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1、最新教学资料仁爱版英语Section B. Material analysis本课是九年级第二单元第一话题的第二课时,主活动是1a和3a。1a通过Mrs. Zhou 讲述自己的身体状况和生活环境,引出污染对人们的健康和生态环境所产生的危害,同时也道出了污染产生的原因。1b通过“听回答问题再听核对答案”的模式来训练学生的听力技能。2与1a形成很好的呼应,通过康康向报社反映西山污染情况的信件,呼吁政府和大众关注环境问题,要求学生掌握词性的转换,强化1a中的语言知识。3a 和3b通过图片和简介来描述不同种类的污染以及带来的危害。在学习这些污染的同时,也兼顾了单词的重读,句子的连读、停顿及语调等语言知

2、识。通过学习本课,引导学生关注环境问题,了解各种污染类别以及带来的危害,树立正确的环保意识。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,正确运用现在完成时进行问答。2.Skill aims: 能通过观察课文插图来预测课文内容。能听懂用现在完成时表达的对话。能朗读和表演有关环保的对话。能正确运用连读和停顿的技巧,使发音流畅,富有韵律感。3.Emotional aims: (optional)引导学生关注环境问题,树立绿色环保意识,增强忧患意识和社会责任感。4.Culture awareness: (optional) 通过谈论环境问题,让学生了解不同

3、种类的污染及其危害。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: pain, produce, awful, bear, harmful, chest, editor, breathe/breath, soil get a pain in, whats worse, too much noise, too many problems, breathing problem, be harmful to, make a mess of, throwaroundSentences: Its difficu

4、lt for me to breathe. Ive got a pain in my throat. Its really awful. A: How long have you been like this? A: Have you seen a doctor? B: Ive been like this since last week. B: Not yet. Grammar: Present Perfect的问答。2. Difficult points: 能在不同语境中,正确判断单词的不同词性。 在朗读中,能正确地把握连读和停顿的技巧。. Learning strategies 通过1a

5、,教会学生善于利用插图理解有关污染的对话。 通过2,训练学生在不同的语境中学会转换词性,并拓展学生的词汇量。 通过3a,引导学生通过观察图片分析和了解不同的信息。 通过3b,要求学生掌握连读,停顿的发音技巧,反思自己的发音中的问题。. Teaching aids单词卡片(如:breathe/ breath, pain, harmful/harm);关于污染的图片或者幻灯片;录音机;小礼品若干等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Ge

6、tting students ready for learning(2 mins)Group workGuide the Ss to discuss different kinds of pollution in groups and share the answer together.T: How many kinds of pollution do you know?S1: Air pollution S2: Water pollutionS3: Litter S4.Discuss different kinds of pollution in groups and share the a

7、nswer together.S1: Air pollution S2: Water pollutionS3: Litter S4.该环节是对前一课时所布置作业的检查,让学生通过查找资料,倾听同伴的讲解等方式,提高获取信息的能力和意识,引导学生从不同渠道关注社会问题。2Lead-in (5 mins)Class activityLet the Ss look at the pictures in 3a on page 30 and guess the meaning and pronunciation of “soil”. Ask them to pay attention to the ty

8、pes of pollution.T: Look at these pictures, what kinds of pollution are these?S1: Air pollution S2: Water pollutionS3: Litter S4: Light pollution S5: Noise pollutionGuess the meaning and pronunciation of the new words according to the pictures and the teachers descriptions.S1: Air pollution S2: Wate

9、r pollutionS3: Litter S4: Light pollution S5: Noise pollution先让学生根据图片猜测短语的意思,此处只呈现前五幅图片,在下一环节再用“soil pollution”引入听前活动,并以此教授部分新的单词和短语。3Pre-listening (5-7 mins)Class activityShow the picture of soil pollution, teach the new words and check the answers of 3b. Pay attention to the pronunciation, liaison

10、 and pause while reading.T: Look at this picture, what kind of pollution is this one? (Lead the Ss to pronounce it.)S6: Soil pollution.T: Right. People use too many chemicals in their fields, /and soil pollution causes unhealthy food. The food is harmful to our health. (Teacher write down the words

11、and phrases on the Bb.)T: Now try to fill in the blanks in 3b with the words and phrases in 3a.T: Now lets check the answer.S1: water pollutionS2: air pollutionS3: noise pollutionS4T: OK, lets read the sentences together. Pay attention to the pronunciation, liaison and pause.(Teacher can give an exa

12、mple if necessary)Look at the picture of soil pollution, learn the new words and try to finish 3b. Pay attention to the pronunciation, liaison and pause while reading.S6: Soil pollution.S1: water pollutionS2: air pollutionS3: noise pollutionS4教师应利用介绍土壤污染的契机,教授新单词、短语,同时示范句子的连读和停顿,为训练学生流畅的口语打好基础。4Whil

13、e-listening (5-7 mins)Individual work Individual workStep 1: Show a picture of the polluted West Hill, let the Ss listen to 1a once and tick the questions they hear in part A of 1b. Then check the answers together.T: As we know, the West Hill has changed a lot. Look at this picture, what pollution c

14、an you find in the picture?Ss: Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollutionT: Right. Whatever the pollution is, it is harmful to peoples health. Mrs. Zhou gets a pain in her chest because of the bad air. Now listen to the dialog between Kangkang and Mrs. Zhou and tick the questions you hear to fi

15、nish part A in 1b. T: OK, lets check the answers.S1: Whats wrong with you?S2: How long have you been like this?S3: Have you seen a doctor?S4: Have you noticed the dead fish in the river?Step 2: Get the Ss to listen again and match the questions with the right answers in part B of 1b. Then check the

16、answers together.T: Great. Listen again, match the questions with the right answers in B.S5: No.1 is c.S6: No. 2 is b.S7: No. 3 is a.S8: No. 4 is d.Look at a picture of the polluted West Hill, listen to 1a once and tick the questions they hear in A of 1b. Then check the answers together.Ss: Air poll

17、ution, water pollution, noise pollutionS1: Whats wrong with you?S2: How long have you been like this?S3: Have you seen a doctor?S4: Have you noticed the dead fish in the river?Listen again and match the questions with the right answers in B of 1b. Then check the answers together.S5: No.1 is c.S6: No

18、. 2 is b.S7: No. 3 is a.S8: No. 4 is d.在环节与环节的过度上,要注意自然流畅,是顺理成章的进入下一个步骤,而不是直接切入。因为过渡语既能起到承上启下的作用,又能抓住学生的注意力。5Post-listening (17 mins)Individual workClass activity andGroup work Group work Individual workStep 1: Get the Ss to read 1a and answer the questions in 1c.T: Now read 1a by yourselves and ans

19、wer the questions in 1c.T: OK, what caused Mrs. Zhous problem?S1: Pollution. The chemical factories produce terrible gas, make too much noise and pour waste water into rivers.T: What will Kangkang do?S2: He will write to the newspaper about the problems.T: Do you have any other ways to solve the pro

20、blem?S3Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a carefully and underline the difficult points including words, phrases and sentences. Then lead the Ss to ask their classmates and teacher for help. Write down the points they cant understand on the Bb.T: First , read 1a and underline the difficult points T: If there

21、 are some difficult points you cant understand, please ask your classmates for help. If all the group members cant solve the problem, I can give you some advice.Ss: How to use “get a pain in”?T: We can also say like this “I have a sore throat”. Can you understand its meaning?Ss: Yes. (Teacher touche

22、s one of his legs and says.)T: I get a pain in my leg. “Get a pain in” can be added “a part of a body” after the proposition.T: Whats the Chinese meaning of it?Ss: It means “某处疼” in Chinese.Ss .Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a in roles, and then act out the dialog and pay attention to the pronunciation an

23、d intonation.T: Now read 1a in roles, and then act out the dialog. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. After that, we will have a competition to see which group performs best. The best one wins the award.Step 4: Lead the Ss to scan the material and choose the correct words to complete

24、 the letter in 2.T: Kangkang has written a letter to the newspaper about pollution, but some words are missing. Can you help him finish the letter with the given words?Ss: YesT: Now lets check the answers together.S1: too manyS2: breatheS3: deadT: Great. Youd better pay more attention to the differe

25、nce between “too many” and “too much”. Use the right forms of the words according to different content.Read 1a and answer the questions in 1c.S1: Pollution. The chemical factories produce terrible gas, make too much noise and pour waste water into rivers.S2: He will write to the newspaper about the

26、problems.S3Read 1a, find the difficult points, and try to solve them with the help of all kinds of resources. Ss: How to use “get a pain in”?Ss: Yes.Ss: It means “某处疼” in Chinese.Ss .Read 1a in roles, and then act out the dialog. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.There will be perfor

27、mance competition among the groups. The best one wins the award.Scan the material and choose the correct words to complete the letter in 2.Ss: YesS1: too manyS2: breatheS3: dead通过完成1c的读后任务,进一步理解对话内容。在完成该任务时,如果答案不能直接从课文中找出,要引导学生学会用自己的语言总结和归纳答案,允许有不同的表达方式。以1c的第一题为例(What caused Mrs. Zhous problem?)简单的回

28、答就是pollution。如果要答案具体化,就必须先引导学生找出周夫人的问题,再找出原因,最后用自己的话归纳出答案(The chemical factories produce terrible gas, make too much noise and pour waste water into rivers)。学生能够正确提出问题,也是能力的体现。教师需要引导学生,一步一步朝着正确答案去思考,可以运用课文中的文本语言,也可以拓展例句提供新的语境,还可以根据已学知识理解新知识(以短语“get a pain in”为例, pain 是本课新单词, 要理解短语的意思和掌握短语的用法就会比较难, 因

29、此,教师可以通过“I have a sore throat”帮助学生理解意思。 用举例“I get a pain in my leg”同时捂住左腿,帮助学生观察该短语的用法)。课文朗读是培养学生的语感,训练语音语调的方法之一。为了让学生目标性更强,更加严格的要求自己正确发音,学会合作,教师采用(以六人组为例)组内三人扮演一个角色,进行对话;并采用一些竞争机制,激发学生的斗志和参与课堂活动的热情,维护小组的集体荣誉感。在角色扮演前,教师选择率先做好准备的小组,让他们选择任一小组进行挑战,胜利者将得到老师的礼物(或者积分),落后组再选一组,循环挑战;也可以另外选择两组进行两两PK。6Summari

30、zing and assigning homework (5 mins)Class activity Step 1: Let the Ss go over what they have learned this period. Sum up the key points.T: Now lets sum up what we have learned today. You can begin with the words and the phrases.Step 2: HMK: Let the Ss to choose one type of pollution and collect some

31、 information about it according to the questions in 3 on page 32.1.What is pollution?2.What makes thepollution?3.What problems does it cause?4.What can be done to solve these problems?Sum up and present the key points one by one.S1: get a pain inS2: be harmful toS3Choose one type of pollution and co

32、llect some information about it according to the questions in 3 on page 32.在总结本科所学时,明确复习的内容和方向,让学生在罗列知识时更有系统性,养成在头脑中建构知识框架的习惯。作业的布置是为学习Section C打好基础,提供素材。. Blackboard designPollution has caused too many problems.Section BWords :pain, produce,awful, bear,harmful, chest,breathe/breath,Soil, editorPhra

33、ses:get a pain in,whats worse,too much noise,too many problems,breathing problem,be harmful to, make a mess of,throwaroundSentences:Its difficult for me to breathe.Ive got a pain in my throat.Its really awful.A: How long have you been like this?B: Ive been like this since last week.A: Have you seen a doctor?B: Not yet.最新精品英语资料


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