最新陕旅版英语六年级上册Unit 7 I Had a Good Time单元测试卷及答案.doc

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1、最新教学资料陕旅版英语Unit7 单元测试卷及答案一、单项选择。1. I_ to Hainan with my family last summer.A. flyB. flewC. flyingD. flys2. We went there by train and_ some tea food.A. ateB. eatC. eatsD. ates3. Where_ they go on vocation?A. doingB. doC. doesD. did4. Who did you_ there with?A. wentB. goC. goingD. goes5. Did you go_

2、in the lake?A. boatingB. boatedC. boatsD. boatted6. -Did you watch TV with your friend?-Yes, I_.A. didntB. doC. didD. didnt7. One was happy and one_ sad.A. amB. wasC. isD. were8. I swam in the_.A. seaB. booksC. roadD. market二、给下列句子排列正确的顺序。( ) Really! You,re great!( ) What did you do at home?( ) No,

3、I didnt. I stayed at home.( ) I learned to cook and made a big cake by myself.( ) Did you go out to play last weekend?三、选择合适的句子补全对话。A. We climbed Mount Tai. B. Who did you go with?C. Sounds great.D. Yes, I did.E. I went to Shandong.Li: Where did you go on your holiday?Wang:_(1)_Li:_(2)_Wang: I went

4、with my friends.Li: What did you do there?Wang:_(3)_Li: So great. I went boating in the park.Wang:_(4)_ Did you go there with your parents?Li:_(4)_四、找出画线部分的错误并改正。1. Where are you go on your holiday?A B C D2. Did you ate any sea food?A B C D3. I go to the West Lake last summer.A B C D4. Did you go ou

5、t to played last weekend?A B C D五、阅读理解。根据短文内容给图片排序。Last summer holiday, Su Ming went to Beijing with his parents. They went there by train. On first day, they went to Tianan men Square. It was big. The next day, they visited the museum and ate Beijing Duck. The last day, they went to the Great Wall. They really had a good time. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )参考答案一、1-8 BADBACBA二、53241三、(1)-(5) EBACD四、1. B are改为were2. C ate改为eat3. A go改为went4. D played改为play五、4231最新精品英语资料


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