2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit7 How much课件6 译林版.ppt

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《2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit7 How much课件6 译林版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014年秋四年级英语上册 Unit7 How much课件6 译林版.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、How much,Unit 7,Numbers,twenty,shoes,socks,Guess and say,Its twenty yuan.,Can I help you?,Buying things,Story time,umbrella,看动画连线,The are ¥ .,Lets listen and find,The are ¥ .,The is ¥ .,听录音找价格,twenty- eight,How much in all? (一共多少钱?),( ),( ),Its only nineteen yuan.,only,只有,Well done !,做得好!,How much a

2、re they?,How much are they?,How much is it?,Read and find,自读课文找出询问价格的句子,Theyre five yuan.,Theyre four yuan.,Its only nineteen yuan.,Can you ask?,Read in groups,1. 小组齐读;,2. 分角色朗读。,六人一组朗读课文:(任选一种方式),Good morning! Can I help you?,How much are they?,Yes. Id like these shoes.,Five yuan, please.,Ok.,Good

3、memory,How much are they?,These socks are very nice.,Theyre four yuan.,Ok. Here you are.,Good memory,How much is it ?,Hi. This umbrella is cool.,Hi, Mike.,Its only nineteen yuan.,Good memory,Well done.,Good memory,Lets act,2. 语音语调正确 + 声音响亮,六人一组表演课文:,1.语音语调正确,3. 语音语调正确 + 声音响亮 + 动作表情,Summery,我们今天新学了两个

4、数字:,2. 当询问一样物品的价格时,如何问和答?,3. 当询问一些物品的价格时,如何问和答?,4. 服务员接待顾客时会说:,5. 夸夸别人做得好,可以说:,20 twenty 28 twenty- eight,How much is it ?,Its . yuan.,How much are they?,They re . yuan.,Can I help you ?,Well done!,A charity sale,Lets go!,Miss Leng, we have yuan.,A: Good morning! Can I help you? B: Id like these , p

5、lease. How much are they? A: Theyre yuan. B: OK. Here you are. C: Id like this , please. How much is it? A: Its yuan. C: OK. Here you are. A: Thank you. Goodbye! BC: Goodbye!,A charity sale,取出自带的义卖物品,编对话,学会分享,学会给与, 关爱他人,生活更美好!,Learn to share, learn to give.,Care others,live better!,2. 和同桌编对话,并将编好的对话写下来。,1. 跟读Story time 的录音3遍,会背诵课文,3. 用英语问一问爸爸妈妈家里的物品多少钱,并教会爸爸妈妈用英语回答物品的价格。,


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