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1、Unit 3,Asking the way Part B、C,兔子舞 (跟着节奏跳),left left right right go turn around go go go, left right left left right right , left left right right go go go, left left right right go turn around go go go.,By + ( )+交通工具 Take +( ) +交通工具 Take bus No. 1(number. one) (乘1路公交车),a/the,/,火眼金睛,Go travel,Listen

2、 and guess: Where shall we go?,game,I want to take a bus .,bus stop 停车站,get on get off,(对应词),I want to go to Beijing by train.,a train station 火车站,a history museum,bus station,a middle school,a post office,a train station,a park,a shopping centre,crossing,I want to buy some presents.,supermarket,I c

3、an also go to a .,shopping centre,a shopping centre 购物中心,I want to see these old things.,a history museum 历史博物馆,I would like to send a letter.,(寄信),a post office 邮局,/ne/,Its eight oclock, Where shall we go?,a primary school小学,Where are you going next year(明年)?,a middle school中学,history历史 museum博物馆 p

4、ost投、寄 office办公室 train 火车 station车站 primary 基础的 middle中间的、中级的 shopping购物 centre中央、中心,近义词stop,post office 邮局,primary school 小学,精彩回眸,Lets have a match!,Quick Respond,shopping centre,bookshop,library,History Museum,a history museum,bus station,a middle school,a post office,a train station,a park,a shop

5、ping centre,crossing,自学提示: 看图在小组内进行对话。,A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the,please? B: Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. Theis on your A: Thanks. B: Thats all right.(不用谢。),Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus station,please?,Go along this street,and then turn left

6、 at the third crossing,the bus station is on your left.,英汉互译: 1.上车_ 2. 一所小学_ 3.向右转_ 4. 一个火车站_ 5. 一个邮局_ 6. a map of the town_ 7. a primary school_ 8.a history museum_,A map of China 中国地图,二、按要求写单词。 1.shop(现在分词)_ 2. get on(反义词)_ 3. left(对应词) _ 4. get(现在分词) _ 5. office (复数) _ 6. turn(现在分词) _ 7. heavy(比较级) _,Homework,Copy the new words 3 times. Talk with your partner about Part C. Write a dialogue.,


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