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1、 精品资料Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands【学习目标】1、熟记本节单词,达到灵活运用。2、熟记重点单词的用法,并能组词、造句。【预习合作探究】1、empty adj. 空的,空洞的 full (满的) v. 排空,倒空 fill (装满,填满) Just now he emptied the bottle. 2、basic adj. 基本的,基础的 basic table manners base n. 基础;根据3、exchange n. 交换 An exchange of ideas is helpful. v. 交换 exchange for 用

2、换 exchange sth. with sb. Can I exchange an apple for four oranges?4、go out of ones way 特地;格外努力 go out of ones way to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事 They went out of their way to help her. He went out of his way _(make) me happy.5、make feel at home 使(某人)感到宾至如归 They go out of their way to make me feel at home.6、gran

3、ddaughter n. (外)孙女 grandson (外)孙子 grand + father grandfather 祖父;外祖父 grand + mother grandmother 祖母;外祖母 grand + parents grandparents 祖父母;外祖父母7、behave v. 表现;举止 behave oneself 表现良好 He behaved like a true gentleman. I want you to behave yourselves while Im away.behavior n. 行为;态度 I dont understand that gi

4、rls behavior. 8、except prep. 除之外,其后可接名词、代词、介词短语、副词、从句等。 We work every day except Sunday. conj. 除了;只是 I didnt tell him anything except that I needed the money.Everyone else in my class was invited _ (除了) me, and I dont know why.9、gradually adv. 逐步地,渐进地 His health is gradually improving. gradual adj.

5、逐步的,渐进的 Losing weight is a slow, gradual process.10、suggestion n. 建议 Do you have any suggestions?suggest v. 建议 Can you suggest a good dictionary?suggest to sb. 向某人建议 + n. pron. G【形成性检测】一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I used to hate eating vegetables, but now I (gradual) love eating them.2. Do you want to be an (ch

6、ange) student?3. When we meet for the first time. Gina kissed me on both (side) of my face.4. Tom is (interest) in learning English.5. Would you please give me some (sugest)?6. I live in the (north) part of China.7. To our (surprise) , Tom can get into the room freely without help ather the operrati

7、on.二、单项选择1. All the students are in the music room Lindan, because she is in the teachers office. A. beside B. besides C. except D. by2. - What was it like when you were in Paris? - Most host family is really nice. They to make me feel at home. A. made up their mind B. give compliments C. make a dec

8、ision D. went out of their way3. .11宿迁中考You look quite tired. Youd better _ a good rest. A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having4. 11宜宾中考Computers _ widely in our daily life. A. use B. used C. were used D. are used5. 11郴州中考 _ is dangerous for us to swim in the river alone

9、. A. It B. That C. This6.- When _ you supposed to _ the meeting yesterday? - At nine a.m. A. were;had B. was;had C. were;have D. was;have7. Its impolite _ loudly in public places. A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. speaks8. Satoshi, can you tell me about the table manners in Japan? - Sure. Its to point at anyone with your chopsticks. A. proper B. polite C. impolite D. OK


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