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1、Unit 8 Pets,Pets can be our friends, but they need special care and attention. Look at the following different pets, and name them.,Different pets,cat,dog,goldfish,Mouse (mice),duck,parrot,ant,rabbit,tortoise,Which would you like to keep as a pet? And why?,Lets play a game. Guess what the animal is!

2、,He is friendly to people. He can help people keep doors. If you make him angry, he may bite you. He will bark at someone when he sees strangers (陌生人). What is it?,dog,She likes playing with ball. She can sleep everywhere. She likes fish best. She can make a sound like “miaow”.,What is it?,cat,What

3、is it?,It has big eyes. It lives in the water. Its color is often orange. It sleeps with eyes open.,goldfish,What is it?,It is very small and soft. We can hold it in our hands. It often go out at night. It is afraid of cats.,mouse,A The students drew some pictures of their pets. Look at the parts of

4、 the pictures and write the names of the animals under them.,cat dog goldfish mouse parrot rabbit,parrot,rabbit,dog,mouse,cat,goldfish,B The students are talking about why they like their pets. Match the two parts to make correct sentences. Write the correct letters in the blanks.,1 Daniel: I love m

5、y parrot because _ 2 Kitty: I like my rabbit because _ 3 Peter: I like goldfish because _,a I like watching them swim around. b she loves to sleep on my knees c its very small and soft and I can hold it in my hand.,f,d,a,d I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears. e I can play with him in the

6、 park. f he can sing, and I want to teach him to speak.,4 Sandy: I like my mouse best because _ 5 Millie: I love my dog because _ 6 Amy: I like my cat because _,c,e,b,Which is your favourite pet? Can you tell me why?,pig,dog,elephant,rabbit,dog,monkey,cat,parrot,mouse,panda,I like my_ because _.,Com

7、ic strip,What time is it? Its 12:30. 2. What does Eddie want Hobo to do? Bring him something to eat. 3. What does Eddie think in the end? He wants a new pet.,Questions:,bring sb sth=bring sth to sb给某人拿来 swim around 四处游动 on ones knees 在某人的膝盖上 teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 feed (on)sth=feed sth to用喂 play

8、with与玩 hold sth in ones hand 手里拿着东西,Useful phrases:,Reading,Poems about pets,My dog My dog is the cleverest animal of all. He doesnt just chase and catch a ball. With eyes open wide, He hunts when I hide. He does wonderful tricks, Builds me camps out of sticks. Hed never bark or bite, And he doesnt

9、like to fight. My dog is my very best friend, And I ll look after him until the end.,Read and find the rhymes.,_ rhymes with _.,My dog is the cleverest animal of all. He doesnt just run after a ball. With eyes open wide, He hunts when I hide.,ball,All,hide,Wide,_rhymes with _.,Enjoy the beautiful rh

10、ymes.,Words rhyme if the last syllables(音节) make the same or similar sound.,My dog is the _ animal of all. He doesnt j _ r un a_a ball. He can do many other things for me. When I hide, he_with eyes open _. He _ camps out _ sticks for me. Hed never _ or b_. I love him very much and Ill look after him

11、 _ the end.,fter,cleverest,wide,builds,of,bark,till / until,Fill in the blanks.,ite,hunts,ust,1. Is your dog the cleverest animal of all? 2. Does he just run after a ball? 3. Does he do wonderful tricks? 4. Will you look after him till the end?,Yes, it is.,No, he does not.,Yes, he does.,Yes, I will.

12、,Questions:,My goldfish,My goldfish is a wonderful pet. My goldfish is a wonderful pet. She doesnt need a bed. She doesnt need a bed. She isnt any trouble. She isnt any trouble. She doesnt bark, We dont have to feed her much, She doesnt miaow, She doesnt need a gentle touch, Just bubbles Just bubble

13、s bubbles bubbles bubbles. bubbles.,My goldfish is a wonderful pet. She doesnt need a bed. She isnt any trouble. She doesnt bark, She doesnt miaow, Just bubbles, Bubbles, bubbles. My goldfish is a wonderful pet. She doesnt need a bed. She isnt any trouble. We dont have to feed her much, She doesnt n

14、eed a gentle touch, Just bubbles, Bubbles, bubbles.,My goldfish,1. Is your goldfish a wonderful pet? 2. Does she bark or miaow? 3. Do we have to feed her much? 4. What does she just do?,Yes, it is.,No, she does not.,No, we do not.,She just bubbles.,Questions:,1. All rhymes with _. 2. Hide rhymes wit

15、h _. 3. Sticks rhymes with _. 4. Bite rhymes with _. 5. Friend rhymes with _. 6. Bed rhymes with _. 7. Bubble rhymes with _. 8. Much rhymes with _.,fight,end,trouble,pet,ball,wide,tricks,Words rhyme if the last syllables make the same or similar sound.,touch,B. What are the pets like?,B1,Match the s

16、entences,1. He doesnt just run after a ball. 2. He hunts when I hide. 3. He does wonderful tricks. 4. Hed never bark or bite. 5. And Ill look after him till the end.,A. He does amazing things. B. He can run after a ball and do other things. C. He looks around for me. D. And I will always take care o

17、f him. E. He is friendly.,B2,A goldfish isnt any trouble. It doesnt _. It doesnt _. We dont need to _ it much. It doesnt need a gentle _. Just bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.,bark,miaow,feed,touch,B3,Amys and Millies pets,My cat is very friendly. She is a happy cat. She when she is hungry. She is very qu

18、iet and does not any . Sometimes she under the chair. She does not make any .,My dog likes to play in the park. He often after cats and birds. Sometimes he when someone comes to visit us. Some people are afraid of him. They think he will them.,barks,bite,hides,miaows,runs,tricks,trouble,B4,Grammar,A

19、. Using adjectives,Rabbits have long ears. Rabbits ears are long.,How to use adjectives,A lazy cat is sleeping on the sofa. The cat on the sofa is lazy.,我们用形容词来描述人或物。我们可以将形容词放在名词前或放在连系动词后。, We use adjectives to describe people or things. We can put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb.

20、,形容词的用法,1. 作定语(放在n.前,不定pron.之后) 1) This is an old house. 2) Is there anything wrong with your bike? 2. 作表语(放在系动词之后) 1) He is very clever. 2) She felt a little ill. 3) Leaves turn yellow in autumn.,形容词在句中的位置: 形容词作定语通常置于被修饰词之前,但当被修饰的词是复合不定代词时,则置于复合不定代词之后。如: something interesting 形容词作表语位于系动词之后。除be动词外,系

21、动词还包括become、feel、get、look、seem、smell、sound、taste、turn等,这些词后常接形容词作表语。如:The price sounds reasonable. 这个价格听起来算是合理的。,1. make/ Birds/sounds/ nice _ 2. are/ clever/ Dogs/ and / friendly _ 3. and/ quiet/ Goldfish/ look after/ to / are/ easy _,Birds make nice sounds.,Dogs are clever and friendly.,Goldfish a

22、re quiet and easy to look after.,Talking about pets with the words below.,A1,I have a _ cat. She likes to run after balls. When she gets _, she sleeps anywhere. She miaows when she is _. My parrot is a _ friend of mine. He is very _, and he can repeat my words. He says “Hello!” when I come back home

23、. He is _ all the time.,black,black clever happy hungry special tired,tired,hungry,special,clever,happy,Help Daniel complete his article.,A2,We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people and things when we do not know or do not need to mention who or what we are talking about.,Somebody in our class

24、has a dog as a pet. Not everyone has a pet. Nobody has a lizard(蜥蜴) as a pet. Is there anything special about your pet?,B. Indefinite pronouns (不定代词),indefinite pronouns,表示人的不定代词有:,表示物的不定代词有:,everyone/everybody, someone/somebody, anyone/ anybody, no one /nobody,everything, something, anything, nothi

25、ng,I saw _ (有人) in the house.,How to use indefinite pronouns?,somebody (=someone),There is _ (某个东西)under the bed.,something,We use somebody, someone and something in positive sentences.,When we are offering something or when we expect the answer to be yes, we can use something, somebody/ someone in

26、questions.,Would you like something to eat? Is someone there?,I did not see _(有人)in the house.,anybody (=anyone),There is not _(某个东西)under the bed.,anything,We use anybody, anyone and anything in negative sentences or in questions.,Do you feed your goldfish _(某物)else?,anything,There is _(没人)in the l

27、iving room.,nobody (= no one),I saw _(没东西)in the fridge.,nothing,We use nobody, no one and nothing to refer to not anyone and not anything.,There isnt anybody in the room. = There is _ in the room. I did not hear anything. = I heard _.,nobody/no one,nothing,Is _ (每个人) here today? _ (每样东西) is ready.,

28、everybody/everyone,Everything,We use everybody, everyone and everything to refer to all people and all things.,Mr Hu is asking the students about their pets. Complete their conversation with the correct indefinite pronouns.,Mr Wu: Millie, I know you have a dog. What do you feed him? Millie: We usual

29、ly give him dog food.,Mr Wu: Do you feed him _ else? Millie: Yes. Sometimes we give him some meat. He likes it. Mr Wu: I see. Does _ have a cat? Amy: Yes, I have a cat. Shes nice to _. Mr Wu: Good. I know _ has goldfish, right?,anything,anyone (anybody),everybody (everyone),somebody (someone),Peter:

30、 Yes, I do. Goldfish are easy to look after. Mr Wu: Thats true. Does _ have a snake? Kitty: No. _ wants a snake, I think. Daniel: I dont agree. Theres _ wrong with keeping a snake if you like it.,nothing,anyone (anybody),Nobody (no one),Peter is listening to a talk on goldfish and writing down some

31、notes. Listen to the talk and help him check his notes below. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.,Integrated skills,A1,1. Pick up goldfish with your hands. _ 2. Put your goldfish in the sun. _ 3. A goldfish can weigh up to 40 grams. _ 4. Some goldfish are black. _ 5. Goldfish are

32、 easy to look after. _ 6. Goldfish are very expensive. _,F,F,F,T,T,F,Dont pick up,Dont put,400,arent,Peter recorded the talk. Listen again and help him prepare a fact sheet about goldfish with the correct information.,A2,About goldfish Put them in _ water. Do not put them in _. Do not pick them up w

33、ith _. They eat special fish food and _. Feed them once _. They are usually _. They can grow up to be _ centimetres long and weigh up to _ grams. They can be orange, _, white or green.,clean,the sun,your hands,vegetables,a day,small,20,400,black,After the talk, Peter calls Amy to tell her about gold

34、fish. Complete Peters answers with the help of the information on P99.,A3,Peter : I joined the Pet Club and there was a talk yesterday? Amy : Really? What was the talk about? Peter : It was a talk about (1)_. We learnt about how to look after them. Amy : Thats interesting. Can you tell me more about

35、 them? Peter : Sure. First, they need(2)_ water. Amy : Do you need to feed them often? Peter :No,not often,only once a day. They eat special fish food and sometimes(3)_. Amy : How big can goldfish grow? Peter :They can be(4)_centimetres long and weigh up to(5)_ grams. Amy : Do they make any noise? P

36、eter : No, they are very(6)_.,goldfish,clean,vegetables,20,400,quiet,How do you look after your pets?,Millie,Amy,Peter,B.Speak up:,Daniel: How do you look after your dog,Millie? Millie: Dogs like exercise a lot, so we walk him in the park every evening. Daniel: Oh, I see.Do you walk your cat, Amy? A

37、my: No,we dont. We only brush her fur every day. Daniel: How do you look after your fish,Peter? Peter: We put them in clean water, and we never feed hem too much.,Why does Millie often walk her dog ? How does Amy look after her cat? 3. Where does Peter put his fish?,Because dogs like exercise a lot.

38、,Amy only brushes its fur every day.,Read and answer,He puts them in clean water.,look after your pet like exercise a lot/very much walk my dog=take my dog for a walk brush her fur put them in/into clean water feed them too much,1.照顾你的宠物 2.很喜欢锻炼 3.遛我的狗 4.刷她的毛 5.把它们放进干净水里 6.喂它们太多,Useful phrases,The I

39、nternet is an international computer network. It connects computer networks all over the world. People can get different kinds of information from it.,What is the Internet?,Study skills: Finding information on the Internet,There are millions of websites on the Internet. There is a lot of useful info

40、rmation on the websites. You can use search engines to find the information you need.,If you want to learn about how to look after a pet, you can also get the information from the Internet like this.,如何养宠物鼠,Search engines help us find information quickly and easily. Type in a keyword or some keyword

41、s and the search engine will give you a list of relevant websites to look at.,How do we use search engines?,1. Millie wants to find information about pets.,How do we use search engines?,2. Simon wants to find information about how to look after a pet.,3. Kitty wants to find information about keeping

42、 an e-pet.,Poppy the cat,Task:My favourite pet,Poppy,How old is she?,Listen to the tape,Poppy,What does it look like ? Size _ Eyes_ Colour_ Fur_,Think of words to describe its appearance. (外貌),small,green,grey,Long,Answer the questions:,Think about :,Poppy,Its personality _ Its food _ Its home_ What

43、 does it like / dislike ?,( clever friendly happy kind lazy quiet shy ),friendly ,quiet lazy,cat food/fish/warm milk,a basket,She likes milk and fish .,Read and complete the table.,long,grey,white,green,2,friendly,quiet,cat food,fish,milk,basket,balls,hungry,miaow,every day,clean water,fur,Read and

44、complete the table.,My favourite petHis/Her name is He/ She looks like He/ She is always very friendly/quiet/ happy/noisy. Usually He/ She eats He/ She lives / sits/ lies in /on He/ She likes/ doesnt like He/ She needs We usually/ sometimes,Useful expressions:,How to write about our pets?,Introducti

45、on,Say what kind animal it is.,2. Main body,A. Describe (描述) its appearance (外貌). B. Describe its qualities ( 品质、特性). C. Write about its food, its home, its likes and dislikes. D. write about how you look after it.,3. Conclusion,Say why your favorite pet is special.,Some Information,Group work,Work in groups. Each group chooses one of the animals above and say something about it.,Write your own passage.,My favourite pet,Homework,Thank you !,


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