新目标九年级Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 标准检测(含答案).doc

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1、 精品资料Unit 14标准检测一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)A听句子(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每小题听一遍。()1.What does the girl want to be now?A. B. C.()2.Whats the weather like tomorrow?A. B. C.()3.Where does the woman want to go?A. B. C.()4.What kind of bag do they want to use?A. B. C.()

2、5.How does the man travel when he goes on a short journey?A. B. C.B听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 ()6.What did Alan do last weekend?AHe went camping. BHe stayed at home.CHe went for a picnic.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。()7.Whats the girl going to do tomorrow?AHave lu

3、nch with the boy. BHave a meeting.CStay at home.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。()8.Why is Steven so happy?ABecause he will have a trip with Doris.BBecause Doris will hold a party for him.CBecause he will be free.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。()9.Whom did the girl give the gift to?AMr.Smith. BMr.Smiths brother.CHer brother.听第五段对话,回答

4、第10小题。()10.When will the woman get to Tokyo?AOn the morning of 15th.BOn the morning of 14th.COn the evening of 14th.听第六段对话,回答第1112小题。()11.Who will Larry go to Sydney to see?AHis friends. BHis parents.CHis grandparents.()12.How long will the boy be away?AFor a week. BFor about two weeks.CFor three we

5、eks.听第七段对话,回答第1315小题。()13.How long was Marks flight?A10 hours. B5 hours. C8 hours.()14.Did Marks plane stop during the flight?ANo. BYes.CWe dont know.()15.What did Mark buy in the dutyfree store?ANothing. BCoffee. CChocolate.C听短文(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。短文听两遍。()16.The po

6、pulation of Sydney is _.Amore than three millionBless than three million Cmore than four million()17.In Sydney if people say they are going skiing, they often mean_.Asnowskiing Bwaterskiing Cwaterskating()18.The weather in winter in Sydney is_.Acool Bcold Cwarm ()19.The interesting old houses were b

7、uilt_.Ain the 18th century Bin the 17th century Cin the 19th century()20.Peoples opinion about Sydney is _.Aa modern city Ban outdoor cityCan old cityD听填信息(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)你将听到的是一段电话留言,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。短文听两遍。Telephone MessageFrom:Garrett To:21._Which school yearDuring his 22._ middle school year.Th

8、e reasonHed been going to bed 23._ in summer vacation.The factHe found himself lying awake in bed until 24._ in the morning.Email address and telephone numberG and 25._.二、单项填空(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。()26.Do you still remember_ this group of friends in 2013? Yes.But I forgot wh

9、ere I _ them. Aseeing; meet Bto see; metCseeing; met Dseeing; meeting()27.He used to _ problems _ along with his classmates, but he can get on well with them now. Ahave; get Bhas; gets Chave; getting Dhaving; getting()28.With the help of Jims family, his father has already given up _. Asmoking Bsmok

10、e Cto smoke Dsmokes()29.I am looking forward to_ a good job after graduation.Agetting Bget Cgot Dgets()30.Our math teacher _ to our school at the age of 20 and she _ in our school for more than 30 years. Acomes; taught Bcame; taught Ccame; has taught Dhas come; has taught()31.He always does well in

11、all of his subjects and his parents is _ him. Aproud of Bpride ofCproud Dpride()32.He often takes the time _ summer holidays with his grandparents .Ato spend Bspend Cspending Dspent()33.Miss Wang is patient _ me and always encourages me _ hard.Ato; study Bwith; to studyCwith; study Din; studying()34

12、._ long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end.AHowever BNo matter how CNo matter what DWhatever ()35.Hurry up.There is a man outside _ you. Await for Bwaiting for Cwaiting Dwait()36.Nobody can predict what _ in the future.So enjoy every minute in our life.Awill happen Bhappen Chave happ

13、ened Dhappens()37.Anyone who is good at singing can _ the activity in our school.Atake part in Btake off Ctake out Dtake care of()38.I went hiking in Shanxi last year and lived in the hotels at nights_.Acome this way Balong the wayCby the way Dto the way()39.Is the classroom yours?No._ is on the sec

14、ond floor.Awe Bour Cours Dus()40.Teenagers have the abilities to make their own _.Achoose Bchose Cchoice Dchoices()41.How should the students _ their problems?By regarding problem as challenges.Ado with Bdeal with Cto do with Dto deal with()42.I _ what you said, but I dont _ you.Abelieve; believe in

15、 Bbelieve in; believe Cbelieve; believeDbelieve in; believe in()43.When you are in trouble, its better to _.Akeep your cool Bget nervous Ckeep sad Dkeep crying()44.I will _ more effort in my studies this term.Aput up Bput on Cput down Dput in()45. We are _ the coming music party.Aprepare for Bprepar

16、ing for Cprepare to Dpreparing to 三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。KANG KANG is a ninthgrader at No.1 Middle School, Xining.He got back home on March 1 after four days out in the open.He ran away from home _46_ he felt stressed out about the coming senior high school e

17、ntrance examination (中考)The boy is not the only one stressed out over exams.Reporters _47_ a survey at a middle school.It showed that 72 percent of students feel stressed and 67 percent of these students said their stress comes from school grades.People often feel stressed when they have a big _48_,

18、 such as performing in a play, taking a test, or playing in a sports match.Some stress is _49_.It makes you active.If you have an important test, stress can push you to study _50_.But too much stress is unhealthy.It can _51_ make you feel worried and tired.What is the best way to _52_ stress? During

19、 the days when you are preparing for the exams, you can take a walk and chat with your classmates.You can also_53_ each other your worries, it makes you stay _54_.Doctors suggested that, besides sharing thoughts with friends, students could also relax _55_ listening to music, reading a book or just

20、spending some time alone. ()46.A.because Bso Cand Dthough ()47.A.do Bdoes Cdid Dwas doing ()48.A.work Bjob Crest Dsleep()49.A.bad Bsad Cboring D.good ()50.A.hard Bharder Chardest D.well()51.A.hardly Bnever Calmost D.also()52.A.deal with Bcatch up with Cagree with D.com up with()53.A.say Bspeak Ctell

21、 Dtalk ()54.A.unhappy Bupset Cpeaceful Dunhealthy()55.A.by Bwith Cin Dto 四、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读A、B两篇短文,并做每篇短文后面的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AKendall Harvey has an unusual hobby.He used to be a worker in a bike factory and retired (退休) six years ago.Harvey began working on motors and

22、 wheels, building himself a machine that he and his wife used to travel to the mountains. One day, while having a meal at a local restaurant, he met another dad out with his small son, who was disabled (残疾的)He listened as the boy expressed a wish for a bike, like his friends.Harvey went home and sta

23、rted working, and soon he made a motorized (机动的) bike. Since then, Harvey has made the dreams of 140 other children come true.Thanks to a donation from Walmart, Harveys garage is filled with bicycles of all sizes, just waiting for him to rebuild them for a child.Through friends and relatives he hear

24、s about kids who cant see or use their arms and legs because of injury (伤口,受伤 ) or birth defect (出生缺陷). Harvey meets the kids, talks to them about the kind of bike theyd like, then takes their sizes.He picks out a suitable bike, and adds extra wheels, a sidecar for dolls, or a small radio.Within a f

25、ew weeks, he has made a childs dream come true. They are independent (独立的) because they have a bike.Children of all ages use Harveys bikes.Several are in their twenties or even thirties physically, but mentally (心理上) they are five, six or seven.The price Harvey asks for all this is the pictures with

26、 them when they receive their machines, the hugs and kisses they give him, and the joy he sees on their faces as they operate the bike all by themselves.For him, that is enough. ()56.Harveys hobby is unusual because_.Ahe retired six years ago Bhe made a special machine for him and his wife to travel

27、 to the mountainsChe made bikes for the disabled for free Dhe is a s strange person()57.Harvey met the father and his disabled son while _.Ahe was working on a bike Bhe was having a meal at home Chaving a meal at a restaurant Dhe was taking a walk on the street()58.He has made many kids dreams come

28、true.The number is about _.A40 B100 C60 D140()59.What cant he get for building these loved bikes for the disabled?AA lot of money.BKisses from the children.CHugs from them.DPictures with them and the joy on their faces.()60. The story mainly talks about _.AHarveys unusual hobby Bthe poor children Ct

29、he lucky children Dspecial bikes BIt seems more and more Americans want schools to teach foreign languages to children younger than five years old.The most popular way to teach these young children another language is called immersion (沉浸式语言教学法). Children in immersion programs hear only the new lang

30、uage in the classroom.The children play games, sing songs and talk to one another in the new languages, some experts (专家) say immersion programs are the most effective (有效的) way for young children to learn a language.But there can be a problem when children in the United States begin to learn anothe

31、r language at such an early age.Not many elementary schools continue to teach a foreign language.Only seven of the fifty states require (要求) schools to teach a foreign language to students between the ages of six and twelve.Language experts say it is easier for younger children to learn a language.S

32、till, American schools generally do not begin to teach foreign languages until secondary schools.By then, students are about thirteen years old. American schools face difficult choices about the cost of educational programs.The government has increased support for foreign language study in its educa

33、tion law called No Child Left Behind. At the college, the Modern Language Association says more students than ever are studying foreign languages and more languages are being studied now than in the past.Spanish is the most widely (广泛地) taught in American colleges and universities.French, German, Ch

34、inese and Italian are also popular. ()61.The most popular way to teach the American children another language is called _. Atask Bspeaking Cimmersion Dlistening ()62.Where is Spanish the most widely taught? AIn American colleges and universities. BIn American secondary schools. CIn American high sch

35、ools. DIn American elementary schools. ()63.Students in immersion programs can do the following things except _. Atalking to one another in the new language Bhearing their native language Cplaying games in the new language Dhearing the new language ()64.Which of the following is TRUE according to th

36、e passage? AThe government doesnt support this program. BAll schools will take part in the immersion program. CIts the best for children to learn a foreign language at an early age. DNot many elementary schools continue to teach a foreign language. ()65.What is the passage mainly about? AForeign lan

37、guage teaching in America. BForeign language teaching ways in America. CForeign language teaching in American universities. DForeign language teaching in America high schools. C配对阅读左栏是5名中学生在学习或生活中遇到的难题,右栏是7个解决问题的建议。请为每一个学生选择最佳的解决办法。()66.Sometimes I get angry easily and shout at my friends.That makes

38、 them think Im not being friendly to them.()67.In my teachers eyes, I am a good student.Both my classmates and my parents also think so.No one knows what my problem is.I often feel worried about my school work.()68.My parents never allow me to play computer games at all.They want me to study all day

39、 and do well in my exams. I feel unhappy.()69.I want to join in some afterschool activities, but my parents think they are too dangerous and dont allow me to go out alone.()70.My mother gets me to take piano lessons.She makes it a rule that I must practice two hours a day.I really try my best, but I

40、 just cant play well.A.Let your parents know you will not be alone.Also, you can ask a teacher to talk to your parents about the afterschool activities.BDont worry.You can still have some indoor sports.They are also fun.CDont worry, even great piano players have to practice.Hard work and a lot of pr

41、actice are the only ways to become a good piano player.DWhen you feel angry you should stop talking and count to ten or walk away until you keep quiet.ETell your friends how you are feeling.You are in a new class, so you still need their friendship.Also, you can make new friends.FDont worry.Everybod

42、y worries about their school work, even those students like you who study well.Find a hobby or a sport to help you relax for a while.GTell your parents that many kids play computer games and do well at school, too.Ask them to let you play computer games for a short time on weekends.五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每

43、小题1.5分,共15分)请用适当的词完成这篇短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。In a primary school, a teacher asked her students what they wished to become when they grew up.There were several 71._a doctor, a teacher, a filmstar and so on.One of the students gave a 72._ answer.This child said, “I want to be a television!” The teac

44、her asked the child 73._ he had such a wish.He said, with his eyes full 74._ tears, “There is no one at home to watch me or care for me.Everyone sits around the television. If there is 75._ wrong with the TV, they give great attention to it and fix it at once.”The loving teacher met the childs mother and 76._ about this with her.The mother said, “My husband is a very busy businessman.He 77._ has time to look aft


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