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1、 精品资料Unit 8 It must belong to Carla【学习目标】1、熟记本节单词,达到灵活运用。2、加强听力练习,提升体力水平。【预习合作探究】1. It must belong to Carla.它肯定属于卡拉。(标题)【解析】belong v 属于 = be owned by belong to +人名(不能用所有格) +代词宾格(不能用物主代词) 属于【注】:belong to不能用于进行时态或被动形式,其主语常常是物。 Sth belongs to sb = sth is sbs The yellow car belongs to Mr. Smith = The ye

2、llow car is Mr. Smiths. The sweater belongs to _ .( Tom) The T-shirt belongs to_(she). Tai Wang _(属于) China.( ) The new car is owned by his father. A .belong to B. belongs to C. is like( ) Which club do you belong_? A. to B .for C .in D. at【辨析】belong to someone 和 be someones【相同点】 belong to someone 和

3、 be someones 含义基本相同, 都表示“属于某人,归某人所有”,【不同点】用法上的区别:(1)belong to名词或宾格代词。(2)be someones意思是be + 名词所有格或名词性物主代词 The English book must belong to Tom. The English must be Toms ( English book).2. Whose book is this? 这是谁的排球?(1c)【解析】who whose whom (1)who pron. 谁 是主格,做主语时,谓语动词用单数 Who is on duty? I am. (2)whose a

4、dj. &pron.“谁的”,可以作定语后(跟名词)或主语,【结构】whose+一般疑问句/whose +名词+一般疑问句 用于询问东西的主人, 回答是用名词所有格或名词性物主代词 Whose book is this? =Whose is the book? Its Toms/Its mine.( ) _ CD is this? Its his. A. Who B. Whom C. What D. Whose( ) Look!Whose CD is this? It must be _.He bought it just now. A. Tom B. Toms C .he(3)whom pr

5、on. 谁的 ,是宾格,在句中做介词、动词的宾语 ( ) _ was the telephone invented by? A. Who B. Whom C. What D. Whose3. I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.【解析】attend v 出席;参加 attend a meeting 出席会议【辨析】 join/take part in/attend(1)join指加入某个党派, 团体组织等, 成为其中一员, 意为“ 参军, 入党, 入团 ”。 join the Army/th

6、e Party/the League join sb. in (doing) sth. 和某人一道做某事 Will you join us in the picnic? 你参加我们的野炊吗? join in多指参加小规模的活动如“游戏, 比赛”, 口语中常用。 Join in the basketball game. 参加篮球赛。(2)take part in 指参加群众性活动, 着重说明主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。 Well take part in the sports meeting/club. take an active part in 积极参加(3)attend 正式用语

7、attended a concert _ vt. 指参加会议, 婚礼, 葬礼, 典礼; 去上课, 上学, 听报告等。 句子主语只是去听, 去看, 自己不一定起积极作用。 Did you attend the meeting last Sunday? Some model teachers were invited _ (attend) the meeting. (参加音乐会) last night. It was wonderful.4. So it cant be stolen. 所以它不可能被偷(2d)【解析】cant “不可能”, 是否定推测,语气较有把握。 Whose shoes ar

8、e these? They _ be Mikes . They are much too large for him.A. might B. may C. mustnt D. cant5.I think somebody must have picked it up.我认为一定有人捡到它了(2d)【解析】pick up 接电话pick up接电话Tom, I called you, but you didnt pick up捡起;拾起I pick up a wallet on my way home(开车)接某人I will pick you up at the station学到;获得He was picking up the skills quickly.【2012陕西2】25. The workers in the Huashan Mountains have to _ rubbish to keep the mountains clean. A. turn up B. pick up C. mix up D. give up


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