人教新目标七年级下Unit 6 单元培优训练及答案Unit 6 I’m watching TV.(含答案).doc

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1、 精品资料Unit 6 Im watching TV.Section A一、完成对话根据对话内容和所给首字母,填入合适的单词。Lisa:Hi, Bill.Bill:Hi, Lisa. What are you doing now?Lisa:I am watching TV. But it is kind of 1. b_.Bill:Do you want to go to the movies?Lisa:That 2. s_ good.Bill:What 3. k_ of movies do you like?Lisa:I like action movies and thrillers. T

2、hey are 4. i_.Bill:Great! There is an action movie today. When do you want to see the movies?Lisa:How 5. a_ 5:00?Bill:OK. Lets go at 5:00. See you then.Lisa:See you later.二、短文填空从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。on, where, at, are, football, sitting, wants, what, playing, dancingIts a fine dayThere 1. _ many chi

3、ldren in the parkThey are 2. _happily. Some are playing 3. _, Some girls are singing and 4. _. Some boys are running 5. _ the hill(小山)Li Leis 6. _ by the lake(在湖边)He is reading a story7. _is Jim? Hes standing over there. 8. _ is he doing? Hes looking 9. _ a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He 10. _ to catch it.三

4、、快乐阅读There is a big square(广场)near my home. People like to go to this square after work. Some of them go to the square every day. Look! That is Mr. King. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game. Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing u

5、nder a tree. They are talking. Some children are flying kites(放风筝). Listen! A girl is singing. This is really a nice square. I come here after school every day. ( )1. _ like to go to the square. A. Children.B. Fathers and mothersC. Lucy and LilyD. People( )2. There are some _ in the square. A. birds

6、 and catsB. chairs and treesC. balls and kitesD. houses and buses( )3. Lucy is talking with _.A. Mr. KingB. the boysC. LilyD. the birds( )4. The writer(作者) cant see _ in the square. A. childrenB. menC. womenD. birds( )5. What is the writer doing?A. Hes watching the people in the park.B. Hes playing

7、a game. C. Hes flying a kite.D. Hes singing. Section B一、从方框中找出下面各句的答语,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( )1. What are those men doing?( )2. Where is that plane going?( )3. What are the girls doing?( )4. Where are the children? And what are they doing?( )5. What are the dogs doing?( )6. Who is walking over the bridge wi

8、th his family?( )7. Who are washing the dishes?( )8. Are the children doing their homework?A. Theyre running after a cat.B. Its flying to America.C. The women are.D. Those men? They are shaving.E. Yes, they are.F. The children are in the garden. They are climbing trees.G. Mr. Jones is.H. Theyre danc

9、ing. 二、选词填空hard, time, listen, from, sing, also, fun, Chinese, star, andToday young people like 1. _ to pop songs and pop music. There are many pop 2. _ and singing groups, like Back Street Boys, Secret Garden, West life 3. _ so on. They are foreign(外国的) singers. There are 4. _ many famous singing g

10、roups and pop singers in 5. _. People like them very much. Many young people want to be pop 6. _. They think it would be a very good life. In fact most pop stars live a 7. _ life. They spend(花费) most of(大多数) 8. _ on tour, they travel 9. _ one city to another and sing for people. Although(尽管) it can

11、be 10. _, it can also be tired out.三、小试身手这是Ann的一张家庭照片。请根据照片上的内容,用英语描述一下当时的情景。参考词组:water flowers(浇花),run up(向上爬),mend the car(修车)参考答案Section A一、1. boring 2.sounds 3. kind 4. interesting 5.about二、1. are 2. playing 3. football 4. dancing 5. on 6. sitting 7. Where 8. What 9. at 10. wants三、15 DBCDASectio

12、n B一、18 DBHFAGCE二、1. listening 2. singers 3. and 4. also 5. China 6. stars 7. hard 8. time 9. from 10. fun三、Anns father is repairing. Anns mother is watering the flowers. Anns brother is cleaning the windows, and Ann is reading. This day, the weather is fine. There is a bird singing on the tree. A cat is climbing up the tree to reach the bird.


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