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1、 精品资料Unit 9水平测试听力部分(共20分) I. 听对话,选择与其相符的图片(5分) A B C D E 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ II. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案(5分)( )6. A. This Saturday.B. Next Saturday.C. Next Sunday.( )7. A. To another country.B. To the mountain.C. To the countryside. ( )8. A. A teacher. B. A doctor.C. An actor.( )9. A. He has a headac

2、he.B. He has a sore back.C. He has a fever. ( )10. A. He has to wash his clothes. B. He has to clean his room.C. He has to make dinner. III. 听短文,选择正确答案(5分)( )11. How old is Cindy?A. 12 years old.B. 13 years old.C. 14 years old.( )12. Why cant Lisa go to the party?A. She has to look after her sister.

3、B. She has to stay at school.C. She has to visit her uncle.( )13. What is Tom going to do first before going to the party?A. Go shopping. B. Do his homework.C. Watch a movie.( )14. What time is Linda going to the party?A. At 6:30 pm. B. At 7:00 pm. C. At 7:30 pm. ( )15. Who got a pen for Cindy?A. Li

4、sa. B. Tom. C. Linda. IV. 听短文,补全信息,完成句子(5分)16. Tom invited Dave to his house _.17. On Monday, Dave has to see _.18. Dave is going to have a math test on _.19. On Friday, Dave is going to _ with his cousin.20. When Dave is free, he is going to _ Tom. 笔试部分(共80分) I. 单项选择(15分)( )21. They are going to wa

5、tch a movie _ Friday night. A. inB. at C. on D. for( )22. I got _ invitation from Mary. She asked me to go to _ concert with her. A. a; aB. an; theC. an; / D. a; the ( )23. What do you usually do on vacations, Cindy? I usually go to _ my grandparents.A. visitB. teachC. babysitD. call ( )24. I havent

6、 any work to do this weekend, so I have more _ time to relax. A. lazy B. busyC. sad D. free ( )25. Thanks for _ me the CD. I like it very much.A. sendB. sentC. sendingD. to send( )26. My father is coming back on Wednesday.Oh, today is Monday, so you can see your father _.A. todayB. the day before to

7、morrow C. tomorrowD. the day after tomorrow( )27. They are trying _ these children to go to school. A. helpB. helpsC. helpedD. to help( )28. I always say Hello to my teachers _ I meet them.A. when B. afterC. beforeD. till ( )29. Why cant he play soccer this afternoon? Because he _ a music lesson.A.

8、takeB. takesC. is takingD. Took( )30. Waiter, this salad goes bad. Could you please give me _ one? A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. the other ( )31. Please _ to my office when you have time. A. get backB. come from C. get upD. come over ( )32. With _ does he live? He lives with his sister in a small ho

9、use.A. whoB. whereC. whom D. what( )33. _? Its Thursday the 24th.A. Whats todayB. When is your birthdayC. What time is it nowD. How long does it take( )34. The man is too old. He _ look after himself and has to depend on his son.A. canB. cantC. must D. mustnt( )35. Jim, would you like to go hiking w

10、ith me next Friday?_. When shall we leave?A. Yes, Id love toB. Sorry, I cantC. Yes, I would D. No, I wouldnt II. 完形填空(10分)Last week I got an e-mail from my best friend. She asked me to go to her birthday party in the 36 . I decided to go to her party, 37 I didnt like parties. There were many people

11、at the party, but I knew 38 of them. I sat in the corner of the room. It was a little 39 . Then my friend saw me and asked me to dance with others. So I 40 them to dance. Some of them began to 41 me. I thought that maybe my dancing was very bad. So I stopped 42 . Then a girl walked to me and said, Y

12、ou dance so well. Can you teach me how to dance? I felt very happy and I began to teach 43 . I really had a 44 time there. From then on, I like to go to 45 . And I like to spend time with others.( )36. A. callB. letter C. e-mailD. invitation ( )37. A. andB. althoughC. soD. Because( )38. A. fewB. man

13、yC. some D. all ( )39. A. scaryB. excitingC. funny D. boring ( )40. A. joinedB. leftC. askedD. Sent( )41. A. look for B. look afterC. look like D. look at( )42. A. singingB. dancingC. talkingD. Thinking( )43. A. youB. himC. herD. them ( )44. A. greatB. hardC. bad D. difficult ( )45. A. parksB. movie

14、sC. concertsD. parties III. 阅读理解(20分) A The Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) is coming. Lets see what my friends are going to do during the three-day holiday. Peter Im going to visit my uncle and aunt with my parents during the three days. They live in the countryside. It is far from our city, Beijing. Wer

15、e going to take the train there. I am going fishing there with my cousin. Eliza Im going to visit my grandparents with my parents on the first day. They live in a small town. It is going to take us one hour to get there by car. On the second day, Im going to have a party with my friends. On the thir

16、d day, I have to do my homework and study for a math test. Gina My cousin is visiting us. He lives in Tianjin. He is coming by bus. On the first day, Im going to play ping-pong with him. On the second day, Im going to take him to Elizas party. On the third day, my cousin is going back and I am going

17、 to do some shopping with my parents. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( )46. Peter is staying in _ during the three- day holiday.A. BeijingB. the countrysideC. TianjinD. a town( )47. How is Eliza going to her grandparents home?A. By car.B. By bike. C. By bus.D. By train. ( )48. Gina is _ on the third day.A. visi

18、ting her cousinB. playing ping-pongC. doing her homeworkD. doing some shopping( )49. Who are going to Elizas party?A. Peter and his cousin.B. Gina and her cousin.C. Peter and Gina. D. Peter, Gina and their cousins.( )50. From the passage, we can know that _.A. Peter doesnt like fishingB. Eliza is go

19、ing to have a testC. Gina likes all kinds of sportsD. all three of them have no homework during the three days B Getting enough sleep is important for everyone. If you dont sleep well at night, you arent going to study well during the day. Good sleep is also important for your health. If you dont ha

20、ve a good sleep, you may get ill. Some people go to sleep easily. Other people cant. A lot of things can help you go to sleep easily and get a good sleep. Doing some exercises during the day can help you go to sleep. Walking, running and bike riding are good exercises. You can also play ball games,

21、like basketball, soccer or tennis. Before you go to bed, you shouldnt drink coffee or eat chocolates. Drinking a cup of warm milk may help you go to sleep. Many people also find that listening to quiet music helps them go to sleep. Please take a warm shower before you go to bed. It can also help you

22、 relax and go to sleep. Follow the advice and have a good sleep every day, so you can wake up (醒来) happily in the morning and maintain good health. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( )51. _ cant help you to go to sleep.A. Taking a walk B. Listening to quiet musicC. Drinking some warm milkD. Eating chocolates( )52

23、. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?A. Fruit.B. Medicine.C. Sports. D. Vegetables.( )53. Why is it good to take a shower before you go to bed according to the passage?A. It can keep you clean.B. It can help you relax and go to sleep.C. It can help you wake up easily. D. It can make

24、you healthy.( )54. What does the underlined word maintain mean in Chinese?A. 恢复B. 保持C. 损失D. 丢掉( )55. The passage is mainly about _.A. how to sleep well B. it is important to sleep wellC. how to stay healthyD. it is important to stay healthy IV. 基础练习(15分) A) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)56. Can you help me _(

25、babysit) my little son?57. Our football team needs lots of _(training) in playing football.58. There is going to be two basketball _ (match) this evening. 59. My new pen pal is an _(America) boy. He lives in New York.60. He is busy _(make) his new movie. B) 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分) 61. 昨天一整天都在下雨。 It ra

26、ined _ _ _ yesterday.62. 他们经常在放学后踢足球玩得很开心。 They often _ _ _ football after school.63. 她妈妈今天上午去看医生了。 Her mother _ _ _ _ this morning.64. 我的老师将会写信给我的父母,告诉他们我的成绩。My teacher is going to _ _ my parents _ _ them about my grades.65. 昨晚我爸爸直到完成了他的工作才去睡觉。 My father _ go to bed _ he finished his work last nigh

27、t. V. 情景交际(10分) 在空白处填入适当的句子,补全对话。 A: Susan, I want to watch the movie Alicein Wonderland. (66)_?B: Yes, Id love to. When shall we go to the movie?A: What about the 10th?B: (67)_?A: Its Saturday.B: (68)_. I have to visit my aunt on Saturday.A: Oh, it doesnt matter. We can go to the movie another day.

28、 (69)_?B: Yes, I am free on Sunday. A: Great! (70)_. B: OK. See you then.A: See you. VI. 书面表达(10分) 假如你是李明,你班的美国交换生玛丽(Mary)邀请你本周末和她一起去打乒乓球。而你周末要为下周一的英语考试做准备,请你写一封信拒绝她的邀请,并邀请她下周日跟你一起去看乒乓球比赛作为补偿。信的开头和结尾已给出。 要求:1. 语言通顺、流畅;2. 70词左右。 Dear Mary,_Yours, Li Ming 附加题(+10分) 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。To my friends, Its a d

29、inner party. Time: Sunday, October 10th, at 6 pmPlace: my housePlease come and have fun!Yours, Susan Dear Susan, Thanks a lot for your invitation. Sorry, I cant go. I am really busy this weekend. My cousin is visiting me. I have to spend most of the time with him during the day. I have to give a spe

30、ech on Monday morning, so I have to prepare (准备) for it in the evening. Hope you have a good time!Yours,Jim Dear Susan, I am happy to get your invitation. I am free on Sunday night. Id love to go to your dinner party. Thanks very much. See you this Sunday evening.Yours, Bob Dear Susan, Thanks for yo

31、ur invitation. I am very busy on Sunday during the day. My mother is going to visit my aunt. I have to look after my little sister at home. But she is coming back before 5 pm, so I can go to your party. See you. Yours, Larry 根据短文内容,判断正误。(T表示正确,F表示错误)( )1. Susan is going to have a birthday party on O

32、ctober 10th.( )2. Jim is going to visit his cousin on Sunday.( )3. Jim cant go to Susans party because he has to prepare for a speech. ( )4. Larry has to babysit his sister during the day on Sunday.( )5. Only Bob can go to Susans party. Unit 9水平测试参考答案 听力部分 I. 1-5 BCAED II. 6-10 BCABB III. 11-15 BABA

33、C IV. 16. next week 17. a dentist 18. Thursday 19. play soccer 20. visit 笔试部分 I. 21-25 CBADC 26-30 DDACB 31-35 DCABA II. 36-40 CBADA41-45 DBCAD III. 46-50 BADBB51-55 DCBBA IV. A) 56. (to) babysit57. training 58. matches59. American 60. making B) 61. the whole day / all the day 62. have fun playing 6

34、3. went to a / the doctor 64. write to; to tell 65. didnt; until / till V. 66. Can you go to the movie with me 67. What day is that day 68. Im sorry, I cant 69. Are you free on Sunday 70. Lets go to the movie on Sunday VI. One possible version:Dear Mary, Thanks for asking me to play ping-pong with y

35、ou. Id love to, but I cant. I am going to have an English test next Monday, so I have to study for it at home at this weekend. Lets do it another time. And there is a ping-pong match next Sunday. Can you come to watch the match with me? I hope you can come. Yours, Li Ming 附加题:1-5 FFTTF听力原文I.1. W: Ca

36、n you go to play basketball with us? M: Yes, Id love to. 2. W: Mary has to study for the test this weekend.M: Oh, well. I will invite her next week. 3. W: What is your sister going to do on Sunday?M: She is going to have a piano lesson.4. W: When is Tom going to play soccer? M: This Saturday. 5. W:

37、Are you swimming tomorrow? M: Yes, I am.II.6. W: Can you come to my birthday party next Saturday, Ted?M: Great! Id love to. Q: When is the womans birthday?7. W: Are you free tomorrow, Dave? M: No, I am going to the countryside to visit my grandparents. Q: Where is Dave going tomorrow?8. W: Please st

38、op talking. The class is beginning.M: OK.Q: What do you think the woman is?9. W: Do you want to play soccer, Bill?M: Yes, I do. But I cant, because I have a sore back.Q: Whats the matter with Bill? 10. W: Can you go out with us, Henry?M: Sorry, I cant. I have to clean my room.Q: Why cant Henry go ou

39、t? III. Cindy is a middle school student. Today is her 13th birthday. She is going to have a party at 7:00 in the evening. She asked Lisa, Tom and Linda to her party. But Lisa cant go because she has to stay at home and look after her sister. Tom has to finish his homework first. He is going to the

40、party at 7:30. He got a book for Cindy. Linda isnt busy in the afternoon. She is going to the party at 6:30. She got a pen for Cindy.IV.Dear Tom, Thanks for your invitation to your house next week. Id love to, but I cant. On Monday, I have to go to see a dentist. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I have to study math, because I am going to have a test on Thursday. Im going to play soccer with my cousin on Friday. On Saturday, I am going to the supermarket with my mother. I am going to visit you when I am free.Yours, Dave


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