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1、 精品资料Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to【学习目标】1、熟记本节单词,达到灵活运用。2、熟记重点单词的用法,并能组词、造句。【预习合作探究】1、 sense v. 感觉到;觉察出;意识到 sense +名词、代词、that从句作宾语,还可以+to be + n./adj.sense n. 感觉,意识;感官;知觉 make sense 有意义People have five (sense), sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.2、sad adj.伤心的;难过的sadnessDont give yours

2、elf up to (sad), theres still hope!不要太悲伤,还有希望!-ness是个名词后缀,一些形容词后加ness可变成名词,如:happyhappiness kind-kindness3、pain n. 疼痛;费心,刻苦;令人讨厌的人/事 v.使人痛苦(同ache,hurt)take pains 费力;辛苦 with pain疼痛地 bear pain 忍受痛苦e.g. He has (pain) in the arm. 他手臂痛。 painful adj. 痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的e.g. He had a (pain) experience in the pas

3、t.4、reflect v. 反映,映出;反射;反省reflect on/upon sth./sb. 仔细想;回忆be reflected in sth 反映在某事上5、move v. 搬家;迁移;使感动 move to sp. move in sp move out spmoving adj. 动人的;令人感动的;活动的moved adj.感动的 be moved by被感动movement n. 运动;行动;活动6、perform v. 表演,执行=carry outperformer n. 演员;表演者performance n. 演出7、pity n. 遗憾,怜悯 pities (pl

4、.) out of pity 出于同情 Its a pity that“可惜的是;令人遗憾的是” What a pity! 真可惜啊!pity v. pitied pitied 对表示同情;怜悯 pity sb.8、total n. 总数,合计 in total 总共;合计 adj. 全部的;总数的 the total population 总人口数 v.合计;总数达到 total to/up to 9、praise n. 赞扬,表扬 in praise of 赞扬;歌颂 v. 赞扬;表扬 praise sb for sth/doing sth 为某事表扬某人10、call v./n. 打电话

5、 recall v. 回忆起;回想起11、wound n. 伤口;伤 rub salt into the wound 在伤口上撒盐 v. 伤害;使受伤 be wounded in 受伤wounded adj. 负伤的;受伤的 a wounded man 一个负伤的人前面加the,the wounded 表示一类人“伤者;伤员”【形成性检测】I. 汉译英。1.唱词清楚 2.中国民俗音乐 3.感觉到一种强烈的悲伤与痛苦 4.查阅 5. 总计 6.中国的民族瑰宝 7.传播快乐 8.表现优异 9.扮演英雄人物 10.在他生前 II. 单项选择 1. I prefer watching TV to _

6、music every day. A. listen to B. listen C. listening to D. listening 2. Look at that girl _ name is Lucy. A. who B. whose C. which D. whom 3. My money is not the only thing _ is missing. A. which B. that C. who D. whose 4. I hate people _ talk much but do little. A. who B. that C. which D. Whose5. H

7、e is expecting me_ tomorrow. A. come B. coming C. to come 6._has been found out _ oil food is bad for our health. A. That; that B. It; that. C. It; what 7. He says he will come to see you _ next week A. some time B. some times C. sometime 8. of the workers in this factory over five hundred. A.A number of, is B. The number, is C. The number, are


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