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1、,琶洲国际会展中心 a preliminary analyze to Pazhou International Exhibition Center,优劣势分析之我见,5 parts,ADVANTAGE,EG:China Inport & Export Fair,4,1,2,3,BACKGROUND,SHORTAGE,5,Personal conclusion,Pazhou International Exhibition Center -the crown of Chinas mice industry,located in Pazhou Island in southeast part of

2、 Guangzhou uniquely designed in a beautiful environment. functional meeting, exhibition and commercial negotiation are united in this exhibition centre,1,Pazhou International Exhibition Centerdata,1:largest exhibition center in Asia(data by 2006) 4 billion yuan:the first phase of the project 395,000

3、 square meters :total square(first phase of the project ) 3 floor 16 Exhibition hall 160,000 square meters :Exhibition hall 10,200: booth 30,000 :people dining (亚洲最大会展中心,总建筑面积39.5万平方米,会展中心首期投资40亿元,占地43万平方米,总建筑面积39.5万平方米,拥有三层共16个展厅,展厅总面积16万平方米,有国际标准展位10200个,有能满足30000人同时用餐的服务设施。 ),1,glimpses(掠影),1,mod

4、ern,magnificent exhibition hall,Four area,the exhibition center contains 4 areas: Green belts Exhibition hall Main square Qinshui Park (展览中心由绿化带、展览厅、广场、亲水公园四部分组成),1,Green belts,1,Exhibition hall :3 parts,1,Main square,1,Qinshui Park,1,Pearl river pedestrian street (珠江散步道),Laying 46 escalator ,16 Sig

5、htseeing escalator ,29 lifts (铺设了自动扶梯46条、水平观光扶梯16条以及垂直升降电梯29台),1,around the center,van line(货车专用道 ),four directions around the center More than ten meters wide (东西南北各个方向分布着数 条10余米宽的货车专用道),1,around the center,advantage analysis,2,logistics (巨大的物流量),Total project:800,000 squaremeters (总规划占地80万平方米),2,p

6、assenger (庞大的人流量),50,000 passengers daily,The majority of them come from the island (日均客流量5万人次,绝大部分人来自岛外),2,巨大的物流量 progressive transportation (先进的交通体系) 庞大的人流量,2,progressive transportation,marine transportation 海上运输 outside land transportation 陆上交通 air transportation空中交通 Pearl river pedestrian street

7、珠江步行街 inside van line 货车专用道,2,marine transportation,The Nansha Port, Whampoa Shenzhen yantian port,Hong Kong tsing yi terminal Close contact with the world (就近有南沙港、黄埔港,远的有深圳盐田港,甚至香港青衣码头,与世界联系紧密。),2,land transportation,subway (Guangzhou) 7 lines 236KM total length,2,land transportation,railway Guangz

8、hou railway station is one of the most important national railway hub, link the whole country by hundreds of lines (广州火车站是全国重要的铁路枢纽,通过上百条线路联结全国。),2,air transportation,Guangzhou baiyun international airport(新白云国际机场) the biggest international airport in Southern China more than 110 routes (大陆南方最大的国际航空

9、港,已开通航线110多条,通达国内外100多个城市),2,government support,biggest import & export center Commodity covered the whole country as well as southeast Asia, Europe, America and other places Exhibition economy has become the engines of guangzhou economic development (广州为全国最大的内贸及分销中心,商品覆盖全国和东南亚,欧美等地区。而会展业对贸易的带动有极其重要

10、的影响。目前,会展经济已经成为广州经济发展的引擎。,2,Policy about MICE Industry,PLAN: in 35 years: become the convention and exhibition center in Asia in 1020 years: become the convention and exhibition center in the world (广州计划35年,成为亚洲会展中心城市;未来1O20年,成为世界会展中心城市),E.G:,China Inport & Export Fair,3,named in chinese:广交会 begin i

11、n 1957, 2 times a year(April and October) Comprehensive international trade event the highest level, the biggest scale, the most kinds of goods and exhibitors bringMore than 6 billion yuan gains to Guangzhou (广交会是中国历史最悠久、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会客商最多、成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易展会,一年分两届举行,成交总额占中国一般贸易出口总额的四分之一。 每年两届广交会可为广州带来

12、60多亿元的收益),China Import & Export Fair (中国进出口商品交易会),3,data of the 109th session China Import & Export Fair,207,000 buyers -3.9% growth in all -21.4% growth in ASEAN and BRIC countries Export transactions are on the rise -1.02 billion dollars ( 3.5% growth) to European market -430 million dollars ( 12.

13、4% growth) to the US. market -130 million dollars ( 3.7% growth) to Japanese market 广交会采购商到会20.7 万人,比第108 届增长3.9%。新兴市场采购商增长较快,东盟和金砖国家均增长21.4%。 对所有市场出口成交均有所增长。欧洲市场成交 10.2 亿美元,比上届同期增长3.5%;美国市场成交4.3 亿美元,比上届同期增长12.4%;日本市场成交1.3 亿美元,比上届同期上升3.7%。,3,15th October 2011 -4th November 2011 24,000 company and en

14、terprise,the 110th sessionChina Import & Export Fair,3,Q1 the low land capacity rate (土地容积率过低),most of the land capacity rate is between 1.5-1.8(as comparison,Shanghai is below 1.0) (土地容积率在1.5-1.8 之间,与大都市土地集约利用高强度开发有较大的矛盾。),4,Q2lack of supporting service (配套设施缺乏),transportation、Catering industry、 re

15、creation facilities are seriously insufficient. business, hotel, logistics, catering, entertainment and leisure facilities near the exhibition center needs to be developed (会展中心等场馆在货运、餐饮、休闲设施等方面严重不足。周边的商业、酒店、物流、餐饮、娱乐休闲等配套设施有待开发),4,Q3Drainage facilities is not perfect (排水设施不完善),the Drainage facilitie

16、s in Pazhou is as to perfect,it may raise water pollution problems in Pazhou as well as the site environment problem 该地区排水设施不完善,容易造成“水浸街”,影响场馆周边环境问题及琶洲水资源问题,4,Countermeasures,Promote the land functions and planning adjustment speed up the perfect of the infrastructure construction around the center

17、Strengthen the construction of infrastructure like the Drainage facilities,4,Personal opinion & conclusion,The volume of trade show is second only to direct marketing CEIR:Three-quarters of the buyer find new suppliers in the trade show, more than a quarter of the buyer buy the product at the show e

18、xhibition act a very important role in product sales (贸易展会的成交额仅次于直销。据美国展览业研究中心(CEIR)的统计,3/4的买家在贸易展会上找到新的供应商,超过1/4的买家在展会上购买产品.因此:展会在产品销售中承担极为重要的角色),5,exhibition industry,Diagram 2,Promote each other,step by step process,Promote guangzhou economic, even whole china,Diagram 2,Economic development,Infrastructure construction,5,Personal opinion & conclusion,THANKS FOR WATCHING,


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