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1、Module 5 Ethnic Culture,第一板块 重点单词 1. minority n. 少数民族; 少数 (1)a minority of 少数 be in the/a minority 占少数; 成为少数派,(2)majority n. 多数, 多半 a/the majority of 大多数 in the/a majority 占多数,【即时训练】完成句子 So, it may be only _young people who play classical instruments. 所以可能只有少部分年轻人演奏古典乐器。 She says that _those who com

2、e to her are dealing with some pretty heavy issues. 她说大多数来找她的人都是要处理一些重大的问题。,a minority of,the majority of,2. run v. (ran, run, running)控制, 管理, 经营; 跑; (机器)开动; 运转; (水等)流淌; 行驶; 持续, 延续 (1)run after 追赶, 追逐 run away from 逃离; 逃避, 回避(不愉快的事) run across 偶然遇见,run into 遇到; 撞上(某人) run out(of) 花光, 用尽, 耗尽 run over

3、 匆匆看; 碾轧 (2)in the long/short run 从长期/短期来看,【即时训练】写出黑体部分的含义 (2016全国卷)Simons Workshop is run by a comedy club. ( ) Always keep in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly. ( ),经营、管理,运转,Never allow dogs or other pets to run freely in areas of nesting birds, other wildlife, or wh

4、ere signposted. ( ) Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to working things out. ( ),跑,逃避,Theres plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families. ( ),延续,3. adjust v. 适应, 使适应; 调整, 调节 (1)adjust to 适应 adjust sth. to 调整以适应 adjust oneself to 使自己适应 (2)adjustme

5、nt n. 调整, 调节 make an adjustment to 对进行调整,【即时训练】单句语法填空 Some schools will have to make _(adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform. My work colleagues adjusted to my _(take) off at a moments notice for medical emergencies. Obviously, students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles _th

6、eir daily schedule.,adjustments,taking,to,句式升级 He did not know anything about the culture of the foreign country. He couldnt adjust (himself) to the life there. 用现在分词作状语合并上面两个句子: _ _.,Not knowing anything about the culture of the foreign,country, he couldnt adjust (himself) to the life there,【易混辨析】a

7、djust, adapt和adopt adjust调整, 适应; adapt适应, 改编/改造; adopt采纳, 收养。 His adopted son adopted his advice and adapted a machine which could be adjusted to meet his need. It was not long before he adapted/adjusted to running it.,他的养子采纳了他的建议, 改造了一台机器, 这台机器可以被调整满足他的需要, 不久他就适应操作这台机器了。,4. furnish vt. 为(房屋或房间)配备家具

8、; 布置; 提供 (1)furnish. . . with 用装备; 给提供供应 furnish. . . to/for. . . 为提供 be furnished with 备有, 安装有,(2)furniture n. 家具(不可数名词) a piece/an article of furniture 一件家具 a suit of furniture 一套家具,【知识拓展】 与furnish. . . with同义的动词短语还有: equip. . . with。,【即时训练】单句语法填空 Literature, classic literature, is a beautiful, ri

9、chly _(furnish) room where you might find many an hour of rest and refreshment. My mother looked at the sitting room, its _ (furnish) disordered for a thorough sweeping.,furnished,furniture,5. fasten v. 系牢, 缚紧, 扎牢, 固定(某物); 扣住; 集中 于, 集中注意力; 注视, 凝视 fasten sth. to. . . 把固定/贴/钉在 fasten ones attention on

10、 集中注意力于 fasten ones eyes on 凝视, 注视,【即时训练】单句语法填空 In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank _(fasten) on his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean. I handed out the cards, and the students wrote down their names and fastened them _their breast pockets as I required.,fasten

11、ed,to,第二板块 常考短语 1. in use在使用 (1)come into use 开始使用 put sth. to(good)use (充分)利用, 使用 make(full/good/the best)use of (充分)利用 out of use 不再使用, 废弃不用 Its no use doing sth. 做没有用,(2)use. . . for 用做 use up 用完, 用光, 耗尽 be of great/ much/little/no use 很有用/没用,【即时训练】单句语法填空 Youll save electricity by turning off lig

12、hts not _use. It was time to put the tips he had learned _use. It didnt make use _long muscles we used to throw a baseball.,in,to,of,2. come across 偶然遇到, 偶然发现 come about 发生 come on 来吧, 快点; 加油! 得了吧! come out 出版, 开花 come true 变成现实 come up 出现; 被提出,come up with 提出(方案, 计划, 想法, 建议) How come(=How did it come about that. . . ) 怎么会; 怎么搞的? 怎么回事? When it comes to +n. /v. -ing当涉及, 当谈到,【即时训练】单句语法填空 You are very likely to come _large wild animals, too. Banks has zero ability when it comes to _(deal) with girls.,across,dealing,


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