最新鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 7《Where’s my schoolbag》(第五课时)word教案.doc

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1、最新教学资料鲁教版英语课时教案设计 年级_初一_ 学科_英语_课题Unit 7 wheres my schoolbag? Period 5课型New教学目标1、知识目标:1) Master the key words and phrases in this unit.2)Target Language: Where are my keys?Theyre under the radio.Wheres my ruler?Its on the desk.2、技能目标:Learn to describe where the things are.3、情感态度价值观目标:Learn to be tidy

2、.Learn to solve problems on your own or ask others for help.教学重 点1. To master the new words and drills.2. To use the useful expressions freely.教学难 点学情分 析绝大部分学生掌握的词汇语句还很少,缺少语言基础,表达的句子比较单一,而本节课他们需要做大量的问答练习来掌握where 和in, on ,under等表达地点的词汇和句型,充分的操练很重要。此外,正确运用英语描述身边的物品,养成整齐有序习惯很重要。教学准 备Ppt Multimedium com

3、puter教学过程: 个性学习同层展示、 小组合作(同质合作,异质帮扶)、师生探究、拓展训练、检测反馈/同层展示所学集体备课个人备课Step One: Show the preview works in layers. (5m)Teacher: 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Watch the students and guide them to do better. 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the sec

4、ond step slowly, some by some.)Step Two: Learn by themselves. (20m)Students: 1. Choose learning aims.2. Learn the new content. 1) Finish off the table in 3a, and then describe your things in English.2) Write about the things in your room, try to use in, on, under, and.3) Share your work in your laye

5、r.Teacher: Watch the students and help them whenever necessary. Gather questions.Step Three: Discussion (5m)Talk about the problems together. Step Four: Practice: (10m)Write about the things in your classroom with in, on and under.Step Five: Summary and Test (5m)Step Six: Show students how to previe

6、w for next class. (2d-3c)Homework:1. Review the words and target language in this unit.2. Preview and finish the exercises in 3a and 3b.3. 配套 P47 IV, V, VI, VII (选做)u小结: 学科知识构建与板书设计Unit 7 Wheres my schoolbag?Learning aims:1) Finish off the table in 3a, and then describe your things in English.2) Wri

7、te about the things in your room, try to use in, on, under, and.3) Share your work in your layer.Key points: Where are ?Theyre under the radio.Wheres ?Its on the desk.反思与重建附:课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比课堂检测题:用所给单词的适当形式填空。_(I)am Jane. This is _ (I ) room. The TV and video tape are on the table. Where is_ (I)back

8、pack?It isnt on the table. Oh! Its on the bed. _ (me) pencils arent on the table. They are in _ (me) pencil case and its in _ (me) backpack. _ (I ) computer games are under the chair. _ (I ) alarm clock, _ (me) ID card and _ (me) keys are on the dresser.作业设置:Homework:1. Review the words and target language in this unit.2. Preview and finish the exercises in 3a and 3b.3. 配套 P47 IV, V, VI, VII (选做)最新精品英语资料


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