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1、最新教学资料鲁教版英语Unit 4 what did you de last weekend Section B(3a-4)Period 5教学目标1.通过阅读学习3a,3b复习本单元所有单词,熟练掌握其读音、拼写以及含义。2.能用本节所学知识,描述有关自己或熟人生活习惯的短文正确使用不定代词。3. 培养学生良好的阅读习惯和运用所学知识进行书面表达的能力。教学重 点就过去的事情进行询问并回答。教学难 点1. 能正确使用不定代词。2. 正确使用过去式学情分 析一般过去式是学生的学习难点之一,教师应创设真实情境、组织有意义的任务或活动来展开一般过去式的教学,避免过分强调语法。教学准 备Record

2、er. Multimedium computer集体备课个人备课Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and note-paper). Teacher : 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Listen to the report from the winners. Try to find out how the students preview, and sum up . 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time,

3、 students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)Step Two: Learn by themselves. Students: 1. Decide my own aims.2. Self-study: 完成3a1、个人活动: 看短文和图片,并用根据图片的意思运用适当的短语补全课文。2、同位活动: 互相检查对方答案。3、小组活动:分析并总结3a中出现的重难点。写作练习3b、3c1、根据3b所给的问题,记录上次度假的情况2、 根据3c的要求写一篇关于度假的日记。3、 小组活动(1)分享同组成员的习作。(2)重新修改短文,并在组内

4、交流,评选出本组优秀作文。(3)班上展示各组优秀作文,并进行评价,指出好的地方。Step Three: Talk about the problems with the teacher together.dislike在句中作动词, 意为“不喜欢”,其后跟名词、代词或动名词。例如:I dislike the food in the restaurant. 我不喜欢这个饭店里的食物。Most of the girls dislike playing basketball. 大部分女孩不喜欢打篮球。【归纳拓展】 dislike的不同词性dislike还可作名词, 意为“厌恶;不喜欢”,其反义词为l

5、ike。例如:Can you tell me the mans likes and dislikes? 你能告诉我这个人的好恶吗?Step Four: Practice: Many of us dislike _ (talk) with our parents. Ann likes going to school by bike but dislikes _ to school on footStep Five: Summary and TestStep Six: Show students how to preview for next class. (self check)小结: 学科知识

6、构建与板板书设计Unit 5 What did you do last weekend?Choose your aims :1)完成3a并熟读课文,看谁朗读地流利又准确总结3a中出现的重难点。2)根据3b所给的问题,记录上次度假的情况3) 根据3c的要求写一篇关于度假的日记。反思与重建附:课前检测题:附:一.课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比 二课堂检测题:用所给词的适当形式填空:1. I _ (go) to Nanjing last month. 2. We _ (have) a good time at Toms birthday party yesterday. 3. Bill and J

7、im dislike _ (take) photos. 4. They _ (not go) to the movies last night. 5. The boss told the farmers to keep _ (work) in the fields in spite of the rain.三、作业设置: 1.Review and master the new words and drills learnt in this class.2.Preview the contents on page 40.3.Workbook Exx in workbook.(选做) 最新精品英语资料


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