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1、,研发检测全球对接 R&D Testing Goes Global 设计制造无缝连接 Design Manufacturing Cooperates Seamless,中国汽车零部件工业公司概况 CAPAC Introduction,中国机械工业集团公司是中国最大的国际承包和进出口贸易企业之一。是全球500强企业,2010年营业收入达到1600亿元。 China Machinery Industry Corporation is one of the biggest international contractors and import and export traders. It is a

2、 Global Top 500 company, and the revenue in 2010 reached ¥160 billion .,中国汽车零部件工业公司是中国机械工业集团公司的全资子公司。中国知名汽车零部件集成服务商和国内零部件龙头企业。总部设于北京。 CAPAC, headquartered in Beijing, is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Machinery Industry Corporation. It is Chinas famous auto parts and accessories integrated servi

3、ces provider.,中汽制造Manufacturing,中汽研发检测 R&D Testing,行业服务 Industry Service,中汽基地 Industrial Park,重点项目投资开发。国内外产业投资、兼并、PE、业务向产业聚集延伸 Key projects investment Domestic and foreign industry investment, mergers, PE, business extend to the industry cluster area,中汽胶业 Rubber 中汽塑料Plastic 中汽电子集成服务 Electronic Integ

4、rated Service,中汽贸易 Trade,中汽投资 Investment,CAPAC,进口贸易Import 出口贸易Export 中汽连锁:总代理交易平台 Chain stores: trade platform agent,对贸易和制造平台 支持显现 Support to trade and manufacturing platforms 检测业务向产业集聚区延伸 Testing business extend to the industry cluster area,目前已建设产业基地10家,在建10家。 10 industrial parks have been built, a

5、nd 10 more are in progress 地方政府产业基地规划需求约60家。 60 local governments plan to build industrial parks,中国汽车零部件工业公司六大业务平台 Six Platforms of CAPAC,展览 Exhibition 专业媒体杂志 Magazine 行业协会 Industrial Association 课题研究 Research,中国汽车零部件产业基地介绍 CAPAC Industry Park Introduction,中国汽车零部件产业基地依托央企强大的品牌优势,整合政府、行业、资金等资源,倾力打造以汽

6、车零部件生产、研发、检测为主,汽车及零部件销售、物流、商贸为辅,休闲、居住等配套设施齐全的创新型现代化产业园区。 The industrial parks of China Auto Parts, relying on a strong brand of Central Enterprise, integrating government, industry, capital and other resources, aim to be auto parts manufacturing, R&D and testing based, auto parts marketing, logistic

7、 and trade supplemented, leisure, housing and other supporting facilities completed innovative modern industrial parks. 根据公司总体战略,已先后在东部沿海地区建立了10余个产业基地,分别形成发动机系统、底盘系统、汽车电子、内饰系统等各具特色的产业集群。围绕主机厂正在筹建10余个产业基地。According to companys overall strategies, we have built more than 10 industry parks in the easte

8、rn costal area of China, and have formed the engine system, chassis system, automotive electronic and interior system instinctive industry clusters, and we are building more than 10 industrial parks around the OEMs.,宗旨:引领产业发展,提升行业价值。 Purpose: Lead the industry, enhance the industry value. 定位:探索高新技术领

9、域,打造核心配套体系, 分享产业集聚财富 Position: Explore the high-tech fields, build the core support system, share the wealth of industrial clustering 特点:享受“世界500强企业”政策优惠,打造产业链集聚效应。 Features: Enjoy the “Global Top 500“ preferential policies, create the combined effect of the industrial chain.,重庆基地 Chongqing,吉林基地 Jil

10、in,天津基地 Tianjin,辽宁基地 Liaoning,安徽基地 Anhui,湖北基地 Hubei,广西基地 Guangxi,浙江基地 Zhejiang,湖南基地 Hunan,河北基地 Hebei,江苏基地 Jiangsu,苏州基地 Suzhou 常州基地Changzhou 淮安基地Huaian 昆山基地Kunshan,中国汽车零部件产业基地全国分布情况 CAPAC Industry Park Distribution,河南基地 Henan,宁夏基地 Ningxia,主 园 区 Main Park,汽车零部件生产制造 Manufacturing,销售与物流中心 Sales & Logist

11、ic Center,产品展览展示 Exhibition,中国汽车零部件产业基地功能分区 CAPAC Industry Park Partition Function,配套服务区 Service Area,专家、白领公寓 Expert White-collar Apartment,休闲娱乐区 Entertainment Area,中国汽车零部件产业基地功能分区 CAPAC Industry Park Partition Function,汽车主题公园 Automotive Theme Park,公共检测研发及办公大楼 Public R&D Testing Office Building,产业基地

12、是以汽车零部件生产、研发、检测为主,汽车及零部件销售、物流、商贸为辅,休闲、居住等配套设施齐全的创新型现代化产业基地。为整车及零部件售后市场提供系统产品,可作为为国外机构在华的研发、检测、产品孵化中心。 Industrial Parks aim to be auto parts manufacturing, R meanwhile, we could provide comprehensive services to national R&D institutions.,全球研发检测设计制造无缝连接 Global R&D Testing Design Manufacturing Coopera

13、te Seamlessly,清华大学苏州汽车工程研究院 Tsinghua University Suzhou Institute of Automotive Engineering,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,动力系统测试 Power System Testing,制动及悬架系统测试 Braking and Suspension System Testing,环境及可靠性测试 Environmental and Reliability Testing,车身附件系统测试 Body Accessory System Testing,传动系统测 Tran

14、smission System Testing,汽车电子测试 Automotive Electronic Testing,作为对外交流的窗口,加强国际交流,集聚高端人才,引进院士工作站、国家重点实验室、博士后工作站,建立人才培养基地,形成国内汽车人才高地。 As a foreign exchange window, to strengthen international exchange, gather high-level talents, to build up the academician workstation, state key laboratory, post-doctoral

15、 workstation, to set up talent training park and to form a domestic automobile talent highland. 围绕安全、节能和环保三大主题,聚焦汽车电子、新能源汽车两大关键技术领域,致力于知识密集型汽车高新技术以及高端零部件的研究开发。 Focus on safety, energy saving and environmental protection these three themes, aim to automotive electronics and new energy vehicles these

16、two key areas technology, commit to knowledge-intensive, high-tech and high-level auto parts research and development.,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,清华大学苏州汽车工程研究院 Tsinghua University Suzhou Institute of Automotive Engineering,发动机台架测试 Engine Bench Testing,排放分析测试 Emissions Analysis Testing,尺寸力学

17、测试 Size Mechanical Testing,发动机附件(滤清器)测试 Engine Filter Testing,燃料电池测试 Fuel Cell Testing,燃料油测试 Fuel Oil Testing,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,动力系统测试 Power System Testing,通过汽车动力系统(发动机、燃料油、滤清器、燃油泵等)进行台架测试、排放分析、理化指标等测试,帮助工程师评估和改进:尾气及颗粒物排放、发动机性能、燃油效率、燃料电池转化效率及发动机和相关配件的匹配。 Through the vehicle power

18、system (engine, fuel oil, filter, fuel pump, etc.) to do the bench testing, emission analysis, physical and chemical indicator testing to help engineers evaluate and improve the exhaust and particulate matter emission, engine performance, fuel efficiency, fuel cell conversion efficiency and the engi

19、ne and related accessories match.,汽车电磁骚扰测试 Automotive Electromagnetic Interference Testing,车载收音机测试 Vehicle Radio Testing,仪表盘测试 Meter Panel Testing,影像系统测试 Imaging System Testing,车载空调测试 Vehicle Air-conditioning Testing,电子元件测试 Electronic Component Testing,通过汽车电子电器测试系统进行车载收音机测试、电磁骚扰分析、车载空调等测试,可以有效的评估和改进

20、:汽车电子电器部件的抗扰特性、车子收音机的接受质量、汽车空调的小型化,自动化等。 Through automotive electrical and electronic testing system to do the car radio testing, electromagnetic interference analysis, vehicle air-conditioning and other testing, which can effectively evaluate and improve the immunity characteristics of automotive e

21、lectrical and electronic component, quality of vehicle radio, miniaturization and automation of the vehicle air-conditioning, etc.,汽车电子测试 Automotive Electronic Testing,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,防抱死制动装置测试 Anti-lock Brake Device Testing,真空助力器制动主缸性能测试Brake Master Cylinder of Vacuum Booster P

22、erformance Testing,ABS测试 ABS Testing,底盘式制动测试 Chassis Brake Testing,制动液测试 Brake Fluid Testing,减震器测试 Shock Absorber Testing,通过对汽车制动测试系统进行防抱死制动装置测试、真空助力器制动主缸性能测试、底盘式制动测试、制动元件高低温测试等,帮助改进和提高车辆的制动系统,使车辆更加安全。 Through the brake testing system to do the anti-lock brake device testing, brake master cylinder o

23、f vacuum booster performance testing, chassis brake testing and brake components high and low temperature testing, which can help improve and enhance the vehicle braking system performance and make vehicles safer.,制动及悬架系统测试 Braking and Suspension System Testing,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,前

24、轮驱动测试 Front Wheel Drive Testing,后轮驱动测试 Rear wheel Drive Testing,自动控制测试 Automatic Control Testing,ETPS扭矩脉动测试 ETPS Torque Ripple Testing,全轮驱动测试 All wheel Drive Testing,自动变速箱测试 Automatic Transmission Testing,通过对汽车传动系测试系统进行前、后轮驱动测试、全轮驱动测试、扭矩脉动(模拟)测试、传动系自动控制测试等,帮助改进和提高车辆要求的高性能和高可靠性,确保整个传动系统在耐久性,动态性,震动和噪音

25、方面实现最优化的设计。 Through the transmission testing system to do the front-wheel, rear-wheel drive testing, all-wheel drive testing, torque ripple (simulation) testing and transmission system automatic control testing, which can help improve and enhance vehicle performance and reliability, to ensure an opt

26、imal design for the entire transmission system in durability, dynamics, vibration and noise aspect.,传动系统测 Transmission System Testing,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,安全带测试 Seat Belt Testing,座椅及枕头测试 Seat and Pillow Testing,车灯测试 Lamp Testing,转向系统测试 Steering System Testing,轮毂测试 Wheel Testing,车身测试

27、Body Testing,汽车车身附件测试系统可以对汽车转向系统、安全带、车灯、座椅、枕头,等车身附件进行测试,从而有效的改进:汽车座椅及枕头的舒适性、安全带的可靠性、灯光的耐久性及照明度等。 The body accessory testing system including testing for automotive steering system, seat belts, lights, seats, pillows, and other body accessories testing, which can effectively improve the comfort of se

28、ats and pillows, reliability of seat belts , durability and lighting of the lights, etc.,车身附件系统测试 Body Accessory System Testing,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,三综合测试 Integrated Testing(temp. humidity & vibration),力学性能测试Mechanical Testing,气候环境仓 Climate House,化学性能测试 Chemical Properties Testing,材料

29、暴晒场 Material Isolation Field,温度冲击测试 Temperature Shock Testing,通过对环境可靠性及材料性能试验,帮助工程师改善汽车零部件的各项性能,满足零部件的各种耐候性及可靠性要求。 Through environmental, reliability and material performance testing to help engineers to improve the performance of auto parts, to meet different requirements of durability and reliabil

30、ity.,环境及可靠性测试 Environmental and Reliability Testing,检测功能介绍 Testing Function Introduction,“中汽基地”助力中汽! Industrial Park-Driving Force of CAPAC,借势中汽、置身前沿、 Occasion in CAPAC, Exposure to Cutting-edge , 坐拥福域、共赢未来! Basing on Welfare Field, Getting Win-win Future!,中国汽车零部件产业基地 期待您的加入! W e are looking forward to your joining in!,联系电话(TEL): +86(0)10-82607126/82607586/82606771 +86(0)512-67596015 传真(FAX): +86(0)10-82607556 +86(0)512-67596015 网站(WEB): ,


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