最新仁爱版七年级上册 Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 Section D(1)导学案.doc

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1、最新教学资料仁爱版英语 Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 Section D(1)导学案二、学习重难点: 1、some和any的用法。 2、不可数名词量的表达。 3、购物用语。一、自习(一)阅读教材I、你找到这些短语和句子了吗?请把他们译成英语。重点短语:1.一个鸡蛋 2. 两个香蕉 3.一些水 4. 一杯苹果汁 5.一条裤子 6.三袋大米 重点句型:1、我能为你做点什么? 2、不用谢。 3、我能试穿它吗? 4、它们多少钱? 5、多少瓶? 6、就这些吗? 7、好的,我们就买它了。 8.你觉得这条裤子怎么样?(两种) 9.我们需要多少大米? 10.无论怎样还是谢谢你。 二、自疑

2、我想问:_ 家长签字_预习等级_组长签字_三、自主探究活动一 grammar and functions1.学生总结本话题重点。注意不可数名词量的表达、some和any的用法、以及购物用语。完成书上总结。活动二 pair work 用some和any填空完成2并结对练习对话。活动三 writing根据3的图片写一段顾客与女店员之间的对话。活动四 Project(5) 1.收集东西来卖并制作价格标签。 2.分角色表演顾客和售货员之间的对话。四、自测.单项选择。( )1. I like these shoes. Can I _?A. try them on B. try on themC. try

3、 it on D. try on it( )2. Dad. Im sorry I cant find the shop._A. Not at all.B. Im not happy.C. Thank you all the same.D. You cant come back.( )3. The dress is very nice and Ill _ it.A. thinkB. takeC. wantD. bring( )4. Thats too expensive(贵的). _ thirty yuan?A. How manyB. How muchC. Why notD. How about

4、( )5. He wants two _ rice and three _ eggs.A. bags; kilos B. bags of; kilosC. bags of; kilos ofD. bags; kilos of( )6. This pair of shoes _ mine. His are over there.A. will beB. isC. areD. be ( )7. The clothes are one hundred yuan.One hundred yuan! _ you _?A. Do; kiddingB. Do; kidC. Is; kidding D. Ar

5、e; kidding( )8. How _ _ the apples?They are five yuan a kilo.A. many; areB. much; isC. many; is D. much; are.句型转换。1. The dress is only 30 yuan.(对画线部分提问) is the dress?2. May I help you?(同义句转换) can I you?3. How do you like this book?(同义句转换) do you of this book?4. I want some fish.(改为否定句)I want fish.5. bottles, of, milk, need, they, do, many, how(连词成句)_五、自结我想说:_ Sectio最新精品英语资料


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