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1、维 修 服 务 合 同Maintenance & Repair Service ContractContract No.: Consignor:Ghedem Cement Factory(Party A)甲方:格代姆水泥厂Address:Masawa,Eritrea地址:厄立特里亚,马萨瓦Tel:00291-08534003/547013 Fax:00291-1-127063联系电话:00291-08534003/547013 传真:00291-1-127063Consignee:Party A entrusts Party B repair and maintenance of x-ray

2、spectrometer and pay technical service remuneration. Two parts agree as follows according to the provisions of the contract law of the Peoples Republic of China, on the basis of fully express their will.本合同甲方委托乙方就荧光分析仪进行维修技术服务,并支付相应的技术服务报酬。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据中华人民共和国合同法的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。一

3、、 服务内容(Service details)Part B shall send a technical engineer to Ghedem Cement Factory for repair and maintenance of x-ray spectrometer, Part A shall provide necessary assistance and pay technical service remuneration accordingly.乙方指派一名服务人员赴厄特进行荧光分析仪的维修、维护工作,甲方负责提供必要的协助并支付相关费用。二、设备名称及维修服务费用(Faciliti

4、es & Expenses Detail):EQUIPMENT NAME设备名称X-RAY SPECTROMETER荧光分析仪FAULTCONDITIONS故障情况1、 Operating System Breakdown操作系统崩溃2、 Sample Data Lost 数据丢失3、 USB Passdog Lost电子狗密码丢失EXPENSES DETAIL收费明细Entry Visa签证费US$100/Person 100美金/人Transportation in China 中国境内交通费US$200/Person 200美金/人Round-trip Ticket往返机票US$2,40

5、0/Person 2400美金/人USB Paasdog电子狗维修、恢复US$200Repair and Maintenance of Softwares and HardwaresData RecoveryRecommissioning 软件、硬件维修、维护数据恢复$1,100$500/Person within 3 days ,If over $150/day/person3天以内,每人收取500美金,超过3天每人每天150美金。预计服务时间为7天,费用共计约1100美金Others 其他Hardware costs according to actual situation 其他硬件费用

6、视实际情况收取ESTIMATE TIME :7 DAYS 预计服务时间:7天PROVISIONAL VALUE AMOUNT $4,000.00 预计金额:4000美元SAY TOTAL USD FOUR THOUSAND ONLY (大写)美元:肆仟元整三、Payment Terms(付款方式):3.1 Party A shall pay of the totalamount (US$4, 00.00) by T/T to Party Bs account within five (5) working days after the date of signing this contract

7、. 合同签订后5个工作日内,买方将合同全款US$4,00.00以电汇形式支付给卖方。3.2 Other expenses occurred in the period of this contract should be totally paid by Party A to Party B in 10 working days. 合同期内发生的其它费用在乙方提供服务完毕后十个工作日内,由甲方向乙方一次性支付。Party Bs bank information:乙方银行信息BENEFIT ACCOUNT NAME: CHINA NEW ERA GROUP CORPORATIONBENEFIT A

8、CCOUNT NUMBER: 344156783089SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ110BANK NAME:BANK OF CHINABANK ADDRESS: NO.28 PING AN LI WEST STREET XICHENG DISTRICT BEIJING CHINA四、Exclusions (Party B would also supply Party A with satisfied service under following circumstance, but payment should be charged correspondingly)除外责任(下列

9、情况乙方仍可向甲方提供服务,但不属于本合同的服务范围需照章收费)4.1 Damages caused by fire, water flood, earthquakes, unsteady of power and other natural disasters;由于火灾、水灾,地震、电网电压不稳定及其它自然灾害等非人为原因造成的合同设备损坏;4.2 Party A disassembles the machine and spare parts by himself;甲方自行拆卸机体及部件造成的合同设备损坏;4.3 Breakdown caused by fake consumables a

10、nd spare parts provided by other companies;因非原厂配件、零部件等而造成的合同设备损坏;五、Breach (违约处理):5.1 Party A has the right to terminate the contract and claim the Service Fee back in the conditionParty B fails to execute this contract and influence the normal work of Party A;因乙方不能及时履行合同所规定的服务条款,并对甲方工作造成严重延误时,甲方有权终止

11、合同并要求退赔已交纳的服务费用;5.2 Party B should compensate and repair the equipment due to the damage caused by himself;因乙方工作失误导致甲方设备损坏,乙方应赔偿甲方相应零件并负责修复工作;5.3 Party B has the right to terminate the contract and claim the payment owed by Party A if Party A does not fully execute the Clause 2 of this contract; 甲方未

12、能按本合同条款2的规定及时付款时,乙方可解除合同并保留追缴甲方欠款的权利;5.4 Part A shall not take any responsibility by the damages caused of repair, maintenance, dissemble etc. by the third party permitted by Party A.甲方允许非乙方技术人员维修、维护、拆卸合同设备或造成该设备损坏,乙方对此不承担任何责任。 六、争议解决及适用法律本合同适用中国法律并依据中国法律进行解释。买、卖双方因本合同发生争议,应当友好协商;协商不成,双方同意将本合同引起的或与本

13、合同有关的一切争议提交北京仲裁委员会并按该会仲裁规则仲裁,仲裁是终局的,对双方均有拘束力。ThepresentcontractshallbegovernedandconstruedbytheLawsofthePeoples RepublicofChina.AnydisputebetweentheBuyerandtheSelleronpresentcontractshallbesettledthroughfriendly negotiation.Ifnegotiationcannotmaketheagreement,bothpartiesagreetohavethedisputearisingf

14、romorrelatedtopresentcontractsubmittedtoBeijingArbitrationCommissionandsettledin accordancewithitsArbitrationRules.Thearbitrationawardshallbefinalandbindingonboth parties. 七、Effectiveness(效力):This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in English and Chinese, each of which shall deemed equall

15、y authentic. This Contract is in four copies, effective since being signed/sealed by both parties and the fax or scanning copy are equally legitimate本合同用英中文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同共4份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效,传真件或扫描件有效。Party A(甲方): Ghedem Cement Factory Party B(乙方): Authorized Signature Authorized Signature 甲方授权代表签字 乙方授权代表签字 年 月 日 年 月 日4


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