焉得虎子。,一、词的增加 III为了修辞上的需要而增词,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 1增加语气词和其它

22、虚词,汉语是借助词汇手段表意的语言,因此,增词法就成为表达英语情态的不可或缺的手段。在英汉翻译中,经常需要增添语气助词(吧、嘛、吗、呢、啦等)来补足句子情态的需要。另外,为了补足句子情态,除了用语气助词之外,我们在英汉翻译中也经常视情况增加适当的虚词(究竟、到底、就是、罢了、才好等)。,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 1增加语气词和其它虚词 Examples,我呢,从一开始就不赞成。,你究竟有什么了不起的?,不要认真嘛!我不过是开开玩笑罢了。,1What have you to be so proud?,2As for me, I didnt agree from the very beginn

23、ing.,3Dont take it seriously. Im just having a joke with you.,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 1增加语气词和其它虚词 Examples,我们索性在这里过夜吧,女主人端菜呀,倒酒呀,谈啊,笑啊,忙个 不停。,4We might just well go the whole hog and stay overnight.,5The hostess served, poured, talked, laughed.,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 2增加叠词和重复性的词 Examples,我曾经遇到的情况,要么氧气设备出故障, 要么引擎出故障,

24、或两者都出故障。,这把刀有点钝,需要磨一磨。,避免在过冷、过热、灰尘过重、湿度过大 的情况下使用电脑。,1This knife is blunt and needs sharpening.,2I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.,3Avoid using the computer in extreme cold,heat,dust or humidity.,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 2增加叠词和重复性的词 Examples,任何漂在液体上或浸在液体中的物体受到的浮 力等于其排开液体的重量。,中英两国在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防 和

25、科技方面的联系进一步加强了。,4Any object of floating on or submerged in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced liquid.,5Sino-British links have multipliedpolitical, commercial, educational, cultural, defense, science and technology.,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 3增加承上启下的词 Examples,三角形的两边之和大于第三边。,气

26、压随海拔高度的增加而下降。,太阳温暖着地球,从而使植物得以生长。,2Two sides of a triangle is greater than the third.,1. Air pressure decreases with altitude.,3The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow.,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 3增加承上启下的词 Examples,这架飞机因失去控制而坠毁。,有人说机遇是获得成功所必需的,然而数百 万的人却从来没有得到过它。,4The plane crushed out

27、 of control.,5Some said opportunity was necessary for success, and millions never had it.,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 4增加概括性的词,英语和汉语都有概括词。英语中某一单词或词组可以表示一个完整的意思,但若按字面翻译则会导致词不达意,因而在基本译文的基础上加上适当的表示“概括性”的词,可使译文概念进一步明确,还可以使上下文的连贯性得到进一步加强。 英语中常用一些含有动作意义的名词表示具体化的概念,翻译时需增加“原理”、“状态”、“现象”、“过程”、“作用”等词,以更准确地体现原文的意义。但有时英语句子中

28、并没有概括词,而翻译时却往往增加“两人”、“双方”、“等等”、“凡此种种”等概括词,同时省略英语中的连接词。,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 4增加概括性的词 Examples,论文总结了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭三方面 的新成就。,中澳双方就两国之间交换留学生问题达成了一 项协议。,大街小巷早就传遍了各种流言蜚语。,1China and Australia arrived at an agreement on exchange students.,2The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers,ar

29、tificial satellites and rockets.,III为了修辞上的需要而增词 4增加概括性的词 Examples,声音的频率、波长和速度三者是密切相关的。,根据科学家们的看法,大自然要用500年的时 间才能形成一英寸厚的表层土壤。,4The frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound are closely related.,5According to scientists,it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil.,IV为了增加背景文化知识而增词,语言在漫长的历史发展

30、过程中积淀了丰富的文化, 蕴涵着能鲜明体现出民族性的文化语义。每一种语言都有其特定的能反映某种背景情况、民俗或典故的词汇、成语等, 在翻译这些词汇或成语时,需要增添必要的背景解释性词语,把它们所具有的特殊涵义阐释出来。,IV为了增加背景文化知识而增词 Examples,It is just as the proverb goes,“The onlooker sees most of the game.”,The cat weeping over the dead mouse-shed crocodile tears.,Three cobblers with their wits combine

31、d equal Zhuge Liang,the mastermind,1猫哭老鼠-假慈悲。,3三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。,2这真是俗话说的“旁观者清”。,IV为了增加背景文化知识而增词 Examples,五角大楼(指美国国防部)对这一事件没有做出 任何反应。,你又可以处处见到乐于助人的人了。,4The Pentagon made no response to this incident.,5Now you can meet good Samaritans again, here, there and everywhere.,课后练习 I. Put the following sentences

32、into Chinese.,There are friends and friends. He showed me the scars on his legs. The sun rose thinly from the sea. He became an oil baron-all by himself.,朋友有种种不同,有益友,有损友。,他让我看他双腿上的道道伤痕。,一轮红日从海边淡淡升起。,他成为一个石油大王- 一个白手起家的石油大王。,课后练习 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese.,5. The audiences in the hal

33、l vary form tens to hundreds. 6. Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter. 7. The child pawed inquisitively at the lively images on the screen. 8. She ate little. Food sickened her, and I think much of life too.,大厅里的观众从十几人到几百人不等。,物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以转化为物质。,那小孩好奇地抓着电视屏幕,想知道里面怎么会 有人活动。,她吃得

34、很少;她厌恶食物,我觉得她也厌恶生活。,课后练习 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese.,The social systems of China and the U.S.A. are fundamentally different. With the development of electrical engineering, power can be transmitted over long distance. According to a recent survey, four million people die of diseases

35、 linked to smoking each year. 12. In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu.,中美两国的社会制度根本不同。,随着电力工程的发展,电力可以进行远距离传输。,由最近调查显示,每年有400万人死于与吸烟有关的 疾病。,晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后, 他还得起草最后公报。,课后练习 II. Put the following

36、 sentences into English.,班门弄斧。 许多人认为教育不能随着毕业而结束。 学生应该向老师学习,老师也应该向学生学习。 4. 该技术过去是,现在仍然是一种先进的技术。,Showing off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter.,Many people think that education is not complete with graduation.,Students should learn from teachers and vice versa.,The tech

37、nology was and still is an advanced technology.,课后练习 II. Put the following sentences into English.,溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇到河里去了。 他们开始研究市场行情,分析市场行情。 在我们的协议里还存在各种问题。 8. 大家都知道地球上的一切物质都有重量。,A stream was winding its ways through the valley into the river.,They began to study and analyze the situation of the market.,T

38、here are problems in our agreement.,All bodies on the earth are known to possess weight.,课后练习 II. Put the following sentences into English.,我认为那个新闻记者的死是有计划的谋杀。 我不觉得用英语与外国人交谈有什么困难。 冰是固体,如果加热,就会融化成水。 他满怀希望地说展览会取得成功。,I believe the death of the journalist is a policy.,I dont think it is difficult to spe

39、ak to a foreigner in English.,Ice is a solid. If we heat it, it melts and becomes water.,He spoke hopefully of the success of the exhibition.,二、词的省略,词的省略是指将原文中需要、而译文中不需要的词语省去。省略法是出于语法结构和修辞的需要,在能充分表达原意的基础之上,使译文更加通顺流畅、言简意赅。,二、词的省略,I从语法角度进行省略,英汉两种语言在语法上差异较大,例如:英语连接词较多,汉语重意合、连接词较少;英语有冠词,而汉语却没有;英语中介词丰富,汉

40、语中介词则较少;英语中经常使用代词,而汉语中代词则用得较少。因此,英译汉时可根据具体情况将冠词、连接词、介词、代词略去,使译文练达通畅。,I从语法角度进行省略 1省略冠词,英语有冠词,汉语没有。在英译汉过程中,不定冠词(a, an)除了表示“一”这个数量概念时需要译出之外,其他情况下往往省略不译。定冠词 the 在英译汉时,如果名词前不加“这、该、那个”就能清楚地表达意思,那么,the就可以省略不译。例如:,I从语法角度进行省略 1省略冠词 Examples,很荣幸能作为毕业生代表在毕业典礼上发言。,好老师对待学生应当有足够的耐心和关爱。,货物在运输途中所受的损失尚未估算完毕。,1A good

41、 teacher should have enough patience and care with his students.,2Its a pleasure for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduates at the graduation ceremony.,3The damage which the shipment suffered in transit has not been assessed yet.,I从语法角度进行省略 1省略冠词 Examples,产品出厂前应该进行抽样检查。,仓库里肯定有人,我听见声音了。,4The

42、products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory.,5There must be some people in the warehouse, for I heard a voice.,I从语法角度进行省略 1省略冠词 Examples,他一句话不说就从车间匆匆地跑出去了。,这就是你要的那本英汉词典。,但在有些情况下,冠词不可以省略,可以翻译为“一个, 每一,这个,那个”等。,1He ran out of the workshop in a hurry without saying a

43、word.,2This is the English-Chinese dictionary you desired,I从语法角度进行省略 2. 省略代词 Examples,英语通常每句话都有主语,人称代词往往多次出现。而根据汉语习惯,前句出现一个主句,后句如果仍然是用同一个主语,就不必重复出现,常可省略。英语中非人称代词it 常常用于做主语或宾语,以及用于强调句子,翻译时往往可以省略不译。,I从语法角度进行省略 2省略代词 Examples,请告知贵方市场详情。,普通美国人一生中更换九到十次工作。,1Please let us know the detailed information on

44、your market.,2The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.,I从语法角度进行省略 2省略代词 Examples,伟大的作家鲁迅就出生在这所房子里。,两周以来,他一直注意观察房子的情况,查看房 间,检查电线、通道和花园的布局。,据报道,由一位无名导演拍的电影获得了这次电 影节的头奖。,3For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electr

45、ic wiring, its path and its garden.,4It is this house where the great writer Lu Xun was born.,5It is reported that a film directed by an unknown director won the first prize in this film festival.,I从语法角度进行省略 3省略动词 Examples,正方形的四条边相等。,如同液体和气体一样,固体也能膨胀和收缩。,1A square has four equal sides.,2Solids expan

46、d and contract as liquids and gases do.,英语句子中的谓语必须有动词,而汉语不一定要用动词作谓语,因此英译汉时,往往可以省略原文中的谓语动词,尤其常省略原文中的系动词。,I从语法角度进行省略 3. 省略动词 Examples,必须在购货单规定的时间期限内交货。,夏至之后,白天越来越长,夜晚越来越短。,这所大学尽管历史久远,可建筑物却式样新颖。,3After summer solstice,the day is getting longer and longer and the night shorter and shorter.,4Delivery mus

47、t be effected within the time stated on the purchase order.,5Though the history of this university is quite old, its buildings are quite up-to-date.,I从语法角度进行省略 4. 省略介词 Examples,两根管子之间的空气已经抽出。,大多数物质热胀冷缩。,有些介词如 for(为了),from(从),to(对), on(在时)等,可以不译。,1The air was removed from between the two pipes.,2Most substances expand on heating and contract on cooling.,I从语法角度进行省略 4. 省略介词 Examples,操作系统出了毛病。,他从未想到蝙蝠是靠耳朵引路的。,表示与主语有关的某方面、范围或内容的介词有时不译,可把介词的宾语译成汉语的主语。,1Something has gone wrong with


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