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1、Unit ten,. 重点词汇必背 每个单元20个,其中重点单词15个,重点短语5个。 . 核心词汇运用 从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词7个和核心短语3个进行了精讲。 . 语法突破 对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。 或. 题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。 . 作文模板必背 针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。,. 重点词汇必背,一、重点单词 1. contact kntkt n.接触;联系;熟人 v.(与)联系;(与)接触 2. contain kntein v. 包含,包括,能容纳 3. content kntent

2、 adj. 甘愿的,满意的,满足的 kntent n. 内容,目录 4. continent kntinnt n. 大陆;洲 5. continue kntinju: v. 继续;连续;延续 6. contrary kntrri adj. 相反的;相对的;对抗的 n. 相反,反面,对立面 7. contribute kntribju:t v. 捐献;贡献;捐款;投稿 8. control kntrul v. 控制,支配,操纵;调节;管理;掌握 n. 控制,支配 9. convenient knvi:nint adj. 便利的,方便的;合适的 10. conversation knvsein n

3、. 会话;谈话;非正式的会谈 11. convey knvei v. 表达;运输;运送;传递(思想,感情等) 12. convince knvins v. 使确信,使信服,劝说,说服 13. correct krekt v. 改正,纠正 adj. 正确的,对的;恰当的 14. cost kst v. 值(钱),花费 n. 成本;价格;费用 15. cover kv n. 盖子;罩 v. 覆盖,遮盖;掩盖 二、重点短语 16. both and 既又 17. break down 损坏,垮掉,失败,分解 18. break out 爆发,发生 19. bring about 引起,造成,带来结果

4、 20. bring forward 提出,构词 container n. 容器;集装箱 比较 contain 包含(指含有的内容或成分) include 包括(没有包含的意思) 例句 Sea water contains salt. 海水含有盐分。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 这本书包含你所需的一切资料。 This book _ all the information you need. (2) 这个瓶子容量多少? How much will this bottle _? (3) 这个容器的容量是两立方米。 The volume of this _ is 2 cubic mete

5、rs. Keys: (1) contains (2) contain (3) container,一、重点单词 1. contain v. 包含,包括,能容纳;抑制;克制,2. continue v. 继续;连续;延续,用法 continue to do/doing 继续或不间断地做 continue with 继续 例句 The baby continued to cry/crying all night. 这个婴儿一晚上都在哭。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 他连任了一期总统。 He _ president for a second term. (2) 教师告诉全班同学在他出去时

6、继续做他们的作业。 The teacher told the class _ their exercise while he was out. (3) 多雨的天气可能还要持续好几天。 Wet weather may _ a few more days. Keys: (1) continued as (2) to continue with (3) continue for,3. contribute v. 捐献;贡献;捐款;投稿,构词 contribution n.捐献;贡献;捐款;投稿 用法 contribute to是的原因;有助于;为作贡献;为捐款; 为撰稿 例句 Honesty and

7、 hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加勤劳有助于成功和幸福。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 他主动提出向红十字会捐款。 He offered to _ the Red Cross. (2) 他对公司的成功作出了重要的贡献。 He has made an important _ the companys success. (3) 应邀向贵杂志投稿是一种荣誉。 It is an honor to be invited to _ your magazine. Keys: (1) contribute to (2) contri

8、bution to (3) contribute to,4. control v. 控制,支配,操纵;调节;管理;掌握 n. 控制,支配,用法 beyond control 无法控制 in control 控制着 out of control 失去控制 under control 控制住 be controlled by 被控制 例句 Dont worry, we have everything under control. 别担心,一切都在我们掌控之中。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 他无法克制他的毒瘾。 He was unable _ his addiction to drugs

9、. (2) 由于她情绪失控,她的新闻发布会提前结束了。 Her press conference ended early as her emotion was _. (3) 他们完全控制了局势。 They were _ the situation. Keys: (1) to control (2) out of control (3) in complete control of,5. convenient adj. 便利的,方便的;合适的,构词 convenience n. 便利;舒适;适宜;便利设施;方便的时间 用法 It is/was+convenient+for sb.+to+v. 对

10、而言方便做 It is/was+convenient+that+clause 是方便的 例句 Internet makes it convenient for us to get in touch with each other. 互联网使得我们相互联系便利了。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 这是一种极便利的理发工具。 This is a _ tool for hair-cutting. (2) 明天开会对我不方便。 It will not be _ to have meeting tomorrow. (3) 在你方便时请到寒舍来坐坐。 Please call on me when

11、you find _. Keys: (1) convenient (2) convenient for me (3) it convenient,6. correct v. 改正,纠正 adj. 正确的,对的;恰当的,构词 correctly adv. 正确地;恰当地 incorrect adj.不正确的 用法 correct to 改正为 例句 She has corrected the mistakes in the report. 她修改了报告里的错误。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 你对这个问题的回答是正确的。 Your answer to the question is _

12、. (2) 你要我改成哪一款? What style do you want me to _? (3) 恕我指出你所讲的答案不正确。 I beg to point out that your answers are _. Keys: (1) correct (2) correct to (3) incorrect,7. cover n. 盖子;罩 v. 覆盖,遮盖;掩盖,构词 covering n. 覆盖物 adj. 掩护的;掩盖的 用法 cover with 用盖住 be covered with 被覆盖 例句 The talks are expected to cover other to

13、pics too. 会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 这块油布是用来铺桌子的。 The piece of oilcloth is used as _ for a table. (2) 白雪覆盖着山顶。 The mountain tops _ snow. (3) 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。 The _ of the novel has been torn off. Keys: (1) a covering (2) are covered with (3) front cover,二、重点短语,比较 break down into 分解为 break up 结束,散

14、会;解散,驱散;关系破裂,离异;衰弱 例句 The machine broke down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器坏了。 操练 填入适当的词组使句子完整。 (1) 她因缺乏休息而体力不支。 She _ from lack of rest. (2) 他的车坏了,只好乘公共汽车去上班。 His car _ so he has to go to work by bus. (3) 水可以分解为氢和氧。 Water can _ hydrogen and oxygen. Keys: (1) broke down (2) has broken down (3)be broken

15、 down into,8. break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;将分类;衰弱,体力不支;制服,镇压,9. break out 爆发,发生,比较 break into 闯入;突然发出,迸发;打断;打扰;侵占,占用 例句 Fire broke out during the night. 夜间突然发生了火灾。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 行窃者计划洗劫银行。 The thieves planned to break _ a bank. (2) He predicted that war would break _ in the next few years. Keys: (

16、1) into (2) out,10. bring about 引起,造成,带来结果,比较 bring back 带回来;使记起;使恢复 例句 Science has brought about many change in our lives. 科学为我们的生活带来了很多变化。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 它未能产生预想的效果。 It failed to bring _ the desired effect. (2) 这些花的香味引起我对往事的回忆。 The smell of these flowers brings _ memories. Keys: (1) about (2)

17、 back,一、情态动词的概述,二、情态动词的分类和用法,三、几组情态动词的用法对比 1. can和be able to用法对比,三、几组情态动词的用法对比 2. have to和must用法对比,三、几组情态动词的用法对比 3. should和ought to用法对比,三、几组情态动词的用法对比 4. need和dare的用法对比,5.had better和would rather的用法对比,四、情态动词的问答,【情态动词高考考点分析】,近几年的语法填空题都没有考查到情态动词的用法。但全国卷中的短文改错题有考查情态动词后面动词形式的。我们一定要重视情态动词的学习,掌握好它们的基本用法,情态动

18、词表推测以及在虚拟语气中的用法。,【情态动词同步练习】,一、单项选择 ( )1.Must we do it now? No.You . A.wont B.neednt C.cant D.dont B (must开头的疑问句,否定答语用neednt或dont have to。) ( )2.May I watch the basketball match at 9:00? No, .You must finish your homework first. A.you might not B.you mustnt C.you cant D.you wont B (may开头的疑问句,否定答语用mus

19、tnt。) ( )3. Could I use your bike this weekend? Yes,of course you . A.could B.can C.might D.should B (当could用在疑问句中表示请求时,肯定回答用“Yes,you can.”否定回答用“No,I am afraid not.”。),【情态动词同步练习】,( )4.I rather sleep at home when Im on holiday. A.could B.should C.would D.might C (would rather表示“宁可,宁愿”,其他搭配是错误的。) ( )5

20、.Terry tell his mother that he lost his radio last night. A.dare not B.doesnt dare C.dares not D.dare not to A (dare用作情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,主要用于疑问句、否定句,后跟动词原形,否定形式用dare not。 作实义动词,有人称和数以及时态的变化,后接不定式作宾语。) ( )6.Hilary about China like that on TV. A.had not better talk B.had better not to talk C.had better no

21、t talk D.had not better to talk C (had better表示“最好”,否定形式是had better not,后接动词原形。),【情态动词同步练习】,( )7.Our English teacher our class at 7:00, but she didnt show up then. A.should have begun B.should begin C.should have had begun D.should be beginning A (should have done表示“本该做却没有做的事”。) ( )8. Oh,Parker,ther

22、ere no classmates in the classroom.Do we have no classes today? Its Sunday today,Daniel.You to school this morning. A.neednt come B.shouldnt have come C.couldnt have come D.neednt have come D (neednt have done表示“本来不需要做却做了”。),【情态动词同步练习】,( )9.The line is busy.Someone the telephone. A.should be using B

23、.should have used C.must be using D.must have used C (must 表示肯定的推测, must be doing表示对现在正在发生的事实进行推测。) ( )10.I saw Bruce at the street this morning,so he to Tokyo. A.shouldnt have been B.neednt have been C.mustnt have been D.couldnt have been D (表示对过去否定的猜测用couldnt have done不可能已做某事。),【情态动词同步练习】,二、语法填空:用

24、适当的情态动词填空。 1.Its too late.You play games any more. mustnt/cant (根据语境“时间太晚”,故“不允许打游戏”,不允许,用cant或mustnt。) 2.Wade looks very sad.He have had a good time just now. cant (根据语境,“他不可能过得开心”,表示否定的猜测,用cant。) 3.As students,we to work hard at school. ought (表示责任、义务,“应该做某事”,用ought to。) 4.My mother said I swim wh

25、en I was only four. could (根据语境,表示“有能力做某事”,且是过去的事情,故用could。) 5.Do you know how angry your teacher was? You not have left the classroom without asking for leave. should (“你本不该在未得到允许的情况下离开教室”,本不该做却做了的事情,用should not have done。),【情态动词同步练习】,6.I stay at home rather than go shopping with her. would (表示个人意愿

26、,“宁愿而不愿”would do .rather than do.。) 7.He to go to work by bus,usednt he? used (used to do“以前常做某事”,从反意疑问句“usednt he?”得知,前面用肯定形式used。) 8. I sit here? No,you mustnt. May (从答语“No,you mustnt.”得知,问句表示请求允许,用may。) 9.She missed the last bus.She to go home on foot. had (根据语境“她错过巴士”,所以“不得不步行回家”,表示“不得不”用have to

27、。) 10. we have a cup of tea here? Thats a good idea. Shall (从答语得知,问句表示“提建议”,故用shall。),高考话题:表达个人观点 One day in the summer holiday , I came across my close friend Li Hua. I asked him what he was planning to do during the summer holiday. He replied sadly that he had to stay at home studying. Then I aske

28、d why. Much to my surprise, he told me that it was just because he failed in the college entrance examinations. Personally, not only does traveling increase a students knowledge but also makes life meaningful. Whats more, at the present time, we students are suffering a lot both at home and at school. Why not go out to get relaxed?(100 words),


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