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1、 精品资料Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came第4课时 3a-Self Check教学目标一、知识与技能1. 复习重点单词和短语。2. 培养写作能力。3. 完成相关练习。二、过程与方法让学生边思考,边练习,既动脑,又动手,实现熟能生巧。三、情感态度与价值观学习复述重大事件,并能从中吸取一些经验和教训。教学重点培养写作能力。教学难点培养写作能力。教法导航任务型教学法。学法导航大量练习。教学准备图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 RevisionA

2、sk some students to write down the important words,phrases and sentences on the blackboard. And then check together.Step 3 Writing3a, Ask:Do you have an event you remember well? Please make notes about it according to the questions in 3a. Then ask some students to report their answers.3b, Now accord

3、ing to your notes please write a short article about the important event in 2a. You can refer to the uncompleted sentences in 3b to help you. Then ask some students to read their articles.Step 4 ExercisesI. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。 A:1_ B:I was flying a kite. A:2_ B:By the river

4、. A lot of children were flying kites there ,too. A:It blew yesterday, didnt it? B:3_ It was good weather for flying a kite. A:4_ B:Zhang Lei and Liu Hua. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did. A:Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?A.Who helped you to mend the kite? B.What w

5、ere you doing yesterday afternoon?C. Who did you fly kites with? D. Yes, but the wind wasnt strong.E. Were you very busy yesterday? F. Where did you fly the kite?G. Yes, we did. We played there for about three hours.B:5_ II. 完形填空。Mr. Jackson began his trip last Saturday. Two days later when he was t

6、raveling in the village _1_,he saw a dog behind a man. When the car came near them,the dog suddenly(突然)started to _2_ across the road. Of course the car hit the animal and it died. Mr. Jackson _3_ his car and walked to the man.“Im very _4_ about that.” he said. “How _5_ should I pay? Will ten dollar

7、s be OK?” “Oh, yes.”said the man. “_6_ dollars will be OK.” Mr. Jackson put his hand into his pocket,but he only _7_ five dollars in the pocket. “_8_,sir,I have only got five dollars,”said Mr. Jackson. “No problem. Thats enough.” the fat man said. “Thanks a lot. Thats very kind of you.” Mr. Jackson

8、thanked the fat man and _9_ away. When the car went away,the fat man looked down at the dog and thought,“ I want to know _10_ dog it is.”1. A. by bus B. by bike C. by train D. by car2. A. do B. have C. run D. play3. A. started B. ran C. stopped D. jumped4. A. sad B. lucky C. sorry D. pleased5. A. mu

9、ch B. long C. many D. about6. A. Five B. Ten C. Fifteen D. Twenty7. A. looked for B. looked at C. watched D. found8. A. OK B. Sorry C. Good D. Excuse9. A. drove B. ran C. walked D. started10. A. what B. whose C. which D. where III. 阅读理解Mozart was born on January 27,1756 and died on December 5,1791.W

10、hen he was three,he often had music lessons with his elder(年长的)sister. His father took him through many different countries,where he played music for lots of people.But some people didnt believe that a little boy could write such beautiful music. They asked him to stay in a room all by himself for a

11、 week and somebody watched the room all the time. In the week,he finished a piece of music. After that,people believed that he could write beautiful music.Mozart died when he was still a young man. During his short life he studied music and taught music and played music and wrote music. Even by work

12、ing so hard, he couldnt make much money. Often he had to borrow money from his friends. But his music made him happy and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people happy,too.1.When he was ,Mozart took music lessons with his elder sister.A.threeB.fiveC.youngD.old2.Some people tha

13、t the little boy could write beautiful music until he finished a new piece a week later.A.believedB.didnt believeC.knewD.know3.Mozart was famous,but he was .A.richB.poorC.happyD.relaxed4.Mozart lived .A.a long timeB.a long lifeC.a short lifeD.a happy time5.His music made happy.A.both him and other p

14、eople B.only himC.other people D.his family参考答案:I. 1. B 2. F 3. D 4. C 5. G II. 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. BIII. 1. A由第一段中的“When he was three,he often had music lessons with his elder sister.当他三岁时,他就跟着他姐姐上音乐课”可知答案为A。2. B 由第二段的第一句“但是,有些人认为这个小男孩写不出如此优美的音乐”可知。3. B rich“富裕的”;poor“贫

15、穷的”;happy“快乐的”;relaxed放松的。由第三段中的“he couldnt make much money他挣不到许多钱”以及“Often he had to borrow money from his friends他经常不得不向他朋友借钱”可知此处应填poor。4. C由第三段的第一句“Mozart died when he was still a young man.”可知答案为C。5. A由第三段的最后一句“但是他的音乐不仅让他开心,而且两百多年以来,他的音乐让别人也感到快乐。”可知答案为A。Step 5 HomeworkComplete “Self Check” after class and check the answers with your partner.课堂作业Write another short article about an event you remember well.教学反思 学生在课下做完形填空和阅读理解的效果不好,一是做题时间不能保证,二是没有很好很安静的做题环境,三是有的学生觉得这两个题型难,不愿意做,做不下去。因此,在课堂上我尽量抽出一定时间帮助学生克服做这两个题型的困难,帮助他们养成认真做题的好习惯。


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