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1、Module 4 Music (限时20分钟),. 重点词汇识记与拓展 1. _n. 特征, 特性, 特质 2. _adj. 空的, 空缺的 3. _v. 诠释, 解释; 翻译 4. _prep. 关于 5. _v. 轻拍, 轻敲, 轻叩,characteristic,vacant,interpret,regarding,tap,6. _v. 尊敬, 敬重 7. _v. 赠送, 颁发(礼物、奖品等) _adv. 因此, 所以 9. _v. 结合, 联合 _n. 联合,honour,present,8therefore,combine,combination,10. _v. 使沮丧, 使意志消沉

2、, 使心灰意冷 _adj. 沮丧的 _adj. 令人沮丧的 11. _n. 志气, 抱负, 雄心 _adj. 有志气的, 有野心的,depress,depressed,depressing,ambition,ambitious,12. _v. 规定, 管理, 整顿 _n. 规则; 条例 _adj. 有规律的; 正规的 _adj. 不规则的; 非正规的 13. _adj. 自愿的 _n. 志愿者 v. 自愿,regulate,regulation,regular,irregular,voluntary,volunteer,14. _adj. 有污迹的, 有斑点的 _n. 斑点, 地点 v. 发现

3、, 察觉 15. _n. 活泼, 快乐, 生动 _adj. 生动的, 活泼的,spotted,spot,liveliness,lively,16. _n. (痛苦、忧虑等的)解除, 减轻, 调剂 _v. 解除, 减轻, 缓和 17. _v. 使放松, 使轻松 _adj. 放松的 _adj. 令人放松的 _n. 放松,relief,relieve,relax,relaxed,relaxing,relaxation,18. _n. 收藏; 收藏品 _v. 收藏, 收集 19. _v. 吸引, 使陶醉 _adj. 有魅力的, 迷人的,collection,collect,charm,charming

4、,. 重点短语识记 1. _ 举办音乐会 2. _ 与情况相同 3. _与分享感受与想法 4. _ 创作乐曲,give concerts,(be)true of/for/(be)the same with,share feelings and ideas with,compose music,5. _ 突然间 6. _ 与有关 7. _ 赋予生命(生命力, 活力) 8. _ 与进行来往 9. _ 伴着音乐跳舞 10. _ 利用, 凭借, 依赖 11. _ 除此之外,all of a sudden,be connected with,give life to,make contact with,

5、dance to the music,draw upon/on,in addition to,. 经典句式应用 1. She graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, _(1993 年她还在那里学习了弹奏古筝). (where引导非限制性 定语从句),where she also studied the guzheng in 1993,2. Secondly, classical Chinese music is closely connected to Chinese poetry, so _ _(很多古典音 乐作品都有着很诗意的标

6、题就一点也不奇怪了). (it + be + adj. + that引导的主语从句),it isnt surprising that,most classical pieces have very poetic titles,3. One dozen beautiful young women, _ _(都二十多岁), take the stage and stand before a variety of ancient musical instruments. (独立主格结构) 4. _(她们一开始演奏), it is clear the members of Twelve Girls B

7、and are among the most gifted musicians in the world. (the moment引导时 间状语从句),all in their,twenties,The moment they start to play,5. _ _(利用1 500多年的中国音乐), Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical, folk and contemporary sounds. (动词-ing形式作状语),Drawing upon more than 1, 500 years of Chine

8、se,music,1. -ion后缀, 构成名词 combination 结合 connection 联系 relation 关系 collection 收集,correction 改正 celebration 庆祝 congratulation 祝贺 regulation 规定,2. “突然”单词短语荟萃 all of a sudden all at once suddenly abruptly unexpectedly,3. “除此之外”大观园 in addition to besides over and above sth. except for aside from except with the exception of other than apart from,4. “动词+upon”短语串烧 draw upon 利用 depend upon 依靠 call upon 呼吁 count upon 依靠 insist upon 坚持,


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