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1、最新教学资料仁爱版英语Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第一话题的第四课时,是一堂复习课。通过Grammar和Functions总结现在完成时的基本结构“havehas done”和一些重要的表达法;1a承接Section C,继续谈论“变化”在中国休闲活动中的体现,进一步提升阅读能力,并培养学生利用图表形式降低阅读难度的策略。1b部分的问题有的立足于短文,有的则立足于生活常识和个人爱好,但又和短文有紧密的联系:都是谈论休闲活动。Project引导学生通过制作海报探究休闲生活的今昔差异,培养学生的口语表达能力和动手动脑的能力,让学生更好地了解过去,珍惜

2、现在的美好生活。 .Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,复习现在完成时和重点表达法。谈论日常休闲生活的变化。2.Skill aims: 培养学生的阅读能力和阅读技巧。培养学生能通过语境,扫清阅读障碍的能力。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 让学生更好地了解过去,珍惜现在的美好生活。4.Culture awareness: (optional). The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: hide, chess, radio,

3、 spare, abroad, leisure, hide-and-seek, recentleisure activities, play an important part/role in, play hide-and-seek, play chess/cards, various kinds of, in recent years, make a tour abroad2. Difficult points:能学会归纳话题中重点语法和表达法。能将所学知识运用到实际生活中进行交谈。. Learning strategies 通过语法和功能部分的复习,能够学会归纳和总结个人的学习方法。 通过

4、Project的提升,能够将所学知识迁移到日常生活中。 通过1a的阅读训练,能够学会利用图表,降低阅读难度。. Teaching aids录音机/幻灯片;新旧休闲生活的物品或图片(如:铁环,象棋,毽子,跳绳)等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(2 mins)Class activityGreeting.T: Hello, boys and girls! SsT

5、: Lets welcome to give us the duty report.SsGreeting.Ss: Hello, Miss Tan. 2Revision(10 mins)Class activityIndividual workStep 1: Show some pictures of their hometowns and talk about the changes of their hometowns. T: Now look at these two groups of pictures. Can you find any differences? Now please

6、talk about the changes in these two pictires with your partners. Try to use the structure “have/has done”. Step 2: Read the grammar and function. Then ask the Ss to sum up the rules of grammar and discuss the usage of the underlined words in functions.T: Now lets read them together.SsT: Now,share yo

7、ur ideas about the usage of the underlined words.S1: “have/has done”是现在完成时, have/has是助动词S2.S3Look at the pictures carefully and talk about them freely with partners. S1: The road was narrow in the past but now it has become wide.S2: Right. And the houseRead the grammar and function. Conclude the rul

8、es of grammar and discuss the usage of the underlined words of functions.S1: “have/has done”是现在完成时, have/has是助动词S2.S3PK:全班分成两大组,每组列举一项家乡的变化,提升竞争意识。建议:先用“七嘴八舌”的方式,来解释和补充该部分,可以中英文混用。3Pre-reading(2 mins)Class activityAsk the Ss to read 1b quickly and predict the main content of 1a.Read the questions in

9、 1b and guess the main content of 1a.培养学生运用问题来做阅读预测的能力。4While-reading (15 mins)Class activityIndividual workStep1: First-readingGet the Ss to read 1a as quickly as possible and fill in the chart.T: Now read 1a by yourselves and fill in the chart. It can help you understand the passage easily.SsT: OK

10、, lets check the answer.S1: play hide-and-seekS2: play cards and chess Step2: Second-readingRead 1a and finish 1bT: Now read 1a again and answer the questions of 1b.S1: Since the reform and opening-up.S2Read 1a and fill in the chart.SsS1: play hide-and-seekS2: play cards and chessRead 1a and answer

11、the questions of 1b.S1: Since the reform and opening-up.S2语言学习,朗读的过程很重要,教师可以根据班级情况,分配朗读的时间和安排朗读的方式。5Post-reading (15 mins)Group workRead 1a again and get the Ss to underline the key points. Let Ss discuss the key points and solve the problems by themselves.T: Read carefully and underline the key poi

12、nts.SsRead 1a carefully and underline the points they do not understand. Discuss the key points and solve the problems by themselves.6Project (15 mins)Group workClass activityStep 1: ProjectMake a poster about changing leisure activities.T: (Take out the things or pictures for leisure prepared befor

13、e class) What are these? Can you play it like this? (play them at the same time)SsT: OK, people like your parents used to play these things, but nowadays we play different things. Whats your leisure activity?S1: Play computer games.S2: I like roller skating.Step 2: Show timeAsk Ss to stick the poste

14、rs on the Bb and each student can take part in the discussion and evaluation.Discuss and make a poster about changing leisure activities.S1: Play computer games.S2: I like roller skating.Stick the posters on the Bb and each student can choose the one she or he likes best.Project部分是升华本课时所学内容,是检测学习情况的

15、评价方式之一。建议一:小组长合理分配每个组员的职责,发挥各自的长处。建议二:给予适时恰当的评价,最好让每位学生参与到评价中。7Summarizing and assigning homework (5mins)HMK:Make some sentences by using have/has doneMake some sentences by using have/has doneSection D是本话题的复习部分,此处可以不用总结,可适当增加一些综合性的习题,检测学习效果。. Blackboard designOur country has developed rapidly.Section DIn the pastLeisure activity At presenthide, chess, radio, spare, abroad, leisure, hide-and-seek, recent leisure activities play an important part/role in play hide-and-seek play chess/cards various kinds of in recent years make a tour abroad 最新精品英语资料


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