2020年高考英语一轮复习课件:第一部分 必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games .ppt

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1、Unit 2,The Olympic Games,核心单词,ancient,magical,magically,1._ adj.古代的;古老的 2._ vi.比赛;竞争_ n.比赛;竞争 _ n.竞争者;对手_ adj.竞争的;有 竞争力的 3._ adj.巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的_ adv.有魔力地,compete,competition,competitor,competitive,4._ n.志愿者;志愿兵,adj.志愿的;义务的 vt.&,vi.自愿_ adj.自愿的;志愿的,voluntary,5._ adj.规则的;定期的;常规的_ adv. 定期地;有规律地_ adj. 没有规律

2、的;不规则的 _ n.规律性_ n.规则;规章制度 6._ n.基础;根据_ vt.根据_ adj.,基础的;基本的,basis,admit,admission,7._ vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳_ n. 承认;入场费;准许进入,volunteer,regular,regularly,irregular,regularity,regulation,base,basic,8._ n.奴隶_ n.奴隶制度 9._ adv.现今;现在 10._ n.责任;职责_ adj.负责的 11._ vt.取代;替换;代替_ n.代 替;取代;更换 12._ adj.快的;迅速的,13._ vt.& vi

3、.收费;控诉,n.费用;主管,14._ adj.物理的;身体的_ n.物理 _ n.物理学家,slave,slavery,nowadays,responsible,responsibility,replace,swift,charge,replacement,physical,physics,physicist,15._ vt.& vi.做广告;登广告_ n.广告 16._ n.光荣;荣誉_ adj.光荣的,17._ vi.讨价还价;讲条件,n.便宜货,18._ adj.没有希望的;绝望的_ v.& n. 希望_ adj.充满希望的 19._ adj.愚蠢的;傻的_ n.傻瓜 20._ n.疼

4、痛;痛苦_ adj.痛苦的 21._ vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得,advertise,glory,glorious,bargain,advertisement,hopeless,hope,hopeful,foolish,fool,pain,painful,deserve,常考短语,1.take _ in 参加;参与,2._ for 代表;象征;表示 3._ four _ 每隔四年 4.on a _ _ 依照常规 5.be _ as 作为被接受,6._ a _ in 在中起作用 7.as _ 也;又;还,8.as a _ of _ 事实上,part,stand,every,year

5、s,regular,basis,admitted,play,role,well,matter,fact,charge,bargain,hear,one,another,apart,9.in _ 主管;看管 10._ a _ with 与达成协议 11._ of 听说 11._ up 捡起来 13._ after _ 陆续地;一个接一个地 14._ from 除了,make,pick,经典佳句,Its,that,nor,could,1._ in the Summer Olympics _ you have the running races, together with swimming, sa

6、iling and all the team sports.跑步、游泳、划船和所有的团队项目是在夏季奥运会上进 行。 2.No other countries could join in, _ _ slaves or women!别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!,3.Women are _ _ allowed, _ play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and.妇女 不仅被允许参加,而且她们在体操、田径和团体项目等起着非,常重要的作用,not,only,as,as,4.Theres _ _ co

7、mpetition among countries to host the Olympics _ to win Olympic medals. 国与国之间 争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运会奖牌一样的激烈。,but,much,课文回顾,Pausanias and Li Yan are talking about the similarities and 1._ (different) between the ancient and modern Olympics.The ancient Olympic Games were first held in Athens, in 2._ only

8、men from the Greece had the honor to compete.The champions were awarded with olive wreaths 3._ prizes.The modern Olympics 4._ (start) in 1896.From then on, athletes from all over the world have come to take part in the games every four years.There are two sets of Gamesthe,differences,which,as,starte

9、d,Summer 5._ the Winter Olympics.All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard 6._ (admit) to the games.There are over 250 sports.To host all the 7._ (compete), a special village is 8._ (usual) built, with several stadiums, a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch the game

10、s.The winners of the first three places 9._ (award) gold, silver and bronze medals.The motto of the Olympic Games,is:10._ (swift), Higher and Stronger.,and,competitions,usually,are awarded,Swifter,to be admitted,单句语法填空 1.(2018 年北京卷阅读理解 A)I realized running was a battle against myself, not about _ (c

11、ompete) or whether,or not I was athletic.,competition,what,for,2.(2017 年江苏卷单项填空)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20, half of _ it used to charge. 3.Its even easier to follow if we know what all of those stand _.,4.I find it really hard to drag myself out and exerci

12、se _ (regular). 5.It has helped me become stronger, both mentally and _ (physical). 6.Id like to apply for the position _ (advertise) in yesterdays newspaper. 7.Therefore, lets take the _ (responsible) to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles.,regularly,physically,advertised,responsibility,8

13、.Its not a good idea to miss meals and replace them _ snacks. 9.The basketball coach, as well as his team, _ (interview) shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. 10.Little Tom admitted _ (cheat) in the examination.,with,was interviewed,cheating/having cheated,pete vi.比赛;竞争;对抗 compe

14、te for 为而竞争,compete with/against sb.与某人对抗/竞争 compete in 在中进行竞争 competition n.比赛;竞争 competitor n.竞争者;对手,competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的,用法指引,to compete,with/against,compete,不及物动词 compete 后必须接介词,再接宾语。,运用,单句语法填空,(1)(2017 年新课标卷阅读理解 B)Bradford said that large modern theaters in the city made it impossible for

15、the Plaza _ (compete). (2)We can compete _ students from other universities in debate contests or speech contests. (3)Life is like a race where we _ (competition) with others to go beyond ourselves. (4)Nobody can entirely keep away from this _,(compete) world.,competitive,2.admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳;准许

16、进入 admit that-clause 承认,admit (doing) sth./admit having done sth.承认/ 供认/ 招认( 做,过)某事,admit sb./sth.to be 承认某人/某物,admit sb./sth.into/to 准许某人/某物进入;接收某人(入院或,入学等),be admitted to 被接纳进入,被录取到 admission n.承认;入场费;准许进入,写作佳句 I am willing to admit that I do have made mistakes.我愿意承 认我确实犯了错误。,运用,单句语法填空,driving,to

17、be admitted,(1)The young man had to admit _ (drive) without a driving permit. (2)The exams are likely to work out as expected and my dream _ (admit) to my favourite university will come true.,一句多译,每空一词,(3)你应当有勇气承认错误。,your,mistakes,You should have the courage to _ _ _.,(admitn.),admit,making,having,m

18、ade,mistakes,You should have the courage to _ _ / _ _ _.(admit doing sth.) You should have the courage to _ _ _ _ _ _.(admit that-clause),admit,that,you,have,made,mistakes,admit,3.replace vt.取代;替换;代替;把放回原处 replace sth.with/by sth.用替换 replace sb.as.取代某人而成为 replacement n.代替;取代;更换 replaceable adj.可更换的

19、联想发散,replace 相当于 take the place of/take the seat of.,表示“代 替”的词组有:in place of/in ones place, take ones place, instead of 等。,运用,单句改错,forwith/by,placereplace,(1)They are replacing the old windows for double glazing. _ (2)You have to place the books on the shelves before you leave. _ (3)(2018 年天津卷阅读理解 C

20、)Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids (水解胶体) from plentiful renewables like algae ( 藻类) and grass replacing the familiar ingredients ( 烹饪原,料).,_,replacingto replace,4.deserve vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得;应得 deserve to do sth.应该做;值得做,deserve to be donedeserve doing sth.值得被做 deserve considera

21、tion/attention 值得考虑/注意 用法指引,deserve 作“应受,值得”讲时,和 need, want, require 等动 词一样,后接动名词时用主动形式表示被动含义,也可以用动 词不定式的被动形式。,运用,单句语法填空,(1)Mike is constantly making efforts; he deserves _ (achieve) the goal of entering the key university. (2)It is those who are willing to give rather than receive that deserve _ (r

22、espect). (3)With many wild animals gradually dying out, the present situation deserves _ (pay) attention to.,respecting/to be respected,paying/to be paid,to achieve,1.take part in 参加;参与(活动、比赛、会议等) take part 参加,参与,take apart 拆开;拆卸;拆散;分辨 part with 与分开;舍弃 part of 部分的;一部分 用法指引,(1)take part in 是固定短语,part

23、 前一般不用冠词,但是当,part 前有形容词修饰时,形容词前要用不定冠词。,(2)在使用 take part in 时,后面接各类活动。若其后无宾语,,则不加介词 in。,易混辨析,take part in, join, join in 和 attend,(1)take part in 指参加群众性的活动、会议、比赛、游行等, 往往指参加者持有积极的态度,发挥一定的作用。 (2)join 指加入某党派、组织或社会团体,以及参军等。 (3)join in 通常指参加小规模的活动(如球赛、游戏等),尤 指和其他人一起参加。当表示“与某人一起做某事”则用 join sb.in sth./doing

24、 sth.。 (4)attend 指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼,或去上课、上 学、听报告等,参加者只是去听、去看,自己不一定起积极作 用。,运用,用上面的辨析词或短语的适当形式填空,(1)Come along, and _ the ball game. (2)On our graduation day in 1972, Frank and I _ the ceremony at Yale. (3)Thank you very much for _ our English,activities.,join in,attended,taking part in,joined,(4)When I g

25、raduated from high school, I _ the army.,2.stand for 代表;象征;表示;主张 stand by 袖手旁观,stand by sb.支持某人;站在某人的一边 stand out (from) (从中)脱颖而出;突出 stand up 站立;站起来,stand on ones own feet 自立;不依靠他人,(cant/couldnt) stand doing sth.(无法)忍受做某事,一词多义,(1)I will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house.容忍,(2)We should

26、 respect people of all faiths and stand for,religious freedom.主张,(3)In China, these knots stand for friendship ,love and good,luck.代表,运用,用适当的介词或副词填空,(1)Its outrageous, and we wont stand _ it any more. (2)Ill stand _ you whatever happens. (3)After several rounds of competition, the little girl stands

27、 _ because of her excellent spoken English and quick,response ability.,for,by,out,3.as well 也;又;还 just as well 无妨;幸好 and as well 以及;也;又,it is just as well (that) 正好();幸好(),may/might (just) as well do sth.had better do sth.做倒,也无妨;最好做某事,用法指引,(1)as well 表示“也”,置于肯定句末。,(2)as well as 可以用来表示比较,做状语,意为“和一,样好

28、”。,(3)as well as sb./sth.意为“除之外;也;还”。当 as well as 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和它前面的名词保持一致。,运用,完成句子,每空一词,(1)(2018 年新课标卷短文改错)这个教室是用来学习的,,包括从教材和错题中学习。,as,well,as,well,as,The classroom is a place for learning and that includes learning from textbooks, and mistakes _ _. (2)现在学校里男女学生都学烹饪。 Boys _ _ _ girls are taught coo

29、kery in school these days.,(3)我们不仅可以更多地了解伟人的生活而且可以了解其,他国家的历史和文化。,as,well,as,might,as,well,We can know more about the life of great people _ _ _ history and cultures of other countries. (4)天气太糟了,我们倒不如待在家里。 The weather is so bad that we _ _ _ stay at home.,4.in charge 主管;看管,in charge of 掌管;负责,in the c

30、harge of 在看管下;由负责/掌管 take charge of 掌管;负责 用法指引,in charge of 与 in the charge of 做表语时,主语与 of 后的,宾语刚好对调。如:,His elder brother is in charge of the business.,The business is in the charge of his elder brother.他的哥哥,掌管着生意。,运用,一句多译,每空一词,他不能掌管那家电脑公司,因为这超出了他的能力。 The computer company cant be _ _ _ _ him because

31、 it is beyond his ability. He cant _ _ _ the computer company because it is beyond his ability. He cant be _ _ _ the computer company because it is beyond his ability.,in,the,charge,of,take,in,of,charge,of,charge,原句 1,Thats why theyre called the Winter Olympics.那就,是把它们叫做冬季奥运会的原因。 “Thats why.”表示“那就是的

32、原因”。“Thats why.” 中 why 引导表语从句,强调结果;“Thats because.”中 because 引导表语从句,强调原因;“Thats the reason why.”中 why 引导 定语从句。,运用,单句语法填空,because,why,why,(1)He got angry with me.Thats _ he didnt understand me. (2)That is the reason _ all the competitors must reach the agreed standard. (3)(2017 年北京卷 七选五型阅读理解)Thats _

33、students do better in tests if they get a chance to sleep after learning.,原句 2,No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or,women!别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加! “nor/neither助动词/系动词/情态动词主语”是一个固 定句型,往往用在一个否定句后,表示前面提到的情况也适合 于后者,意为“某人也不”。 注意:(1)如果前面是肯定句,就用“so助动词/系动词/ 情态动词主语”; (2)如果前面句子的谓语既有肯定又有否定,或者形式不 同

34、,就用句型“So it is with./It is the same with.”。,运用,完成句子,每空一词,neither/nor,my,(1)我以前没有去过湖南,我妹妹也没有去过。 I havent been to Hunan before and _ _,_ _.,so,with,(2)如果你们今晚去看电影,我也去。 If you go to the cinema tonight, _ _ _. (3)他们想看看那场有名的篮球赛,我也想去看。 They want to see the famous basketball match and _ _ _. (4)这个女孩很聪明,但是她不

35、认真学习。 她哥哥也是如此。 The girl is clever, but she doesnt study hard. It is _ _ _ her brother.,has,sister,so,will,I,do,I,the,same,原句 3,Women are not only allowed, but play a very,important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and.妇女不仅 被允许参加,而且她们还在体操、田径和团体项目等比赛中起 着非常重要的作用 “not only.but (also).”意为“不仅而且”

36、,用来 连接并列成分。 注意:(1)当它引导两个句子且 not only 放句首时,not only 引导的句子要用部分倒装形式,但 but also 引导的句子必须用正 常语序。 (2)如果 not only.but also 仅仅连接两个并列主语时,句子 不用倒装语序。但是谓语动词的单复数根据 but also 后面的名词 来确定。,运用,单句改错,raiseraised,第一个 I 前加 do,(1)(2017 年天津卷 完形填空)A seminar leader shared her success storyshe had not only lost 125 pounds, but

37、also raise $25,000 for homeless children. _ (2)Not only I know her, but also I am her best friend. _,运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵下来,Zhang Minli was to take part 1._ the school sports meeting in three 2._ (week).She would compete 3._ the opponents from other classes in three events for the 4._ (one) place

38、.She promised that she would fight for 5._ (her) as well as for the honor of her class.She knew it 6._ (play) an important role in victory to get good preparation for the 7._ (compete), so she asked the teacher for advice and then she took an active part in 8._ (train).As a matter of fact, she did take the first place in the three events.When interviewed, she admitted 9._ the training was boring and hard, but the honor of the class 10._ (deserve) the struggle.,in,weeks,with/against,first,herself,played,competitions,training,that,deserved,


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