2020版导与练一轮译林英语课件:第一部分 语言知识 必修4 Unit 3单元知识检测 .ppt

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2020版导与练一轮译林英语课件:第一部分 语言知识 必修4 Unit 3单元知识检测 .ppt_第1页
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《2020版导与练一轮译林英语课件:第一部分 语言知识 必修4 Unit 3单元知识检测 .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版导与练一轮译林英语课件:第一部分 语言知识 必修4 Unit 3单元知识检测 .ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、单元知识检测,教材回扣,.用本单元所学短语完成句子 1.Einstein (提出) his new theory of relativity. 2. (最后但同样重要的是),we must thank our host for his hospitality. 3.Firms are now keen to (紧紧抓住) the people they recruit. 4.I dont want to (被指控) tampering with the evidence. 5.This gave me a clue (关于) the source of the problem.,答案:1.pu

2、t forward 2.Last but not least 3.hold on to 4.be accused of 5.as to,.课文缩写填空,The RealCine experience will make you 1. (amaze).The technology behind RealCine is virtual 2. (real)(VR).It puts you into the action and connects with your four senses in an active way.RealCine works by making the users feel

3、 that they are really in a new world and helping them realize their dreams.An argument has been put 3. that some users will be 4. (disappoint) by RealCine.However,we shouldnt ignore its 5. (advantage).For example,with the aid of RealCine, 6. disabled old man can see and touch a lion while still in t

4、he 7. (convenient) of the VR studio.Besides this,VR can be used to practise skills in a 8. (security) environment that otherwise would be very dangerous.Whats more,RealCine provides fantastic technology 9. urban planning.10. (compare) with the way most urban planning is done today,this kind of urban

5、 planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical.,答案:1.amazed 2.reality 3.forward 4.disappointed 5.advantages 6.a 7.convenience 8.secure 9.for pared,语境活用,.单句语法填空 1.A generation of children risked growing up “worried about their appearance and image as a result of the (reality) lifestyles the

6、y follow on platforms.”(2018江苏,阅读理解D) 2.These chemicals come from the (injure) parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm.(2017全国,阅读理解D) 3.Having survived that night,we were (confidence) that everything else would be all right.,答案:1.unrealistic 2.injured 3.confident,4.China has made (amaze) achievem

7、ents in space in the past few years. 5.They may use a credit card for (convenient). 6.The woman (accuse) her boss of having broken the labor law because he fired her when she was pregnant. 7.We are (constant) being reminded to cut down on our fat intake.,答案:4.amazing 5.convenience 6.accused 7.consta

8、ntly,8.Their faces blanched in (terror). 9.Hopes of a peaceful settlement are now (fade). 10.To my (disappointed),the managers plan for promoting the new products doesnt work at all.,答案:8.terror 9.fading 10.disappointment,.单句语法改错 1.Experts say its an invaluable society practice that results in big b

9、enefits. (2018全国,阅读理解D) 2.It is high time that I pass the tough examination to receive the pilots licence. 3.Not only I but also Tom and Mary is fond of watching TV. 4.What do you think of the suggestion put forward with by Mr. Ling? 5.He was clearly disappointed in his failure to secure the job.,答案

10、:1.将society改为social 2.将pass改为should pass或passed 3.将is改为are 4.去掉with 5.将in改为at/by,6.We have provided seats for convenience of our customers. 7.I believe you will amaze by the RealCine experience. 8.With the word “PM2.5” constant appearing in media reports,people pay greater attention to it and seek h

11、ealth tips for smog today. 9.What impresses him most was their speed. 10.You will never escape punishing.,答案:6.for后加the 7.将amaze改为be amazed 8.将constant改为constantly 9.将impresses改为impressed 10.将punishing改为punishment/being punished,微写作,1.随着社会的发展,人们不得不面临各种各样的压力。 2.有人提出他们没有足够的时间去照顾家中的老人。,答案:1.With the de

12、velopment of society,people have to face a variety of stress. 2.Some people put forward the problem that they dont have enough time to attend to the old in their families.,(借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5个句子连接成一篇小短文),答案:3.In reality,it has become a prominent social problem. 4.To solve the problem,scientists have invented the household robot,which can not only help take care of the old but also accompany them.,3.事实上,这已经成为了一个突出的(prominent)社会问题了。 4.为了解决这个问题,科学家们发明了家用机器人,不仅可以帮助照顾老人,而 且可以陪伴老人。,答案:5.Last but not least,it can deal with emergencies.,5.最后但同样重要的是,它能够处理紧急情况。,点击进入 能力提升题组训练(A),点击进入 能力提升题组训练(B),点击进入 综合测试,


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