2013年九年级英语下册 Module 6 Look after yourself Unit 3 Language in use课件 外研版.ppt

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1、外研小学起点 九年级(下) Module 6,英语课件,Unit 3 Language in use,I think its going to rain. He was running along the wall when he tripped. He has cut his head, and his shoulder hurts. When did he fall? Will he live?,Language practice,Here are six rules for a healthy life. When farmers were working in the field, t

2、hey were keeping fit at the same time. When we were babies, we slept for much of the day.,Read Jacks diary and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.,Jack _ sport and exercise. a) loves b) is loving c) has loved d) was loving,7 am 9 am: gym 10 am 12 pm: swimming 2 pm 3 pm: yoga 4 pm 5p

3、m: football 5 pm 6 pm: rest 7 pm 9 pm: badminton 10 pm: bed,2. Earlier this morning, he _ to the gym. a) is going b) has gone c) went d) goes,7 am9 am: gym 10 am12 pm: swimming 2 pm3 pm: yoga 4 pm5pm: football 5 pm6 pm: rest 7 pm9 pm: badminton 10 pm: bed,3. Six hours ago, he_. a) is swimming b) was

4、 swimming c) swam d) has swum,7 am9 am: gym 10 am12 pm: swimming 2 pm3 pm: yoga 4 pm5pm: football 5 pm6 pm: rest 7 pm9 pm: badminton 10 pm: bed,4. But now its 5 pm. He _ a rest. a) Has b) is having c) will have d) had,7 am9 am: gym 10 am12 pm: swimming 2 pm3 pm: yoga 4 pm5pm: football 5 pm6 pm: rest

5、 7 pm9 pm: badminton 10 pm: bed,7 am9 am: gym 10 am12 pm: swimming 2 pm3 pm: yoga 4 pm5pm: football 5 pm6 pm: rest 7 pm9 pm: badminton 10 pm: bed,5. He _ football for an hour. a) is just playing b) will play c) play d) has just played,7 am9 am: gym 10 am12 pm: swimming 2 pm3 pm: yoga 4 pm5pm: footba

6、ll 5 pm6 pm: rest 7 pm9 pm: badminton 10 pm: bed,6. He usually _ badminton from79 pm. a) plays b) is playing c) will play d) is going to play,7 am9 am: gym 10 am12 pm: swimming 2 pm3 pm: yoga 4 pm5pm: football 5 pm6 pm: rest 7 pm9 pm: badminton 10 pm: bed,7. Of course, he _very tired by 10 pm tonigh

7、t. a) Is b) was c) will be d) were,Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs.,A woman(1) _ (come) home to find her husband in the kitchen. He (2) _ (shake) widely (剧烈地), from side to side. Then the woman (3) _ (notice) that he (4) _ (stand) with one hand on the cooker!,came,was shaking

8、,noticed,was standing,Naturally, she thought her husband (5) _ (get) an electric shock. To pull him away from the electricity, she(6) _ (hit) his arm with a piece of wood that(7) _ (lie) by the back door. “What did you do that for?” he cried in pain. “I (8) _ (make) some tea, and (9) _ (dance) to ro

9、ck music on my MP3 player!,was getting,hit,was lying,was making,dancing,His stomach hurtsperhaps hes eaten something bad.,blood cut fever hurt knee shoulder stomach wound,Describe the pictures. Use the words in the box to help you.,He has cut his finger and there is blood on it.,She looks as if she

10、has flu, and she has a fever.,The football player has been hurt while playing. He has a wound in his knee and it is bleeding. He has also hurt his shoulder.,couch potato exercise need put on smoking steps worst,A: Whats that youre wearing around your waist (腰部)? B: Its a new piece of technology that

11、 records how many(1) _ you take each day.,Complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box.,steps,A: Why do you want to know? B: Because to keep fit, you(2) _ to take at least 10,000 steps a day! Its important, both for a healthy heart and to feel good, too. A: Youre taking a sudd

12、en interest in(3) _! B: Yes. I realised that for the past couple of months, Ive been a(4) _.,need,couch potato,exercise,I havent done any exercise at all. Ive(5) _ weight, too. B: But at least youve never taken up(6) _. A: Yes, Im really glad about that! Its the (7) _ thing you can do for your healt

13、h.,put on,smoking,worst,Listen and answer the questions.,1. Where does the conversation take place? 2. Who is talking? 3. Whats the problem?,At the doctors (surgery). The doctor and Mr Maxwell (a patient) Mr Maxwell (The patient) wants to five up smoking.,Patient: Mr. Maxwell Problem: smokes _ cigar

14、ettes a day He started smoking _ years ago. Has the patient tried to stop smoking before? Yes / No General health: fit/ not fit Has a _ and frequently gets _ Advice: _,Listen again and complete the notes.,about 20,25,cough,colds,join a group to stop smoking,Read the passage and match the sentences w

15、ith the paragraphs.,Kate asks her father to stop smoking. _ Kate tells her father why smoking is bad for other people. _,paragraph 3,paragraph 4,c) Kate explains why shes writing the letter. _ d) Kate tells her father why smoking is bad for him. _,paragraph 1,paragraph 2,Kate is writing to her fathe

16、r because _. a) he has stopped smoking b) she likes smoking c) she wants him to stop smoking d) she misses her uncle,Choose the best answer.,2. Kate has found out that smoking _. a) isnt so bad b) is worse than she had thought c) helps you think better d) outside does no harm,3. Kates mother doesnt

17、like _. a) smoking outside b) beautiful smells c) the smell in the house d) the smell of smoke in the house,4. Kate is afraid that _. a) she and her mother will fall ill because of her fathers smoking b) her clothes will smell of smoke c) she will start to smoke d) she cant help her father,There is

18、an old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Now people are using laughter to improve their health, in countries all around the world.,Around the w rld,In the UK, the first special centre for treating illnesses with laughter was set up in Birmingham by Robert Holden. In 2003, a study in Austria s

19、howed that laughing helped patients to get better faster. It made them relax, and this improved their general health.,Laughing helps us feel happier. And it gives the body exercise, too. Its also been shown to be good for weight lossdoctors say five minutes of laughing is as good for you as 15 minut

20、es in the gym!,Ive just moved to a new area. Im unhappy, because I dont know anyone. Its making me feel depressed.,Im putting on weight. What can I do?,Give health advice to people,Discussion,I cant get my friend to give up smoking.,I have difficulty sleeping. I worry so much about my schoolwork.,Ex

21、ercises,请用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 1. I _ (fly) to Hangzhou tomorrow. 2. When I got to the station, the bus _ (leave) already.,had left,will fly / am flying,3. I _ (know) the fact just two days ago. 4. She said she _ (visit) me the next day. 5. Mr. Lin _ (lose) two bikes by now.,has lost,knew,would visit,6. I

22、 phoned you at 8:30 last night, but nobody answered the phone. At that time I _ (see) a film in the cinema. 7. Sophie cant go out to play with you. She _ (help) her mum clean the house.,is helping,was seeing,8. My boss is a busy man. He _ (work) more than twelve hours a day. 9. Many birds come back from the south. It _ (get) warm.,is going to get,works,Homework,Write a letter to one of the four children and give him or her some suggestions.,


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