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1、 精品资料Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years第1课时 Section A 1a-2d 教学目标一、知识与技能1. Improve the listening and speaking ability.2. Master some important words and phrases.3. 初步了解for +时间段和现在完成时连用。二、过程与方法通过充分利用教学图片和多媒体,创设情景让学生由参与学习的欲望引导他们主动学习。三、情感态度与价值观培养学习英语的兴趣,并养成珍惜物品的习惯。教学重点提高听说能力。教学难点提高听说能力。教法导航小组内合作交

2、流。学法导航同学之间相互合作,积极思考。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual. Step 2 Warm up让学生观察单元标题,猜测单元的主要话题。当学生说出是讨论身边的物品和拥有的时间时,教师可提问:Do you still keep some old things,such as the toys you played with when you were a small child?How long have you had them?What are you going to do with them?Ha

3、ve you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things?然后教师导入庭院售卖主题图。Step 3 1a-1cThe teacher asks the following:A:Do you have a bike?B:Yes,I do.A:How long have you had it?B:For eight years让学生根据例子相互对话。Then let the students read the sentences in 1c 并且明确活动要求。教师播放第一遍录音,让学生回答以下问题:Whats the rela

4、tionship between Amy and Jeff?What things did Amy ask about?Then play the tape for the second time and finish the tasks in 2b.Then let the students read after the tape. 让学生朗读1c对话并让学生根据图画的内容编新对话。 Step 4 2a-2d教师导入情景,介绍Amy家决定要淘汰一些旧物品,然后展示2a中所列物品的图片和名称,复习已学过的物品名称,教学新词汇。学生浏览2a 活动要求,明确听的目的。然后播放录音,让学生选出Amy

5、 想保留和准捐赠的物品。Then let the students check the answers.浏览2b活动要求,预测信息。Then play the tape for the students and fill in the blanks.Then let the students read after the tape and find some important sentences.分角色朗读对话,要求两人一组。针对不同层次的同学布置不同的要求。2d 教师提出问题,让学生带着问题阅读2d对话。Whos Linda?Who is Amy?What does she want to

6、 do?What things has Amy brought?How long has Amy or her mom had them?学生阅读完毕后,要求他们用完整的句子回答问题。Play the tape of 2d, and the students read after the tape.Then the students role-play the conversation.请几组同学表演。Step 5 HomeworkReview the conversation in 2d and try to role play it.课堂作业练习2d对话。教学反思教师在授课时一定要注意指导学生掌握一些听力技巧,并且采用多种方法激励学生兴趣,使他们敢于开口,乐于开口。


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